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Charger diagram for lithium Li Ion. Protection of lithium-ion batteries (Li-Ion protection controller)

A lot of ten pieces was bought for alteration of some kind of devices on Li-Ion batteries ( now they use 3AA batteries), but in the review I will show another option to apply this board, which, although it does not use all its capabilities. It's just that only six of these ten pieces will only be needed, and buying a piece of 6 with protection and a pair without protection is less profitable.

Based on the TP4056 charge board with protection for Li-Ion batteries with current to 1a is designed for full charge and battery protection ( for example, popular 18650) With the possibility of connecting the load. Those. This fee can easily be built into various devices, such as lanterns, lamps, radio receivers, etc., with power from a built-in lithium battery, and charge it without removing any USB charging from the device through the microUSB connector. This board is perfect for repairing burnt li-ion batteries.

And so, a bunch of boards, each in an individual sachet ( here already certainly less than bought)

Looks like a scarker like this:

You can consider closer items

On the left microUSB power input, the power is also duplicated by platforms + and - under the soldering.

In the center of the charge controller, TPower TP4056, over it a pair of LEDs displaying either the charge process (red) or the end of charge (blue), under it resistor R3, changing the denomination of which you can change the battery charge current. TP4056 charges the accumulators according to the CC / CV algorithm and automatically completes the charging process if the charge current decreases to 1/10 from the installed.

Nameplate of resistance and charging currents, according to the controller specification.

  • R (com) - I (MA)

  • 1.2 - 1000

  • 1.33 - 900

  • 1.5 - 780

  • 1.66 - 690

  • 2 - 580

  • 3 - 400

  • 4 - 300

  • 5 - 250

  • 10 - 130

the right is worth the battery protection chip (DW01A), with the required strapping ( electronic key FS8205A 25m with current to 4a), and on the right edge there are areas B + and B- ( be careful, payment is possible not protected from cakes) To connect the battery and OUT + OUT- to connect the load.

From the reverse side of the board there is nothing, so it can be, for example, glue.

And now an option to apply charge and protect the Li-Ion batteries.

Nowadays, Li-Ion batteries with voltage of 3.7V, i.e., are used in almost all amateur format video cameras. 1s. Here is one of the additionally purchased batteries for my camcorder.

I have several of them, production ( or labeling) DSTE model VW-VBK360 with a capacity of 4500mach ( not counting the original, at 1790mach)

Why do I need so much? Yes, of course, my camera is charged from BP with 5V 2A ratings, and buying a separate USB plug and a suitable connector, I can now charge it and from plundays ( and this is one of the reasons why I need, and not only me, they are so much), But just to shoot on the camera, to which the wire also stretches - uncomfortable. So you need to somehow charge the batteries outside the camera.

I already showed this charge

Yes, yes, it is she, with a rotating fork of the American standard

That's how it is easily divided

And so, the charge charge and protection of lithium batteries is implanted in her

And of course, I brought a pair of LEDs, red - the charge process, green - the end of the battery charge

The second board was installed in the same way, in charge from the Sony camcorder. Yes, of course, the new models of the Sony video cameras are charged from USB, they even have a non-disconnecting USB tail ( stupid in my opinion solution). But again, in the field, to shoot on the camera, to which the cable from the panibank is stretched less convenient than without it. Yes, and the cable should be long enough, and the longer the cable, the greater its resistance and the more loss on it, and to reduce the cable resistance increasing the thickness of the core, the cable becomes thicker and less flexible, which does not add convenience.

So, from such charges and protecting Li-Ion batteries, you can easily make a simple battery charger with your own hands, to remake the charger to power from USB, for example, to charge batteries from worrying, make repair charger if necessary.

All written in this review can be seen in the video version:

All radio amateurs are great familiar charge fees for one bank Li-Ion batteries. It enjoys in great demand because of the lowest price and good output parameters.

It is used to charge previously specified batteries from 5 volt voltage. Similar scarves are widely used in homemade structures with an autonomous power supply in the face of lithium-ion batteries.

We produce these controllers in two versions - with protection and without. Those with protection cost a bit expensive.

Protection performs several functions

1) turns off the battery with a deep discharge, reloading, overload and k.z.

Today we will see this scarf very detail and will understand whether the parameters promised by the manufacturer are real, as well as arrange other tests, drove.
Placed parameters are given below.

And this is a scheme, top with protection, bottom - without

Under the microscope is noticeable that the fee is very good quality. Double-sided glasskeepitolit, no "copolls", is present, all the inputs and outputs are marked, to confuse the connection is not real, if you are attentive.

The microcircuit can provide a maximum charge current in the area of \u200b\u200b1 amp, this current can be changed by the selection of the RX resistor (highlighted in red).

And this is the output current nameplate depending on the resistance of the previously specified resistor.

The microcircuit sets the final charging voltage (about 4.2 volt) and limits the charge current. On the board there are two LEDs, red and blue (colors can be different) The first is lit in the process of charge, the second when the battery is fully charged.

Available Micro USB. Connector where 5 volt voltage is supplied.

The first test.
Check the output voltage to which the battery will be charged, it must be from 4.1 to 4.2.

That's right, there are no complaints.

Second test
Check output currents, the default current is set to the default current, and this is about 1a.
We load the output of the board until the protection works, it imitating great consumption at the inlet or discharged battery.

The maximum current is close to the declared, go on.

Test 3.
Connected to the battery location laboratory block The power on which the voltage in the 4th volt area is predened. We reduce the voltage until the protection turns off the battery, the multimeter displays the output voltage.

As you can see, at 2.4-2.5 volts, the outlet voltage was lost, that is, its protection works. But this voltage is below critical, I think 2.8 volts would be the most, in general I do not advise to discharge the battery to such an extent that protection worked.

Test 4.
Checking the operation of protection.
For these purposes, electronic load was used, smoothly increase the current.

Protection works on currents about 3.5 amps (clearly seen in the video)

From the flaws, I note only that the microcircuit is harmlessly heats up and does not save even the heatwise fee, by the way - the microcircuit itself has a substrate for effective heat transfer and this substrate is soldered to the board, the latter plays the role of heat sink.

I think I think there is nothing to add, everyone perfectly seen, the fee is an excellent budget option when it comes to the charge controller for one bank Li-ion battery of a small capacity.
I think this is one of the most successful developments of Chinese engineers, which is available to all due to an insignificant price.
Happily stay!

Assessment of the characteristics of a particular charger is difficult without an understanding of how the exemplary charge Li-ion battery should actually flow. Therefore, before proceeding directly to the schemes, let's remember the theory a little.

What are lithium batteries

Depending on which material is made of a positive lithium battery electrode, there are several varieties:

  • with cobeda of cobaltat lithium;
  • with cathode based on lithium iron phosphate;
  • based on nickel-cobalt aluminum;
  • based on nickel-cobalt-manganese.

All these batteries have their own characteristics, but since for a wide consumer, these nuances have no fundamental importance, in this article they will not be considered.

All Li-Ion batteries are also produced in various sizes and form factors. They can be both in a housing design (for example, 18650 popular today) and in laminated or prismatic design (gel polymer batteries). The latter are hermetically sealed packages made of special films in which electrodes and electrode mass are located.

The most common sizes of Li-Ion batteries are shown in the table below (they all have rated voltage 3.7 Volta):

Designation Size Similar sizes
Where XX - indication of the diameter in mm,
Yy - value of length in mm,
0 - reflects the execution in the form of a cylinder
10180 2/5 AAA
10220 1/2 AAA (Ø corresponds to AAA, but half of the length)
10430 AAA
10440 AAA
14250 1/2 AA.
14270 Ø AA, length CR2
14430 Ø 14 mm (like AA), but length is less
14500 AA
15266, 15270 CR2.
16340 CR123.
17500 150s / 300s.
17670 2xCr123 (or 168S / 600S)
18500 2xcr123 (or 150a / 300p)
18650 2xcr123 (or 168a / 600p)
26500 FROM
33600 D.

Internal electrochemical processes proceed equally and do not depend on the form factor and the execution of the AKB, so everything that has been said is equally applied to all lithium batteries.

How to charge lithium-ion batteries

Most right way The charge of lithium batteries is charged in two stages. This method uses Sony in all its chargers. Despite the more complex charge controller, it provides more complete charge Li-Ion batteries without reducing their service life.

Here we are talking about a two-step charge profile of lithium batteries, shortcutly referred to as CC / CV (Constant Current, Constant Voltage). There are still options with hypertices and speed currents, but in this article they are not considered. Read more about charging pulse current you can read.

So, consider both stages of charge.

1. At the first stage A constant charge current must be provided. The value of the current is 0.2-0.5c. For an accelerated charge, an increase in current is allowed to 0.5-1.0 ° C (where C is the battery capacity).

For example, for a battery with a capacity of 3000 m / h, the rated charge current at the first stage is 600-1500 mA, and the current charge current may lie within 1.5-3A.

To ensure permanent charging current of a given value, the charger diagram (memory) should be able to raise the voltage on the battery terminals. In fact, at the first stage, it works as a classic current stabilizer.

Important: If you plan batteries with an integrated protection board (PCB), then when designing a memory circuit, you must make sure that the idling stroke voltage will never be able to exceed 6-7 volts. Otherwise, the protection board may fail.

At a time when the voltage on the battery rises to the value of 4.2 volts, the battery drops approximately 70-80% of its capacitance (the specific value of the capacity will depend on the charge current: with an accelerated charge it will be slightly smaller, at a nominal one - a little more). This moment is the end of the first stage of the charge and serves as a signal to move to the second (and last) stage.

2. The second stage of charge - This is a battery charge by constant voltage, but gradually decreased (falling) current.

At this stage, the voltage 4.15-4.25 voltage maintains on the battery and controls the current value.

As the tank set, the charging current will decrease. As soon as its value decreases to 0.05-0.01С, the charge process is considered to be completed.

An important nuance of the proper charger is its full shutdown From the battery after the end of charging. This is due to the fact that for lithium batteries is extremely undesirable to their long-term detection under increased voltage, which usually provides memory (i.e. 4.18-4.24 volts). This leads to accelerated degradation of the chemical composition of the battery and, as a result, reducing its capacity. Under long finding is meant tens of hours or more.

During the second stage of charge, the battery has time to score more than about 0.1-0.15 of its capacitance. The overall charge of the battery thus reaches 90-95%, which is an excellent indicator.

We looked at the two main stages of charge. However, the coverage of the charge of lithium batteries would be incomplete if another charge stage was not mentioned - so-called. Prepare.

Preliminary Charge Stage (Prepare) - This stage is used only for deeply discharged batteries (below 2.5 V) to output them to normal operational mode.

At this stage, the charge is provided with a constant current of the reduced value until the voltage on the battery reaches 2.8 V.

The preliminary stage is necessary to prevent intimidation and depressurization (or even an explosion with fire) damaged batteries having, for example, internal short circuit between the electrodes. If through such a battery immediately skip a high charge current, it will inevitably lead to healing it, and then how lucky.

Another benefit of the prerequisite is pre-warming the battery, which is relevant when charging at low ambient temperatures (in the unheated room during the cold season).

Intelligent charging should be able to control the voltage on the battery during the preliminary charge stage and, in case the voltage for a long time Does not rise, make an output of the battery malfunction.

All stages of charge lithium-ion battery (including the prerequisite stage) are schematically depicted on this schedule:

Excess nominal charging voltage 0.15V can reduce battery life twice. A decrease in the charge voltage by 0.1 volts reduces the capacity of the charged battery by about 10%, but significantly extends its service life. The voltage of the fully charged battery after removing it from the charger is 4.1-4.15 volts.

Summarize the above, we denote the basic theses:

1. What is the current to charge the Li-Ion battery (for example, 18650 or any other)?

The current will depend on how quickly you would like to charge it and can lie in the range from 0.2c to 1C.

For example, for a battery size of 18650 with a capacity of 3400 mA / h, the minimum charge current is 680 mA, and the maximum - 3400 mA.

2. How much time needs to be charged, for example, the same accumulatory batteries 18650?

The charge time directly depends on the charge current and is calculated by the formula:

T \u003d C / I ZA.

For example, the charge time of our accumulator with a capacity of 3400 mA / h current in 1a will be about 3.5 hours.

3. How to charge a lithium-polymer battery correctly?

Any lithium batteries Charged equally. It does not matter, lithium-polymer he or lithium-ion. For us, consumers, there is no difference.

What is the protection board?

Protection board (or PCB - POWER CONTROL Board) is designed to protect against short circuit, reloading and redevelopment of lithium battery. As a rule, overheating protection is also built into the protection modules.

In order to comply with safety, the use of lithium batteries in household appliances is prohibited if the protection fee is not built into them. Therefore, in all batteries from cell phones there is always a PCB fee. Output terminals of the battery are placed right on the board:

These boards use a six-legged charge controller on a specialized microme (JW01, JW11, K091, G2J, G3J, S8210, S8261, NE57600, etc. Analogs). The task of this controller is to disconnect the battery from the load when the battery is fully discharged and shutting down the battery from charging upon reaching 4.25V.

Here, for example, a BP-6M battery protection circuit, which supplied old Nokiev phone phones:

If we talk about 18650, they can be released as a protection fee so without it. The protection module is located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe minus battery terminal.

The board increases the battery length by 2-3 mm.

Batteries without a PCB module are usually included in batteries completed with their own protection schemes.

Any battery with protection is easily turning into a battery without protection, just just jump it.

To date, the maximum capacity of the accumulator 18650 is 3400 mA / h. Batteries with protection necessarily have a corresponding designation on the housing ("Protected").

Do not confuse PCB fee with PCM module (PCM - Power Charge Module). If the first serve only the targets for protecting the battery, then the second are designed to control the charge process - limit the charge current at a given level, control the temperature and, in general, ensure the entire process. The PCM board is what we call the charge controller.

I hope now there are no questions left, how to charge a 18650 battery or any other lithium? Then we turn to a small selection of ready-made schematic solutions of chargers (those most charge controllers).

Battery Li-Ion Charge Schemes

All schemes are suitable for charging any lithium battery, it remains only to determine the charging current and an element base.


Scheme of a simple charger based on the LM317 chip with charge indicator:

The simplest scheme, the entire setting is reduced to the installation of the output voltage of 4.2 volts using the R8 stroke resistor (without a connected battery!) And the charge current installation by selecting resistors R4, R6. The power of the resistor R1 is at least 1 watt.

As soon as the LED goes out, the charge process can be finished (the charging current to zero will never decrease). It is not recommended to keep the battery in this charging for a long time after it is fully charged.

The LM317 microcircuit is widely used in various voltage and current stabilizers (depending on the inclusion circuit). Sold on every corner and stands at all a penny (you can take 10 pcs. Total for only 55 rubles).

LM317 happens in different buildings:

Purpose of conclusions (Cocolevka):

Analogues of the LM317 chip are: GL317, SG31, SG317, UC317T, ECG1900, LM31MDT, SP900, KR142EN12, KR1157EN1 (last two - domestic production).

Charging current can be increased to 3A if instead of LM317 take LM350. She, however, will be more expensive - 11 rubles / pcs.

The printed circuit board and the collection scheme are shown below:

The old Soviet transistor Kt361 can be replaced by a similar p-N-P transistor (for example, CT3107, CT3108 or Bourgeois 2N5086, 2SA733, BC308A). It can be removed at all if the charge indicator is not needed.

Lack of scheme: supply voltage must be within 8-12V. This is due to the fact that for normal operation of the LM317 chip, the difference between the battery voltage and the supply voltage should be at least 4.25 volts. Thus, the USB port will not be powered.

MAX1555 or MAX1551

MAX1551 / MAX1555 - specialized chargers for Li + batteries that can work from USB or from a separate power adapter (for example, a charger from the phone).

The only difference between these chips - max1555 gives a signal for the charge indicator, and MAX1551 is the signal that power is enabled. Those. 1555 In most cases, it is still preferable, so 1551 is already difficult to find on sale.

A detailed description of these chips from the manufacturer.

The maximum input voltage from the DC adapter is 7 V, when powered by USB - 6 V. When a supply voltage is reduced to 3.52 V, the chip is disconnected and the charge stops.

The microcircuit itself detects at what input is the supply voltage and connects to it. If the power goes according to the USB bus, the maximum charge current is limited to 100 mA - it allows you to push the charger to the USB port of any computer without fear of burning the southern bridge.

When powered from a separate power supply, the typical value of the charging current is 280 mA.

In the microcircuits are built-in overheating protection. But even in this case, the scheme continues to operate, reducing the charge current by 17 mA per degree above 110 ° C.

There is a pre-charge function (see above): until the voltage on the battery is below 3V, the chip limits the charge current at 40 mA.

The microcircuit has 5 conclusions. Here is a typical inclusion scheme:

If there is a guarantee that at the output of your adapter, the voltage must not be able to exceed 7 volts, then you can do without a 7805 stabilizer.

USB charging option can be collected, for example, on such.

The chip does not need external diodes, nor in external transistors. In general, of course, gorgeous microhi! Only they are small too, to solder uncomfortable. And still cost ().


The LP2951 stabilizer is made by National Semiconductors (). It provides the implementation of the built-in current limit function and allows you to form a stable level of charge voltage level of a lithium-ion battery at the output scheme.

The value of the charge voltage is 4.08 - 4.26 volts and is set to the R3 resistor when the battery is disconnected. Voltage is very accurate.

The charge current is 150 - 300mA, this value is limited by the internal circuits of the LP2951 chip (depends on the manufacturer).

Diode apply with low reverse current. For example, it can be any of the 1N400X series, which will be able to purchase. The diode is used as blocking, to prevent the return current from the battery in the LP2951 chip when the input voltage is disconnected.

This charging gives a rather low charging current, so that any battery 18650 can charge all night.

The chip can be bought both in the DIP-housing and in the SOIC housing (cost of about 10 rubles for the face).


The chip allows you to create the right chargers, besides it is cheaper than the promoted MAX1555.

Typical inclusion scheme taken from:

An important advantage of the scheme is the absence of low-level powerful resistors that limit the charge current. Here the current is set by the resistor connected to the 5th conclusion of the chip. Its resistance must lie in the range of 2-10 com.

Charging assembly looks like this:

The microcircuit in the process of work is well heated so much, but it does not seem to her. Performs your function.

Here is another option pCB With SMD LED and micro USB connector:

LTC4054 (STC4054)

Highly simple schemeAn excellent option! Allows you to charge up to 800 mA (see). True, it has a property very much, but in this case the built-in overheating protection reduces the current.

You can easily simplify the scheme by throwing out one or even both LEDs with a transistor. Then she will look like this (you see, it's easier to nowhere: a pair of resistors and one Conder):

One of the printed circuit board options is available by software. The board is calculated under the elements of the size of 0805.

I \u003d 1000 / R. Immediately a large current is not worth it, first look at how much the microcircuit will be warm. I took the resistor for my goals at 2.7 com, while the charge current turned out about 360 mA.

The radiator to this chip is unlikely to be able to adapt, and not the fact that it will be effective due to the high thermal resistance of the transition of the crystal-housing. The manufacturer recommends making the heat sink "through the conclusions" - to make as thick paths as possible and leave the foil under the chip body. And in general, the more "earth" foil will be left, the better.

By the way, most of the heat is given through the 3rd leg, so you can make this track very wide and thick (pour it with an overpressure of solder).

The LTC4054 chip body may have LTH7 or Ltady marking.

LTH7 from Ltady is distinguished by the fact that the first can raise a strongly sitting battery (on which the voltage is less than 2.9 volts), and the second - no (you need to split separately).

The chip came out very successful, so it has a bunch of analogues: STC4054, MCP73831, TB4054, QX4054, TP4054, SGM4054, ACE4054, LP4054, U4054, BL4054, WPM4054, IT4504, Y1880, PT6102, PT6181, VS6102, HX6001, LC6000, LN5060, CX9058, EC49016, CYT5026, Q7051. Before using any of the analogues, check on datasheets.


The microcircuit is made in the SOP-8 case (see), has a metal heat generator on a belly, which allows you to more effectively remove heat. Allows you to charge the battery to 1a (depends on the current resistor).

The connection scheme requires the minimum of attachments:

The scheme implements the classic charge process - first the charge of a constant current, then a constant voltage and a falling current. Everything is scientifically. If you disassemble charging in steps, you can select several stages:

  1. Control of the voltage of the connected battery (this happens constantly).
  2. Prerequisite phase (if the battery is discharged below 2.9 V). 1/10 charge from the R PROG programmed by the resistor (100ma at R Prog \u003d 1.2 com) to 2.9 V.
  3. Charging with the maximum current of a constant value (1000mA at R Prog \u003d 1.2 com);
  4. When it is reached on the battery 4.2 V, the battery voltage is fixed at this level. The smooth decrease in the charging current begins.
  5. When the current 1/10 is reached from the R PROG programmed by the resistor (100ma at R Prog \u003d 1.2kom), the charger is turned off.
  6. After the charging is completed, the controller continues to monitor the battery voltage (see clause 1). Current consumed by a monitoring scheme 2-3 μA. After the voltage drop to 4.0V, the charging is turned on again. And so in a circle.

Charge current (in amperes) is calculated by the formula I \u003d 1200 / R Prog. The maximum permissible is 1000 mA.

The real charge charge with a battery 18650 by 3400 mA / h is shown in the graph:

The advantage of the chip is that the charge current is given by only one resistor. Most powerful low-level resistors are required. Plus there is an indicator of the charge process, as well as an indication of the end of charging. With an unscheduled battery, the indicator blinks with a frequency once a few seconds.

The supply voltage of the diagram must lie within 4.5 ... 8 volts. The closer to 4.5V, the better (so the chip is heated less).

The first foot is used to connect the temperature sensor built into lithium-ion battery (Usually this average battery output cell phone). If the voltage output is below 45% or above 80% of the supply voltage, the charging is suspended. If you do not need control control, just put this leg to the ground.

Attention! This scheme has one significant disadvantage: the lack of a battery reversal protection scheme. In this case, the controller is guaranteed to focus due to exceeding the maximum current. At the same time, the supply voltage of the circuit directly falls on the battery, which is very dangerous.

Printing is simple, it is done per hour on the knee. If the time is tolerate, you can order ready-made modules. Some manufacturers of ready-made modules add protection against overload and overloading (, for example, you can choose which fee you need - with or without protection, and with what connector).

You can also find ready-made boards with an derived contact for the temperature sensor. Or even a charging module with several TP4056 chicircles for increasing the charging current and with a stir protection (example).


Also a very simple scheme. The charge current is set by the R PROG resistor (for example, if you put a resistor by 3 kΩ, the current will be 500 mA).

Chips usually have labeling on the housing: ltrg (they can often be found in old phones from Samsung).

The transistor is suitable at all any P-N-PThe main thing is that it is designed for a given charging current.

The charge indicator on the specified scheme is not, but in LTC1734 it is said that the output "4" (PROG) has two functions - the current installation and control of the battery charge. The example shows a scheme with charge end control using the LT1716 comparator.

The LT1716 comparator in this case can be replaced by cheap LM358.

TL431 + transistor

Probably it is difficult to come up with a scheme from more affordable components. It is the most difficult thing here is to find the TL431 reference voltage source. But they are so common that they are found almost everywhere (rarely, as a source of nutrition costs without this chip).

Well, the TIP41 transistor can be replaced with any other with a suitable collector current. Even old Soviet CT819, CT805 (or less powerful KT815, KT817) are suitable.

The scheme setting is reduced to the output voltage setting (without battery !!!) using a stroke resistor at 4.2 volts. Resistor R1 Specifies maximum value Charging current.

This scheme fully implements a two-step process of charge lithium batteries - first charging a direct current, then the transition to the voltage stabilization phase and the smooth decrease in the current almost to zero. The only drawback is the poor repeatability of the circuit (the caprication in the setting and demanding to the components used).


There is one more undeservedly deprived of the microcircuit from Microchip - MCP73812 (see). At its base, it turns out a very budget version of charging (and inexpensive!). All body kit is just one resistor!

By the way, the chip is performed in a package convenient for soldering - SOT23-5.

The only minus is greatly heated and there is no charge indication. She is still somehow working very well if you have a low-power supply source (which gives stress drawdown).

In general, if the charge indication is not important for you, and the current of 500 mA suits you, then the MSR73812 is a very good option.


A fully integrated solution is proposed - NCP1835B, providing high stability of the charging voltage (4.2 ± 0.05 V).

Perhaps the only disadvantage of this chip is its too miniature size (DFN-10 case, size 3x3 mm). Not everyone can provide high-quality soldering of such miniature elements.

From indisputable benefits I would like to note the following:

  1. The minimum number of body parts.
  2. The possibility of charging a fully discharged battery (overhead of the current of 30mA);
  3. Determining the end of charging.
  4. Programmable charging current - up to 1000 mA.
  5. Indication of charge and errors (able to detect unloadable batteries and signal it).
  6. Protection against a long charge (changing the capacitor capacitor with T, you can set the maximum charge time from 6.6 to 784 minutes).

The cost of the chip is not so kopeck, but not so big (~ $ 1) to abandon its use. If you are friends with a soldering iron, I would recommend to stop your choice on this option.

More detailed description located in .

Is it possible to charge a lithium-ion battery without a controller?

Yes, you can. However, this will require tight control of the charging current and voltage.

In general, to charge the battery, for example, our 18650 will not work at all without a charger. All the same, it is necessary to somehow limit the maximum charge current, so at least the most primitive memory, but still it will be necessary.

The simplest charger for any lithium battery is a resistor enabled sequentially with the battery:

The resistance and power of the scattering of the resistor depend on the power supply voltage to be used for charging.

Let's calculate the resistor for the power supply of 5 volts. We will charge the 18650 battery, with a capacity of 2400 mA / h.

So at the very beginning of charging drop voltage on the resistor will be:

U r \u003d 5 - 2.8 \u003d 2.2 volts

Suppose our 5-volt power supply is calculated for maximum current 1A. The biggest current scheme will consume at the very beginning of the charge, when the voltage on the battery is minimal and is 2.7-2.8 volts.

ATTENTION: These calculations are not taken into account the likelihood that the battery can be very deeply discharged and the voltage on it can be much lower, right up to zero.

Thus, the resistance of the resistor necessary to limit the current at the very beginning of the charge at the level of 1 amp should be:

R \u003d u / i \u003d 2.2 / 1 \u003d 2.2 ohms

Resistor dispersion capacity:

P r \u003d i 2 r \u003d 1 * 1 * 2.2 \u003d 2.2 W

At the very end of the battery charge, when the voltage on it approaches 4.2 V, the charge current will be:

I \u003d (U IP - 4.2) / R \u003d (5 - 4.2) / 2.2 \u003d 0.3 A

Those., As we see, all values \u200b\u200bdo not go beyond permissible for this battery: the initial current does not exceed the maximum allowable charge current for a given battery (2.4 a), and the final current exceeds the current at which the battery is already stopped recruiting the container ( 0.24 a).

The most important drawback of such charging is to constantly monitor the voltage on the battery. And manually disable the charge as soon as the voltage reaches 4.2 volts. The fact is that lithium batteries are very poorly carrying even short-term overvoltage - the electrode masses begin to degrade rapidly, which inevitably leads to loss of tank. At the same time, all prerequisites for overheating and depressurization are created.

If the protection fee is built into your battery, about which it was slightly higher, then everything is simplified. Upon reaching a certain battery voltage, the board itself turns it off from the charger. However, this method of charging has the essential minuses that we told in.

Protection embedded in the battery will not allow it to recharge under any circumstances. All you have to do is to control the charge current so that it does not exceed the permissible values \u200b\u200bfor this battery (the protection fees do not know how to limit the charge current, unfortunately).

Charging with the Laboratory Power Supply

If your disposal has a power supply with protection (restriction) by current, then you are saved! Such a power source is already a full-fledged charger that implements the correct charge profile, which we wrote above (CC / CV).

All you need to be done to charge Li-Ion is to set 4.2 volts on the power supply and set the desired current limit. And you can connect the battery.

At first, when the battery is still discharged, the laboratory power supply will operate in current protection mode (i.e. will stabilize the output current at a given level). Then, when the tension on the bank rises to the 4.2V installed, the power supply will switch to the voltage stabilization mode, and the current will start falling.

When the current falls to 0.05-0.1c, the battery can be fully charged.

As you can see, laboratory BP is a practically perfect charger! The only thing he does not know how to do automatically, is to make a decision to complete the battery charging and turn off. But this is a trifle, which is not even worth paying attention.

How to charge lithium batteries?

And if we are talking about a disposable battery that is not intended for recharging, the correct (and the only right) answer to this question is in any way.

The fact is that any lithium battery (for example, the common CR2032 in the form of a flat tablet) is characterized by the presence of an internal passivating layer, which is covered with a lithium anode. This layer prevents the chemical reaction of an anode with an electrolyte. A third-party feed destroys the above protective layer, leading to a damage of the battery.

By the way, if we talk about an unloadable CR2032 battery, that is, the LIR2032 very similar to it is already a full battery. Its can be charged. Only she does not voltage 3, but 3.6V.

About the same way to charge lithium batteries (whether there is a phone battery, 18650 or any other Li-Ion battery) was discussed at the beginning of the article.

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Many, probably, there is a problem with charging Li-Ion battery without a controller, I have such a situation. The killed laptop went, in the battery 4 banks Sanyo UR18650A were alive.
I decided to replace B. lED flashlight, instead of three AAA batteries. The question arose about their charging.
Running in the internet found a bunch of scheme, but with the details we have Tugovo in the city.
I tried to charge from charging a cell phone, the problem in controlling the charge, you need to constantly monitor the heating, a little starts to heat up. You need to turn off the charge from charging otherwise the kayuk battery at best, and then you can arrange a fire.
I decided to do myself. Bought in the store bed under the battery. I bought charging on the flea market. For the convenience of tracking the end of the charge, it is advisable to find with a two-color LED which signals the end of the charge. It switches from red to green when charging.
But it is possible and ordinary. Charging can be replaced with USB cord, and charge from a computer or charging with USB output.
My charging is only for batteries without a controller. Controller I took from the old cell phone battery. It ensures that the battery is not rechargeable above the voltage 4.2 V, or less than 2 ... 3 V. Also, the protection scheme saves from short circuits, turning off the bank itself from the consumer at the moment of short circuit.
It is the DW01 chip and the assembly of two MOSFET transistors (M1, M2) SM8502A. There are with other labels, but the schemes are similar to this, and works in the same way.

Cell phone battery charge controller.

Controller scheme.

Another controller scheme.
The main thing is not to confuse the polarity of the switch controller with the bed and controller with charging. The controller's handcraft indicates the contacts "+" and "-".

In bed near the advantage contact, it is advisable to make a clearly noticeable pointer, red paint or self-adhesive film, in order to avoid stirring.
I collected everything together and that's what happened.

Charges wonderful. When a 4.2 volt voltage is reached, the controller turns off the battery from charging, and the LED is switched to the green. Charging is completed. You can charge other Li-Ion batteries, just apply another bed. Good luck to all.

Protection of lithium-ion batteries (Li-Ion). I think many of you know that, for example, inside the battery from mobile phone There is also a security scheme (protection controller), which ensures that the battery (cell, bank, etc.) is not rechargeable above the voltage 4.2 V, or less than 2 ... 3 V. Also, the protection scheme saves from short circuits, shutting down The bank itself from the consumer at the moment of short circuit. When the battery exhausts its service life, you can reach the protection controller board, and the battery itself is thrown out. The protection board can be useful for repairing another battery, to protect the bank (which has no protection schemes), or you can simply connect a board to the power supply, and experiment with it.

I had a lot of protection for the batteries that came to the dissent. But the search in the internet for labeling chips did not give anything, as if chip were classified. The internet contained documentation only on the assembly of field transistors, which are available as part of the protection boards. Let's look at the device of a typical lithium-ion battery protection scheme. Below is the security controller board collected on the controller chip with the designation VC87, and the transistor assembly 8814 ():

In the photo we see: 1 - controller protection (heart of the whole scheme), 2 - Assembly of two field transistors (I will write about them below), 3 is a resistor of a defined protection current (for example, when CZ), 4 - capacitor for nutrition, 5 - Resistor (for the power of the microcircuit controller), 6 is the thermistor (stands on some boards to control the temperature of the battery).

Here is another option of the controller (there is no thermistor on this board), it is assembled on a microcircuit with the designation G2JH, and on the transistor assembly 8205a ():

Two field transistors are needed in order to be able to separately manage protection during charge (charge) and a discharge protection (DISCHARGE) of the battery. Datasheets on transistors were almost always, but on the microcircuits of controllers - in any way !! And the other day suddenly I came across one interesting datasheet for some kind of controller for the protection of the lithium-ion battery ().

And here, from where I do not take, a miracle appeared - comparing the scheme from the datasheet with my protection boards, I understood: the schemes coincide, this is the same, clone chips! After reading the Datasheet, you can use similar controllers in our homemakes, and changing the rating value of the resistor, you can increase the allowable current, which can give the controller before the protection is triggered.