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Data recovery from HDD disk. How to restore data from a damaged or non-working hard disk

The loss of information stored on the hard disk (HDD) is a sad event, but most often not fatal. Randomly deleted documents, folders and even entire sections can be restored if nothing happened that it could prevent this.

How to restore data from a hard disk, in what cases it can be done independently and when it is better not to risk, but to contact the specialists, tell further.

How to restore data from a hard disk

When missing files can be restored

The main condition for successful information recovery is the physical serviceability of the hard disk.

Most likely, you will be able to return the data that:

  • were removed, bypassing the basket;

  • destroyed by the virus;

  • they disappeared due to the failure file System (With such problems, entire catalogs and sections are usually lost);

  • they were in the section, which was formatted (when formatting, a piece of information about the location of the files on the hard drive is erased, but they themselves remain in place).

But, in what cases, it will not be possible to restore the information:

  • if the region of the Winchester, where the data was stored was overwritten (so, when reinstalling the operating system with volume formatting, all objects of the old OS are completely destroyed);

  • if objects have been deleted using a shredder program (shredders also overwrite the areas of storage of remote objects, and repeatedly);

  • when damaged the magnetic surface of the "pancakes" of the hard drive.

When it is not necessary to engage in the restoration yourself

If there is no confidence in the serviceability of the drive, and the information is very valuable, it is better to refrain from experiments and seek restoring a specialized service. The service is not cheap, and the specialists do not work there, therefore, the less you will distort the "sick" disk, the lower the price and above the chances of success.

The following features indicate the malfunction of the hard drive:

  • Unnatural noise when working (cladding, clicks, clatter, whistle, etc.).

  • HDD stops from time to time to determine the computer - it disappears, it appears.

  • The operating system works very slowly, hDD All the time loaded by 100% without high load on RAM.

  • When recording and reading files, various errors occur.

  • The drive malfunction informs the operating system or programs that follow the state of the HDD in real time (if installed).

  • The computer stops loaded from the hard drive (provided that from other carriers it loads normally).

  • Often arise " blue screens Death "with errors characteristic of disk troubleshooting (inaccessible_boot_device, NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM, Kernel_Mode_Exception_not_handled).

Four most important information recovery rules

As with the help of what data is restored on hard drives, I will tell a little later, and now there is a couple of words that you need to do before that and how to perform the recovery procedure.

  1. Recovered data can be reset to another section of the same hard drive or another physical medium, but not at the same place where they were believed. Therefore, if your HDD is not broken into partitions, prepare a flash drive or another hard drive of a suitable container.

  2. Once you have noticed the loss of important data, stop all operations with HDD and immediately proceed to restore. This will avoid accidental overwriting.

  3. Try to restore everything you need in one session without stopping the program. Especially - without rebooting the computer.

  4. If one program did not help, use others until all the information is recreated.

Users often personal computers Fight S. hard problems Disks that affect the operation of the system. The main causes of the hard disk breakage are: battered sectors in HDD I. faulty file system. In this material we describe a detailed hDD Problem Fix Process, as well as describe methods for recovering information on hard drivesIf it is faulty or completely failed. I also want to note that the problems that are associated with a hard disk must be paid to special attention. For example, if the HDD becomes completely defective, then you can hardly restore information from it. That is, all your documents, personal videos and photos, as well as other files may be wounded forever.

Read SMART readings from Winchester

If you do not copy files on your computer, programs after opening freeze, then possible cause This can be faulty HDD.. Usually such behavior of the operating system is connected with faulty sectors In the hard disk. To be sure that the problem is related to the bits of the HDD sectors, and not with malicious programsThe first thing you need to confirm this guessed. If the computer described above is observed, we will install a utility on it Crystaldiskinfo.. This utility describes the condition of all the hard drives installed on your computer. You can download CrystalDiskInfo from its official site The utility supports Windows, starting with XP and ending Windows 10.

To verify the hard drive information utility uses self-diagnostic technology Smart.. SMART technology is used on all HDD manufactured. Below is an example of SMART reading test using the CrystalDiskInfo utility in Winchester WD1200JS.. From this window it can be seen that the program found its condition as " Okay"- This means that this hard drive is in perfect order and should not be worried about it.

In the following image in the SMART readings, the CrystalDiskInfo utility detected the state of the screw message Anxiety" This message means that there are already broken sectors in the hard drive or it overheats.

If you see a message " Bad"This will mean that all broken sectors are reassigned on the hard drive and in a short time it will completely cover.

In both cases, when the program has discovered messages " Anxiety"And" Bad"You should do backup All data on the computer, since soon the screw will be unusable.

One of the solutions that can temporarily repair your screw is a utility Victoria.. This utility can do Remap Bad SectorsThat is, it will reassign the broken sectors to the backup. In the next section, we describe the Remap Bad Bad sectors in detail using the Victoria utility.

We restore the hard disk using the Victoria program

Utility Victoria. Created by the Belarusian programmer and is distributed free of charge. You can download the utility on its official website. Victoria utility is distributed in two versions for Windows and DOS. In our case, we will download the version for Windows. After starting the Victoria utility on Windows, we will fall into such a window.

To correct the hard disk, we need to go to the tab "Tests". On this tab, we are interested in the area with radio buttons to the Ignore, Erase, Remap and Restore, as well as the Start button. To correct, we need to select the Radio button Remap and click Start.

After these actions, the Victoria program will begin the correction of sectors that can take a long time.

After reassigning sectors, the Victoria program will be able to restore the broken sectors, and the CrystalDiskinfo utility will be issued "good". But the magic correction may not occur, since the backup sectors can simply be missing and Victoria will not help anything. In this case, one output remains - fully replace HDD. In addition to treating the screw in Victoria also provided check of indications SMART on the "tab" Smart.».

I would like to note that all the operations you make using Victoria, you do at your own risk. Using the utility, an inexperienced user can damage the Winchester, as well as deprive it of warranty service.

Correct the file system problems on the hard disk

Many users on Windows computers often have problems associated with file System Errors NTFS. File system malfunctions arise due to malicious utilities and varying software. Also often problems in the file system occur by inexperience PC user itself. For example, the improper handling of the utility Acronis Disk Director.. To solve the task, Windows itself will help us. In Windows provided file system correction tool. To correct the file system on a specific section, you need to go to its properties. In our case, this system section of the operating windows systems 10. To start the correction, we need to go to the " Service».

On this tab there is a button to check that we click.

After this action, a window will appear in which you need to confirm our actions.

Confiring the actions, Windows will scan this section.

After scanning, the system will display a message with the scanning results for errors.

Using this method, many users restored the normal operability of the operating system without resorting to its reinstall. If the problems lies in the HDD itself, then no disc check and reinstall OS in this case will help. The only option in this case will be what can be resorted to the Victoria utility or to make a complete replacement of the screw to a new one, reinstalling Windows.

We restore discs using Acronis True Image 2016

Software is the perfect tool to create a complete backup All local sections, including systemic. This opportunity is used by many administrators worldwide. Created backup local disks can be restored in a very short time. For example, if the system has undergone a virus or HDD broke, in this case you restore all OS discs in a short period of time. You can find Acronis True Image 2016 on its official website Running the program under consideration, we will fall into such a window.

First of all, we will show our readers how you can create a backup copy of the local sections of Acronis True Image 2016. On the first tab, the backup is seen that the entire computer is selected for backup. That is, a complete backup of all local sections will be carried out, including systemic. In the next block, you need to select a space for backup. In our case, this is a local disk E. After selecting the type of backup data and saving them, press the Create Copy button located in the lower right corner.

Depending on the volume of the data being saved, the backup time will depend on.

Complete backup, We describe the process of restoring the computer. For this we need to create boot disk Or Acronis True Image 2016 USB flash drive. You can do this by clicking on the tabs Tools / Create Creation Wizard" Below is the master that should open.

In this wizard, we will choose the first paragraph and continue. In the window that appears, select where we save the boot drive: in image or on the flash drive.

After saving the boot drive, the wizard will display the final window.

By creating a bootable flash drive or an optical disk with Acronis True Image 2016, you can proceed to data recovery. To do this, be loaded from the boot flash drive when the computer starts. After downloading from the boot drive, we fall from the Acronis True Image 2016 menu. Select the first item in this menu, and then fall into the main Acronis True Image window.

In the program window, go to the "" tab and find the previously created backup of the entire system.

Now to restore the system disk with Windows and local disksClick the button Disc recovery.

In the master that appears, choose the item " Restore discs and sections"And continue.

In the next window, select all local disks and continue the work of the wizard.

In points " Destination»For the first and second discs, choose the original HDD. If a lot of hard drives are installed in the system, then be careful not to confuse the screws. In the final window, click the start button.

The backup recovery time depends on the volume and speed of HDD. In our case it took 10 minutes.

From the example you can see how easily you can make a backup of the entire computer, so if you master software package Acronis True Image 2016, then you can easily restore its performance in cases if the system is infected or the hard drive broke. Also, after the program's development, you will not have questions about how to restore data from the hard disk.

Recovery of information with Recuva

There are cases when when reinstalling Windows or when using Acronis software users mistakenly erase all the information from the hard disk. If you have this situation, it is not worth upset, since all the information can be restore. A free utility will help us in this task. Recuva.. You can download the utility on its official website After starting the utility, the user falls into the wizard that will help you to restore all the data. Below is a sequential work of the wizard.

From the example, it can be seen that the recovery of information using Recuva is a fairly simple process and almost any PC user will cope with it.


From this article you can emphasize that restoration hard The disk task is slightly simple, but depending on the situation, even the usual PC user can cope with it. I also want to advise the owners of laptops to handle it most carefully. For example, if the laptop falls or subjected to a strong blow, it can damage the HDD. In addition, if you independently revealed a problem screw, then do not be afraid to open the laptop housing or a fixed computer, as the HDD replacement is a fairly simple task. And we, in turn, hope that our material will be useful to our readers and allow you to restore a hard disk.

Video on the topic

In this article, I briefly described the actions that can help restore the data in the most common cases of losses on CD and DVD discs.

So, suppose - you recorded photos from a summer holiday in Maldives on a DVD disk, put it on the shelf and after half a year \\ year decided to refresh in memory this is a wonderful event by revising pictures in the circle of friends. Insert the disk in the DVD-ROM, the light bulb is blinking, the disk is typing and recesses turns, but it does not work in any way to open its contents. Or the content is visible, but files Copy fails.

What could lead to such a situation, and what options are possible?

The variant zero, the carrier does not happen

The case can be in the actor, operating system or viruses. DVD drives differ among themselves optics and capabilities of corrective algorithms. In addition, dust and dirt could be satisfied on the lens, which prevents the disc to read the disk. Various drives may differ among themselves the range of supported rotational speeds, and the smaller speed of rotation drive is able to create when trying to read the TOC blanks (disk table of contents recorded in the LEAD-IN region), the root directory and data area, the higher the probability of successful correction of media reading errors .

Therefore, the first thing you need to try to make with an unreadable or poorly read CD or DVD is a blank - try to read it on another computer or laptop. For the purity of the experiment, it is better not on one. There is a nonzero chance that the disk that refused to read on your computer is recognized and read on the other.

You can also try special utilities that take the function of determining the rotation frequency of the discs in the drive. It happens that a regular firmware is not quite correctly coping with it and manual speed control is capable of improving the unstable or poor reading of the disk. And not always the smallest rotation speed will be the best for reading - here you need to experiment with the values. In each case, the approach to the choice of optimal read speed may vary. The most common and easy-to-use utility for this purpose is CDSLOW.

CDSLOW program window

Option first, it is the most common, surface pollution

With mud, dust and fingerprints on the surface of the disk, it is easy to fight. A special wet napkin for cleaning office equipment Gently delete contamination, paying attention to not to scratch the coating. Then the dry cloth thoroughly wipe the disk and you can insert it into the drive and try to read.

Shot from the center to the edge, by no means there are no circular movements. If he suddenly, the sandband will fall under the napkin and the disc scratches, the radial scratch will cause much less harm than concentric.

It is impossible to use acetone, nail polish solvent, kerosene, gasoline or other solvents based on petroleum products. If you need to use a solvent to remove dirt from the disk, it is better to use alcohol based solvents.

Option second, scratches

This also includes various forms of thermal damage.

Two ways to classify scratches:

  1. By the integrity of the reflecting layer:
    1. Scratch did not affect reflective coating, only polycarbonate substrate is damaged.
    2. Reflective coating is damaged.
    type \u003d "a"\u003e
  2. In width and location:
    1. Narrow scratches. Due to the redundancy of stored information, and the use of various corrective algorithms drive is not very dangerous.
    2. Wide scratches. In addition to more damaged data, additional problems are added, such as the drive in this place can "lose" the track and continue to read the neighboring. Successful reading in such cases largely depends on the perfection of the drive.
    3. Concentric scratches are the worst kind of damage. Not only do the corrective algorithms do not help at the same time, because The entire sector is damaged, along with redundant information, so they still confuse the positioning system.
    type \u003d "a"\u003e

Particularly severe damage is clearly visible on the clearance of the CD, as in this picture:

Scratches on polycarbonate coating interfere with the laser beam of the actuator to consider data from the working surface, due to the fact that they make distortion into focus. As a result, the beam of the laser or does not fall there, or after reflection does not return to the reading head element.

Such damage can be eliminated by polishing.

There are different solicing methods. Starting from filling scratches with special pastes, with a refractive index, close to the polycarbonate coefficient, and ending with removal or smoothing by heating a damaged top layer. The methods used when polishing lenses and other optics are fully applicable.

It is possible to polish manually, or use self-made polishing devices made on the basis of an electric shaver with a linear drive, or use specialized tools that are offered in diversity on E-Bay.

Successful implementation of the aforementioned actions, in addition to the presence of special tools and materials, requires significant experience. Therefore, if the information on the problematic carrier is important for you, I advise this work to instruct data recovery specialists. Or use the tips below, limiting the disk wip.

On the Internet, you can find descriptions of various "shamanic" methods, such as clinging the blank, frow it, imagine over the gas burner or incandescent lamp. All methods are designed to melt polycarbonate so that scratches are smooth or eliminated. Since these techniques have a big risk to provide a destructive irreversible impact on the carrier, I do not recommend them.

So, if after dealing with scratches available to you, the data is still not read, go to

Option Third, crack on disk

Cracks are two species - coming from the center of the disk to the edge, and vice versa, from the edges to the center. Cracks from the center are formed from micro-damage arising from the internal radius of the disk with an inaccurate circulation or due to mallands defects, and then transformed into cracks at high speeds. Cracks from the edges usually arise as a result of non-accurate circulation, but are exacerbated, especially on poorly balanced disks.

To restore data with this damaged carrier, first of all, it is necessary to take measures to prevent the cracking of the crack, which can lead to an irreversible data loss and even to the disk rupture in the drive. At least, the disk rotation speed should be reduced to the minimum.

Methods to counteract the increase in cracks are similar to the methods used in the repair of the autoglass. To start a crack, you need to "scratch". It is best for this purpose to use a thin needle heated on fire. With the help of a magnifying glass, see the end of the crack and the fraction of millimeters further make a puncture in plastic. It is best to do this not on the one hand, piercing a disk through, but on both sides, introducing a needle into plastic about half the disk thickness.

After that, it is desirable to sneak the crack by maximum length. For this, you can slightly reconcile the edges of the crack, carefully launched with a thin layer of superclone, in its minimum amount so that there is no excess on the surface. After that, the edges reduce and press each other. Make sure that the seam surface is smooth, without protrusions that can damage the actuator.

Further actions are similar to working with scratched disks - if not read,

Option Fourth, Substrate damage due to low quality selected media information or non-compliance with DVD storage conditions or CDs

According to GOST R 7.0.2-2006, disks should be stored each in a separate box at a temperature of 10-20 degrees Celsius, a humidity of 20-65% and with a scattered light without ultraviolet. If you believe it regulatory document, By holding the above rules, the CD will live happily and happily. However, no less important is the choice of blanks as a future medium of your important data. A lot of reviews are written on this topic. I just want to celebrate the most important points.

High-quality disks from the ends should be covered with varnish, unlike their low-quality analogues. If the end of the CD is not processed by varnish, with a time between the polycarbonate coating and the substrate will enter the moisture, which will lead to the oxidation of the layer carrying information, and the data in such damaged places will be irretrievably lost.

The same effect may occur in the case if the protective coating of the CD or DVD disk was seriously damaged. Fucking atmospheric moisture in the same way will eat everything around the place of damage.

Methods and approaches to data recovery with similar damage are also not different, the same

Option Fifth, failure when writing or unsuccessful attempt to add to RW disk

In this case, the problems with reading user data are logical. General recommendations to give it difficult, because the failures caused by errors in or user actions lead to a wide variety of consequences. Most universal method is to deceive the drive microprocessor.

If an error is associated with attempts to draw a session on a multisession media or with an error of recording the current session, you can try to access the previous sessions using a program that can display a list of previous sessions and extract the contents of the selected disk session and write it to the ISO image. This feature is in the "People's" Nero Burning ROM and in many other managers DVD record, for example, in Roxio Easy CD DVD Creator.

The sixth version, the rewritable disk erased or overwritten

If the so-called fast erasure has been produced, analog quick formatting On the hard disk, when only the TOC is deleted - the disk file system, then the data is possible to restore. Need C.

If a quick erase was applied to the disk, and then a part of the top was recorded new information, you can only restore what was not overwritten. Remove the full dump of all available maximum capacity, then you comply with unnecessary and carry out the recovery by the specified file headers in the remaining part.

If a complete erase was applied to the disk, then the data recovery is impossible. In this case, along the entire disk surface, a high-power laser pulse was passed and the amorphous substance was heated (recording material) to a temperature less than the melting point, but more crystallization temperatures. The change of amorphous and crystalline sites, which were identified by the drive as logic 0 and 1 - disappeared. The entire layer after complete erasure is crystallized and ready for reissue.

The latter is the last, nothing is written on the disk

Something strange, with a similar situation, specialists in data recovery faced quite regularly. For example, many users, especially inexperienced, use to record information on DVD or CD discs not specialized software, but by means of the operating system (read Windows). You allocate the necessary files and folders with the mouse, right-click the item is selected to the drive, see the window, on which the files are "flying" to the destination and soothe away. In fact, after such operation, the files are copied not to the disk, but to a special temporary folder, and after this operation you need to call an additional Wizard Windows, which will hold the last stage in the process of which, in fact, will be recorded onto the media.

Here, perhaps, all the most common options for data loss on CD and DVD drives faced by users. In conclusion, I want to once again advise the following - if the lost information has a high value, leave the experiments until better times, charge the recovery of these professionals.

Application zero. Copy and Reconstruction Methods

The following options are possible:

  1. Damage allow the drive to read the TOC and the directory tree (the disk content is visible), but required folders And the files cannot be considered. To copy them, you can use the programs that allow you to read the sectorial disk, ignoring or intelligently processing the unordrounted read error drive. The most useful and programs are described in the relevant applications.
  2. The disk is determined by the drive, but an attempt to view the contents of the OS tools leads to a hang or issuance of an error message. I do not know free programs to effectively restore data in such situations, so refer to the use
  3. Drive drive is not recognized. Drive tries to read the disk on different speedsThe indicator of activity flashes, after a number of unsuccessful attempts to read the table of contents at different speeds, the spindle stops. A pre-removal of the sectoral copy is required on a specially prepared drive. Then analyze the resulting image

Appendix one. Hot replacement

If the damage is such that the TOC cannot be read and the drive drive is not recognized, you need to resort to the "hot replacement" procedure, the so-called "hot-swap" method. The whole thing is that only three main TOC-A fields are really needed: the display of the disc shared area (Analog Max LBA on HDD), the starting address of the first track (0 LBA) and the address of the next session of the disk (if a multisession disk has been recorded). The starting address of all disks is the same - 00:02:00 (which corresponds to a zero LBA address). LEAD-OUT depends on the volume of the disk (standard CD approximately 700 mb, typical DVD 4.4 GB).

The trick is that a clean disk is taken by a similar type and size, CD or DVD and is written by one file to the entire logical volume - either a movie, or a file-image (unspoken) or any archive. Next, a special way is prepared, the case is sized or an EJECT signal is blocked, the drive.

For a hot-swappable operation operation, the same type of donor disk must be used in the drive, which is unreadable. Those. If you want to restore information from the DVD-RW disk, then to prepare a donor disk, whose TOS will be recorded in the RAM drive, you need to take a similar DVD-RW blank. If the DVD + R disk, then the dual should not be "minus" and not RW, namely "plus". The same applies to the mini-disks, for "hot-swap", the full-size disk is better not to use.

From the drive selected for "Hot-SWAP", the front panel is removed, the screws holding the top cover are unscrewed. In general, all the conditions for replacing the disk without extending the tray are prepared. It should be understood that if your drive is under warranty, then after this procedure warranty conditions will be broken.

Prepared for "hot replacement" compact drive

Hot disk replacement in drive

In the image, the top drive cover contains a pressure plastic ring with a magnet that must fix the CD in the reader. Therefore, replacing the carrier to the desired, the cover must be returned to the place.

A new disk with a recorded file to the entire volume is inserted into the drive, we wait until the disk is recognized and the TOC will be read and placed in the cache, after which they are waiting for a stop disk stop, or spend Spin Down programmatically and change a new disk to unreadable. Now you can run and deduct the entire available LBA volume in the dump. Then disassemble the contents of the dump using the same programs. For large quantities Errors, the process can take quite a long time.

Some experts, to restore data from disks that have problems with TOC, actuators with a modified firmware are used, which allows you to bypass TOC initialization and get direct access to User Area. In addition, its own softwarewhich allows you to change the reading direction (from the beginning of the disk, from the end, from any LBA) and intelligently handle the situation with the read error (readers of reading, skipping specified areas, etc.), which allows you to significantly improve the results to restore information from disks to significantly improve containing multiple read errors.

Appendix two. Commercial programs for data recovery with DVD, CD discs

How to use isobuster.

- Popular and rich in available features Utility to work with disk images and restore information on CD / DVD carriers. The program allows you to view and extract files, tracks and sessions C CD-I, CD-TEXT, VCD, SVCD, CD-ROM, CD-ROM XA, DVD and DVCD disks.

Iso9660, Joliet, Romeo, Direct (Little Endian) and reverse (BIG Endian), all kinds of UDF (UDF 2.01 / UDF 1.02, UDF 1.5), Rock Ridge (Commodore), short and long file names are supported by ISO9660. To restore data from damaged media in the program there is a valuable option - the ability to reusable re-reading damaged sectors, which increases the chance to correctly deduct one or another problem sector.

The starting window consists of two panels - on the left there is a window for selecting images, sessions, disks and folders, and on the right explorer. After starting the program, tracks and sessions will appear in the left pane, which the utility was able to identify, and the files found as a result of quickly pre-scanning. If necessary, you can run extended scanning, the so-called. "Search for missed files and folders."

Data recovery can be performed for the entire disk as a whole, or for individual folders and files. To do this, select what you need to read from the damaged media and use the Extract command.

If when copying on the media, the failure sector comes across, the user is issued a window with a proposal to try to read this sector once again or skip it. Re-rereading the failure sector is sometimes successful and its contents are read successfully.

When starting and completing scanning the contents of optical drives, the program displays all available sessions in the drop-down menu that were recorded on the blank. If there is a failure in one of the last sessions, the ISO Buster allows you to work with a single selected session and remove its contents as a RAW data array (as an image for the subsequent parsing panels), or work with the selected session in the conductor mode.

ISO Buster Allows you to form a variety of catalogs tree reports, including subject to the unreadable content (data containing unread sectors).

If you work with the disk using the hot replacement method, when the TOS does not match the original memory, you can set the range from the selected LBA to the selected.

At the subtraction stage in the file-image, you can specify the use of intelligent filtering if the type of data is known in advance on the recoverable medium (Video CD, AUDIO CD). In this case, ISOBUSTER filters sectors that meet the selected criterion.

Further analysis of the image file and the recovery of data from it is carried out similarly to working with a conventional damaged CD. To do this, you need to first open the file image file-\u003e Open file image.

How to use Winhex

- Popular multifunctional program To work with various media. It can work with CDs both on a logical (in understanding OS) and on the physical (in the same understanding) level.

Winhex program window

Winlaks can remove the sectoral image from the damaged disk, save the resulting dump to the file, and then disassemble it to the components or use the data recovery function on the signatures of the files. Unlike hard disks, on CD and DVD carriers there is no fragmentation, significantly complicating such methods of recovery.

Through the Tools-\u003e Open Disk menu, the user enters the window with the choice of physical or logical disk for work. If the drive did not recognize the presence of a disc in the tray (before the Operation of the software), when you try to contact the logical disk list, the error message is not ready will be issued,

and when trying to refer to the physical disk, the program will give an error message "No access to the device".

After correctly spent access to the LBA disk, it becomes available and you can go to the sectoral copy operation: Tools-\u003e Disk Tools-\u003e Clone Disk. Here are the cloning options for a separate media or to a file of the entire available surface or any site, selecting the starting sector for the source disk and for the receiver disk (if the copying is not made to the file), select the filler pattern for unread sectors and the jump size when unread is detected Sectors (if there is a desire to speed up copying on a disk with numerous non-corrected read errors).

In our case, you need to copy to the file and specify the path where to save it. As the elementary sector, we put zero, specify any other number, it makes sense only if we can assume the number of unreadable sectors at the beginning of the disk. Putting all the necessary marks can be processed. Report on unread sectors The program saves in a separate log file.

From the image received after subtraction, it is now necessary to restore the necessary data. To do this, you will have to use the so-called RAW Recovery function or recovery by file signatures. What does it mean? The overwhelming majority of file types have unique symbol sequences, so-called. Signatures for which you can unambiguously determine the type of file. As a rule, as a signature, it is convenient to take several characters at the beginning of the file. By setting the desired signature as the selection criterion, you can restore all files of one or another type (expansion) from the resulting image.

File title on JPEG example

During the search process, the following algorithm is used: by finding the selected file header and saves the entire data array to the next found similar title, counting that this is a single file, or from the found header is saved by an array of data specified in the volume settings (you can specify "with stock") .

Of course, in this case, the names of the files and the directory structure are not saved, but it is better to get data in this form than not to get them at all. The main problem that may occur when recovering information by the RAW Recovery method - fragmented data, when a part of the file is located in one place, and the other part (parts) is different. But in the case of recovery of files from the image consistent with CD \\ DVD, this does not occur, since the data is written linearly.

Recovery in Winhex files by header files are available from the Tools-\u003e Disk Tools-\u003e File Recovery by Type menu. Pre-open the resulting image File-\u003e Open, select "Recovery by file types". The program issues a window with a reminder that the data should be maintained not there, from where everything is restored, and in another place (in the case of working with the file, it is not worried about this) and reminds that this option will give good results for non-profitable data.

A signature recovery settings window proposes to select the type of files that are planned to be pulled out from the image, the maximum intended file size, directory to which everything and the search algorithm: Extensive Byte-Level Search (the slowest and advanced, I recommend using it), Search AT Sector Boundaries (Search from Sector Borders) and Search AT Cluster Boundaries, If Possible (Search from Cluster Borders, if possible).

If the rare types files are recorded on the disk, which are not described in the Select File Type (S) directory, by clicking on the Signatures button, you will start the system tabular editor ( microsoft type Excel), in which you can add a manual header manually.

After all the manipulations made, it remains only to click on the "OK" button and wait for the result. In the selected directory, all files that meet the specified conditions will be saved.

Appendix three. Free data recovery software with DVD, CD discs

- the most functional, from my point of view, from free software. Positioned as software that can also work with USB flash drives and hard drives. In the installation process, it establishes its own libraries to the system that help the program is better to process abnormal situations with problematic information carriers. After installation requires a reboot system.

The program window is divided into two parts: where to copy (from above) and where to copy (downstairs). To start copying, you need to drag files from above, or go to the folder you want to copy completely, and click "Copy". Setting up the copy algorithm can be made by selecting subparagraph "Settings" of the main menu "View". In more detail, I will not stop the configuration, since the program contains enough detailed reference information.

Separately, I want to pay attention to the fact that the extraction mode is present in the utility, which must start automatically when the CD or DVD DVD read errors are detected.

Recovery Toolbox for CD Free

Recovery Toolbox For CD Free. - The utility from the well-known company Recovery Toolbox, which specializes in creating utilities to restore data from damaged files of all sorts of types, from Doc and XLS to registry files and exotic databases. The only of the free programs mentioned here, which does not have the Russian interface. Copy algorithm is not configured.

When you start the program, it is proposed to select the drive from which the recovery will be made, as well as the path you want to save considerable. After reading the TOC, the utility proposes to mark the desired directories and files, and the conservation process begins. If unreadable sectors come across during the copying process, the user is invited to re-read or skip the sector (file). At the end of the process, you can save a report on the work performed.


Deaddiscdoctor. - It has a minimalist interface with beautiful pictures. Uses the original copying algorithm, which cannot be changed. We choose what to copy, choose where to copy, run the process.

Non-Stop Copy

Non-Stop Copy - The interface is similar to DeaddiscDoctor. The minus is that there is no possibility to choose more than one file for copying. There are minimal algorithm settings.

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Many of us at least once mistakenly deleted the necessary files from the PC. It is known that when you delete, nothing fatal will happen to the basket: information is not physically deleted, but is transferred to a special place on the drive, it is not difficult to return it if desired. Users often think that removing via Shift + Del leads to full "wiping" files. In practice, even after that, the data is realistic to restore. Let's try to figure out how to restore data from a hard disk.

In most cases, files can be restored using a special software.

After the Format operation or intentional deletion of information, everything can be returned back, for this, many convenient utilities have been developed:

  • Recuva;
  • Disk Drill;
  • PhotoRec;
  • popular Package R-Studio

The procedure is only available on a serviceable device. If you try to restore the data on the drive, which creaks and publishes clicks, then scratches may appear on its details (there is a high risk of data loss forever).

With certain skills, information is easily restored by one of the means from the list above. If they do not help, use the services of computer services.

Such programs first scan all the information on the device, after which they make a kind of "card", which displays the location of the pieces of interest to us. There are links of files and sectors, names, sizes, as well as many other features of the file system. At the last stage, the data we need to transfer to another disk. During the resumption of packages, the record for the starting drive is not performed.

Consider more detailed known packages for resuming memory after formatting. Remember that after loading such utilities on the PC, you must check them with antiviruses: often hackers are lined up various viruses and additional, absolutely unnecessary software.


The tool allows you to quickly return the necessary types of files to the PC. By uses special algorithms of work, which puts it an order of magnitude higher compared to the analogues.

The first version was thought out only for work through "CMD", which was not very convenient for a novice user. The developers were bored and from 7 versions began to release the user friendly interface, it became much easier to use.

You can get it free of charge from the Internet, you should start the * .exe file inside the archive. The process of returning lost files looks like this:

  • Run the program;
  • select a device where the files you need have previously been;
  • specify the file system;
  • register the path where recovered files will be stored;
  • click on "File Formars" to select the required type (video, disk image, photo, music);
  • click on the "Search" button.

The utility in AUTO mode will postpone the information you become interested in the previously specified folder, no additional steps are required.


Recuva does not require paid subscriptionIt does not select too much virtual memory, the logic of the work is elementary. Even a beginner user will be able to take advantage of its capabilities, which is very pleased. You can return the data from both the hard drive and microSD or flash drives. If you need to resume a specific type of file, Recuva will tell you how to do it.

You can get a package for installation for free by downloading from the network. A built-in master will help to work with the utility, there is Russian. If we talk about efficiency, then 100% the program is triggered only if the winchester did not touch after removal. In other words, the utility helps to roll back a couple of steps back.

File Scavenger

It is used to return files from flash drives and hard drives. The product is characterized by astounding efficiency and can be involved in the complex with RAID. The program is capable of returning information after multiple overwriting and formatting.

The only mista of the utility is called its cost - for normal operation will have to pay a full package. In order not to spoil the physical hard drive, experts recommend initially creating an image, after which it is already with it.

Mandatory installation The product does not require, it is enough to run by clicking on .exe file after downloading. Stable work is provided for user users 7, 8, 10 from Windows, as well as old, good XP.

There are only two steps that need to be executed:

  1. In the "Search" field (Look For), enter the type of the lost file (you can leave there sign "*", works as in the usual search);
  2. In another free field, specify the disk or a specific section on which we will search.

In the program other than these fields there is a "toggleler" to select the search type. After clicking on the "Scan" key, the program will begin to act and give a list of the required items.

Speed: To work with a flash card on 16 GB, it took less than 30 minutes.

After you find the required file, follow the instructions described in the utility.


This package is respected among millions of users. The program is considered one of the most efficient. Here is a list of basic features and functions:

  • Return RAID;
  • ability to resume various configuration and type;
  • receiving files when rubbing the partitions of the device or the loss of data due to virus programs;
  • formation of images for renewal, work with himself;
  • works in Mac OS X, Linux, Windows.

A professional package makes it possible to return the files that are damaged by one of the reasons, were consciously sent to Trash or Format. If the OS does not work, then you can start the utility from the disk or flash card.

Disk Drill.

This type used to be available only for Apple products, but for Windows lovers not so long ago released a compatible version. The utility, like others, makes it possible to resume photos and important files from various drives without a special strain. Of the advantages allocate the use of images, as well as a friendly interface.


As you can see, there are many software tools that allow you to restore information from the drive. Part of the utility is distributed free of charge, for some options it is necessary to pay, but they have wider functionality and quality. The choice is only for you! If you cannot solve the issue, contact a special service.

Data recovery from a hard disk is made in cases of need to get all the information that has been disposed of earlier on it.

Her loss can occur due to different reasons, the establishment of which is made by diagnosing and running special programs.

List of reasons for loss of information from the disk

In a number of reasons that lead to deleting data, four groups can be distinguished:

1. The consequence of man's incorrect actions:

  • Random formatting or erasing information.
  • Incorrect storage area

However, it is very often to solve this kind of problem, you can try to use special data recovery programs.

Tip! With a competent approach, it will not have any risk for the further recovery process, and therefore, if you do not come out, then specialized firms will still be able to help you. Next, we consider the best of data recovery programs.

Information becomes inaccessible due to physical damage on the hard disk and its individual components, namely on the reading head - records or an єlectrod.

To restore data in such a situation, the help of hard drive repair specialists will be required.

Voltage fluctuations, its jumps or lowering, as well as a complete power off, can harm the devices on which the data is stored.

According to the research of the Bell laboratory, data loss in 80-86 percent of situations occur due to unstable voltage.

Windows users are very often encountered with problems in the operation of the operating system, after which it stops running.

In such cases, most users think that all data from the hard disk is erased and the only way out of this situation is will contact a specialized service center.

But in fact, all data remains on the hard disk, and the operating system fails does not have anything to do so.

Helpful information:

Programs for data recovery from disk

Utility for damaged disk - This is a great way to restore the data on your own. These include the following character:

  • . This program Give absolutely free. It characterizes the ease of installation and use, as well as fast recovery data.
    However, the software has its own minuses: when reconfiguring the digital media, the image and the documentation does not have a chance of recovery.

  • Undelete plus. Such a program copes not with all the keepers of information. However, it effectively restores data from the hard disk.
    Downloading and installing problems are not caused, and the utility returns to life up to 90 percent of lost information. UndeletePlus is provided in Russian, which allows it to be used by its wide mass of the population.

  • R-Studio. The utility perfectly copes with the basic causes of data deletion, but there is only paid access. So, it copes with such tasks as: return data from disks, flash drives, memory cards, and the like.
    In addition, the software helps restore remote data from damaged and renewed media. A program from the disk or from the Internet is offered.

  • Recovery Software. Despite a single name, this program is a set of programs for each individual case. They are the most efficient. This is due to each individual disk.

So, here you can allocate:

  1. Utility for working with all file systems.
  2. The program for working with NTFS section.
  3. Applications for activities with FAT32.
  4. Program with two components: File and Photo.
  5. Utility to work with files.
  6. FILE REPAIR is a program that restores and editing distorted images, and documents.

Helpful information:

Pay attention to the program. This is a tool for resuscitation of remote, lost and damaged files. The program recognizes all common types of documents whose number exceeds 550 pieces.

  • The program is ideal if you need to restore files and drawings. It can also be used in damage to individual sections.

  • Stellar Phoenix. Such a program provides each user with excellent opportunities for data recovery, photos and video. Plus, it serves a pre-compiled menu with a list of all remote data.
    Thanks to him, the user can restore only what he needs.

  • Data Rescue PC. This program allows not only to restore lost data, but also restore RAID. Loading from the disk, which allows you not to worry about the impossibility of running when the operating system hangs.

  • Seagate File Recovery for Windows. An old, but very productive program that restores not only the general data, but also a clear picture of each image.
    In addition, it is able to pull out information even after reissuing the entire system and its individual components.

  • HDD REGENERATOR. This application is simply in management and effectively restore hard drives. With the full failure, the program will not cope with the repair, but quickly will be diagnosed and correcting the errors present on the disk.

  • The program returns and component data even after severe damage and shift on the disk.
    Its use consists of a number of consecutive actions that will be understood even inexperienced user of the Internet and special programs.

Do not worry about the inability to restore information on the disk. In the absence of formatting, any utility will easily return to life any file.

The file that disappeared from the hard disk is present on the disk before formatting.

However, when viewing programs in the HDD, such a file is considered to be disappeared, and it means that its place can be taken with new files and folders.

When performing this action, the file disappears completely.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude: you must first try to restore at least part of the remote data, and then "write" something new.

On the additional programs And ways to restore information can be found in this video:

How to restore data from a hard disk

Data recovery on hard drives, flash drives or flash cards - the topic is very sought-after