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What is the diagnosis of PC. Independent diagnostics of computer

The main task that the program is executed to diagnose the computer is obtaining as much information about the software and hardware of the device.

With it, it is determined whether resources are enough to start a specific application, check the characteristics of the system, components and their condition.

Especially important such programs for a person who for any reason you need to know the parameters of someone else's computer and to correct errors.

The need to monitor the system

Applications with which you can conduct diagnostics of the system required to obtain important informationwhich will help:

  1. Determine how much memory is installed on your computer, its type and number of slots. After that, it will be much easier to choose a new suitable RAM or draw conclusions that it is worth replacing the entire motherboard or computer (laptop);
  2. Understand how to prepare for the release of the expected game - add memory, put a more powerful processor, purchase an additional hard disk or video card;
  3. Determine the temperature of the graphic and central processing, to reveal the need to replace the thermal paste;
  4. Find out why not work software installed And the computer hangs - due to incorrect drivers, lack of video memory or hardware malfunction.


The program distributed free has an unassuming interface and allows you to receive technical information to almost all the elements of the computer:

  • Processor (including its model, architecture, socket, voltage, frequency, multiplier, cache size and number of cores);
  • Motherboard (brand, model, BIOS version, supported memory types);
  • RAM (volume, type and frequency);

The main advantages of the application is the ability to get detailed and accurate information in Russian about all components of the system.

It can be useful for professional users and lovers.

Among the minuses is the inability to determine the temperature of the processors.


One more free program makes it possible to obtain detailed information about all the main components and software, starting from the processor and the board, finishing rAM and optical disks.

In addition, using Speccy, you can get data from temperature measurement sensors, finding ways to correct the errors of connecting or installing the ventilation system.

Naturally, the application determines the number of RAM slots, which can be an important factor in determining the need and opportunities to upgrade the computer.

And when preparing a device for the sale of Speccy, you can use to quickly compile the list of components.

After all, although almost the same make it possible to make embedded utilities, it will take more time on it, and some of the data find out.

It is worth noting that the developers of the program are the authors of such useful software as.

And among her advantages note:

  • Understandable and practical interface;
  • Quick access to important information;
  • No need to install an application that may be needed, for example, in the absence of access to account administrator;
  • The ability to monitor the selected parameter in real time by setting it as an icon in the tray;
  • Launch simultaneously with the system;
  • Free access.


Thanks to the HWINFO system application, you can get a maximum useful information about the system.

And also compare the performance of individual hardware components with template parameters and indicators of popular analogues.

In addition, the program allows you to create reports that can be used to compare the performance of individual PC elements.

All information is quite detailed, however, only concerns the equipment - it will not work about drivers with its help.

However, this deficiency is practically the only one, since the application is able to collect data on any devices, including even outdated equipment (for example, IDE and modems for switching access), old bios and video cards of any type.

In addition, the application can also test processors, memory and discs. Data obtained as a result of the test can be saved in magazines.

And you can control the individual parameters using the tray icons that change periodically.

Aida64 Extreme.

Its name can be decrypted as System Info for Windows.

It has small size and a simplified interface resembling standard windows utilities and is able to issue all the most necessary information for the user.

So, for example, using SIW you can learn about recent updates Systems, to obtain data on system files or folders, as well as about drivers, running processes and services.

Moreover, in more detail than it allows you to make a "Task Manager".

For commercial or corporate applications, you should purchase a license.


Number of equipment testing and operating system quite large.

Almost constantly creating new applications to help control the parameters of the computer and malfunction of iron.

But the programs presented in the list allow you to do this as efficiently as possible by setting only 2-3 applications, and not a whole dozen.

So time saves and unnecessary files from the network are not downloaded, risking randomly put the virus on the computer.

In addition, if there is no access to the network, there are a number of utilities in Windows, which will also learn some parameters.

Stock Footage:

Hardware diagnostics is a method for finding problems with the computer in the computer system. These diagnostic systems can be run by the user using an internal program initiated by computer management systems or perform a test inside the equipment itself. Basic hardware diagnostics of all computer systems, such as a processor, chipset and memory, is checked for each system boot. These hardware diagnostic systems often give a significant early warning of potential system failures.
Equipment of diagnostic systems in two main types - one destination - and multipurpose. Diagnostic programs of one destination check only a certain part of the equipment. Checks on this equipment are very specific and adapted to this system. Multipurpose diagnostic programs will check several parts of the hardware and identify problems in them. Since these programs are not specifically for one piece of hardware, they will often be lacking for small or strange problems that can identify the diagnostic program of one destination, the purpose of the diagnosis of which is to find such problems.

On the user's initiative, the diagnostic program has the widest range of types and functions. A single universal program will often check things that are unusual for other systems to check them, such as a monitor or network system. On the other hand, since they, as a rule, cannot work as a diagnostic program of one destination - such programs may not notice the subtleties that are noted more specific programs. Specialized diagnostic programs are often supplied by equipment manufacturers and are a good first step in determining the strange behavior of the computer.

Internal diagnostic programs, as a rule, come from two location drivers or operating system. Often they are intended for one single target. These programs are usually launched in background modeWhen the computer is in operation. Scanning an operating system can check for deviations in the responses that it receives from the equipment, most often finding them after hardware failures, when the computer has already started buggy. Diagnostic systems for drivers pay more attention and more often they will report strange behavior in the gland, as soon as it becomes obvious, but only some hardware has such drivers.

The hardware diagnostics of the computer management system runs at the base level. Usually it tracks power levels and response time, and not the accuracy of the data. Most active programs scans the system and what happens in it during the boot sequence when specialized programs are launched to check on various computer systems. After downloading, this hardware diagnostics, as a rule, works in the background, only warning the user when something is very bad occurs.

The latter type of equipment diagnostics is under the control of the equipment itself. Since these internal programs are already built into the system, they always have one goal. These system monitoring programs are designed for something outside the equipment specification. When they find something, they warn the internal system of the computer, which will prevent the operating system about the problem.

An important stage of repairing a computer is its diagnosis. After all, before putting the correct diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a survey. And do it must qualified specialists for whom computer care It is a profile service.

The definition of a malfunction consists of the following steps:

1. Primary diagnostics.

This type of computer performance assessment is held at home by the customer. Primary diagnostics cannot be complete and suited only in some cases. Mostly here includes an external inspection of the computer and its components.

2. Hardware diagnostics.

This stage is aimed at identifying spoiled parts of the computer. System failures can be observed if the technique has a marriage component. In addition, incorrect functioning can be caused by wear of parts. Another option affecting the work is overheating.

3. Software diagnostics.

At this stage, the software errors are detected. The stability of the system is evaluated. The operating system of the computer falls under the closer study, with the analysis of the causes of the software failure.

4. Full diagnostics.

According to all types of diagnostics, the service engineer makes the verdict - the cause of the breakdown. After agreeing with the customer of the cost of repair, it turns out the necessary computer assistance.

With any problems with the computer, do not try to solve the question yourself. Qualified diagnosis I. professional repairs Can only perform an experienced specialist.

Primary diagnosis

A complex electronic computing device, which is a computer, is based on a mass of chips and printed circuit boards. From here it follows that the repair of computers by the forces of "lovers" can be carried out only in a limited number of cases. Even standard repair work require theoretical and practical knowledge, as well as great experience. Before proceeding to the execution of the order, the masters are carried out primary, and in difficult cases - hardware and software diagnostics.

The primary diagnostics of the computer lies in the following actions:

1. Surface inspection of the software of the equipment.

Surface diagnostics aims to verify the operability of the operating system, the correctness of the functioning of programs. It is held at home by the customer forces by the service engineer, without the use of diagnostic equipment.

2. Surface inspection of hardware of technology.

This is a visual inspection of computer configuration and rating:

Type of discs;

The amount of memory and the possibility of its use;

Performance computer devices (primarily hard drives).

Using a surface inspection, you can define a number of uncomplicated hardware faults.

Hardware diagnostics

The first step in the maintenance and repair of computers is diagnostics. As practice shows, most of the impaired performance and technician failures are caused by neglecting regular prevention and diagnosis.

The purpose of diagnostic works is:

Definition of faults computer equipment;

Clarification of their character.

Hardware diagnostics is aimed at identifying the mechanical (let invistent) damage to the component parts of the computer.

The hardware diagnostics of the computer includes checking the temperature component component and functioning stability:

Central processor;

Random access memory;

Hard disk;

Video adapter;


After this type of diagnostics, the client receives:

Report on the state of the hardware of computer equipment;

Preliminary calculation of problems for troubleshooting;

Modernization offers.

Timely hardware diagnostics of the computer allows you to significantly reduce system failures. If at an early stage not to define hidden problems, your technique at any time can be completely paralyzed.

In case the service engineer reveals damage to the components of your computer, it will take to restore its performance to replace parts and repairs.

Events on hardware diagnostics will allow you to carry out the necessary repair work on time, increase the performance of technology, increase its speed. This is exactly the case when timely actions will prevent serious problems.

The software diagnostics of the computer is the detection of a defect and the cause of its occurrence. Wherein:

The operating system is viewed, taking into account the stability of computer equipment;

Checked the heat resistance of individual components and a computer as a whole;

Work is tested motherboard Using special modules.

A dilent approach to this process is in itself a number of dangers. For example, when the motherboard malfunction is detected, the user changes it without thinking about the causes of the breakdown.

The diagnostics of the computer at the program level will be required if:

1. Technique does not turn on.

2. It turns off on your own.

3. Computer freezes.

4. Reboots no reason.

5. Works slowly.

The software diagnostics of computer equipment includes:

1. Surface inspection of the software of the equipment.

2. Testing a computer software that includes:

Check file System on the occurrence of errors;

Checking the registry of the operating system and its condition;

Checking the presence of critical OS updates.

Full diagnostics

Computer diagnostics or definition of reasons bad work must be carried out by qualified specialists. As practice shows, only professionals can eliminate a number of typical problems in the work of computer equipment.

With the help of full diagnostics of computers, you can identify malfunctions and establish opportunities for the modernization of technology.

This type of diagnostic work is performed only by experienced service engineers using specialized equipment and includes several stages:

1. Surface inspection by master of computer equipment.

2. Testing a computer software using special utilities.

3. Surface inspection of the hardware machinery.

4. Testing additional components hardware Computer.

5. Testing the main components of the computer hardware device.

Full diagnostics of the PC includes testing activities:

Software and operating system;



Hard disk;

Memory slots;

Information reading devices (floppy disks, drives, card readers);

TV tuners, network and Wi-Fi equipment, modems;

Video card;

Chains, block and power controller;


All owners of personal computers must remember: complete diagnostics should be carried out regularly, without waiting for the technique to fail. In this case, your PC will serve you for a long time, and there will be no need for repairing a computer and in the replacement of components.

Even the weakest personal Computer is complex digital system, often failing for a number of reasons. Like any other technique, the PC is diagnosed, the main part of which is to verify special programs. Some of them come in a set with drivers of component systems, but the bulk of this kind is unified with most of the models of devices, reveals several diagnostic parameters at once and applies to a free or conventional-free basis.

Today we will tell about 10 programs to diagnose a computer that are available to each user.

The first on the review in this article speccy program It is the creation of the British IT-company Pirifym, which created a popular utility for cleaning a computer from the garbage CCleaner. Speckens will help to diagnose the iron of the computer, displaying the basic information about each installed device on board: processor, video card, motherboard, hard disk and other components. Software is distributed free for private use, and can be launched on outdated and new operating windows systemsincluding XP.

After installation and first launch, Speccy without additional greetings immediately turns to business - analysis of installed equipment. The main indicators are instantly displayed on the General Information tab. In the left pane of the tab, the user selects the device. In addition to the SPECCY component components embedded in the firmware, displays the current temperature of the device, and can alert the owner of critical high values. For ease of exchange of diagnostic data in the program, the snapshirt function is implemented as an image or saving them to xML format and TXT.


  • displays information about the type, manufacturer, party number, year of manufacture, firmware version, etc.;
  • removes readings from temperature sensors;
  • displays the nominal and current frequency indicators;
  • saves the information received as a document or image;
  • has a simple interface without excesses;
  • full free software in Russian.


  • there are no diagnostic tools (tests) to test the stability of the system;
  • displays an incomplete list of component parameters.


CPU-Z program You can safely call the most popular system analyzer in the world windows database. It gives comprehensive information about the processor, RAM and its subsystem, and the graphics adapter. CPU-Z is completely free and compatible with all the Windows versions today.

The CPU-Zeta is beneficial to the two qualities of competitors: a great depth of the computer and the simplicity of the shell. With it, you will learn about such parameters of your processor as the type and process chip, its heat dissipation, the kernel voltage, revision and stepping, as well as the level and cache container. The same detailed report is available for RAM and motherboard chipset. These data are indispensable for both overclocker enthusiasts and ordinary users who are fond of upgrading and configuring their computer. However, the information about the video system is served in a compressed form, and the Winchester is not affected at all.

In addition to dry text laying in CPU-Z, simple stress tests of the system can be carried out to test its stability under load. Reports on tests and PC status are stored as a TXT and HTML document.

Appearance The utilities extremely simple and did not change from the beginning of its development. Moving on items is made through the tabs of the top panel. There is also a portable version for running from a flash drive or other media.


  • maximum information about CPU, RAM and chipset;
  • works on a computer with any version of Windows;
  • undemanding to resources;
  • it has the simplest interface (including in Russian);
  • retains reports in text form;
  • free software.


  • does not output status information hard disk;
  • mean report on the video card.
  • Does not show the temperature of the system components.


The video card is a practically full "computer in a computer" with its subsystems and work modes. Therefore, developers from TechPowerUP have developed a separate program to check the computer video system - GPU-Z. Its basic principles are the same as CPU-Z - complete informativeness and simplicity to use. On the network it is available for free use.

GPU-Z is an indispensable and required tool For everyone, who is interested in what is his computer. The utility reports to you about all the parameters of the video course, video memory and power subsystem, up to the device identification code and bIOS version. In addition, the GPU zem scans the current temperature and frequency of the chip, the frequency of memory chips, the speed of rotation of the cooling fan, load and the voltage on the kernel, and the like. All these values \u200b\u200bare fixed at the request of the owner in a text file or a screenshot.

A separate recognition of the utility deserved for the ability to determine the "fake" video cards that are not responded to the characteristics declared in the bios. Near the name of such a card you will notice the status "", and instead of the image of the vendor will appear exclamation point.


  • a full-fledged report on the characteristics of the video card and its current state;
  • simple interface shell;
  • saving a report in the form of a document or screenshot;
  • the possibility of sending a report on problems;
  • large site database for checking your adapter and comparison it with such cards;
  • does not require payment.


  • the interface is not fully translated into Russian;
  • there are no built-in stress tests and test tests;


The HWMONITOR program from the company CPUID is used to fully diagnose the computer, defining its operating parameters and operating modes. Unlike the well-known CPU-Z product from the same company, Hardwir monitor provides a comprehensive check of the state of "iron" in real time, but without providing data on the characteristics and firmware. The software is presented with a free and paid PRO version.

HWMONITOR is a single table, which displays the device installed in the system, and their voltage and operating frequency, heat pump, cooler speed, temperature on sensors and the percentage of workload (work) or busy memory. Since the utility does not displays the firmware data, it is better to use it for overclocking and setting it together with other products, for example, CPU-Z. The testimony can at any time be recorded by the user to the TXT notepad file.

The HWMONITOR Pro version is equipped with additional features for remotely check the tests of the computer sensors through a smartphone or another PC. It also has a temperature panel coated in the tray to work in the "background" during acceleration and control of the heating of electronic components.

The program interface is minimalized, and has no additional features and jewelry.


  • complete PC check, including video system and hDD;
  • removing all available readings from devices sensors;
  • extremely simple and understandable interface;
  • remote check computer status from smartphone (on version pro.);
  • free product.


  • no official localization in Russian;
  • the characteristics of components are not provided;
  • there are no detailed information on the performance of the hard drive by S.M.A.R.T.;


The FURMARK utility is a segless "standard" to test high-performance video cards and built-in computer video systems over the years. It is a set of stress tests for testing a graphical subsystem for work stability and maximum performance in 3D with OpenGL API support. Furmark receives regular updates and is distributed free of charge.

Four Mark consists of the settings dialog box and the test window, which rotates a complex render of the toroidal form (or in a popular - "hairy bagel"). Before starting testing, you must select the level of graphics and mode. In addition to permission and smoothing, the user can enable full-screen instead of the window mode. An important point It is worth specifying the time of the test, since the long-lasting appearance of a video screen under one hundred percent load can output a device.

After pressing the button « GPU. stress test» A rotating object appears on the screen, for the drawing of which the entire video card resource is consumed. The upper part shows a graph of the change in the temperature of the video card. Depending on the specified parameters, the test stops automatically after a certain time or in manual mode user.


  • verification of the video card under the maximum allowable stability load, productivity, power consumption;
  • several mode "run" test;
  • simple interface without unnecessary elements;
  • the composition has the GPU-Z and GPU Shark utilities;
  • free software.


  • FURMARK gives a limit load on the video adapter, which can lead to a decline of graphic chip, memory chips and other "unpleasant" consequences;
  • the interface is not Russified in the official version.

A warning! We do not advise you to download this program to those who just began to get acquainted with the computer. Furmark caused many breakdowns of computers due to improper testing and overheating of radio components. Before running the truck, make sure that you have a powerful cooling system on your video card. We do not advise you to test for more than 5 minutes.


Simple and undemanding utility Speedfan. It will help to control the main indicators of the computer devices, such as the speed of rotation of the cooler, voltage, frequency on the CPU core, the temperature of the components, etc. For almost 20 years, this software is the favorite tools of many overclocking enthusiasts and ordinary users. Speedfan can be downloaded for free on the developer website.

AIDS Fan is a universal means for monitoring the computer in real time. With it, you will be able to change the frequency of the impeller of the fans, control the frequency of the processor, follow the readings of the thermal sensors and check the voltage on the outputs of the power supply over 3.3V, 5V and 12V. In addition, it displays the report S.M.R.R.T. About the hard disk state. Knowing these indicators, the user can increase the heat sink or vice versa, reduce the noise of the system unit.

The program interface in addition to the standard Windows shell includes many charts for a visual idea of \u200b\u200bchanges in indicators. Also, there is a warning function when the set temperature thresholds are exceeded, and the CPU Usage scale will prompt about the loading of each CPU core.


  • removes testimony from temperature, voltage, frequency sensors, etc.;
  • monitoring of the state of the hard drive;
  • displays voltages on power supply lines;
  • the simplest interface in the style of Windows 2000;
  • support for most modern microcontrollers;
  • free software with crack.


  • there is no representation of the characteristics of RAM, chipset and other equally important information.

Aida64 Extreme.

As the heir to the famous Everest, Aida64 is the most powerful to date for comprehensive diagnostics of the computer. In addition to the information stored in bIOS memory, AIDA provides statistics from the Internet and other useful information regarding the selected device. It contains many different tests to test performance and stability under load, and for comparison with other models. AIDA64 Extreme is a conditional free product, as the user is given only 30 days per test use with trimmed possibilities.

The usefulness of AIDA64 EXTREME is difficult to overestimate, because this is one of the few programs that gives comprehensive information about all the characteristics of each component, and even each chip on the board. Having setting it onto your PC, you will learn about all available frequency and temperature indicators, voltage on the outputs of devices, speed of rotation of coolers, power consumption, etc. In addition to the hardware component, AIDA 64 displays data on the operating system and installed components (for example, on DirectX).

In mode "Test"AIDA64 Extreme is experiencing and compares your configuration with other devices from your own database, thus creating a rating. It is worth noting the possibility of checking network devices and connections on the local and global network.


  • provides the highest possible list of computer characteristics;
  • comparison with other systems from the database;
  • removes readings from all available system sensors;
  • checks on errors RAM;
  • there are tests for video cards;
  • at the same time, simple and beautiful design in the classic Windows style.


  • the program is not free - only a 30-day trial version is available.


At the moment it is hard to find a better and beautiful tester than 3DMark from Futuremark (now Ul Benchmark). His task includes a ligament performance check cPU + Video card. The developer offers several versions of Benchmarck: free Basic Edition with trimmed features, Advanced Edition with a large number of tests and settings, and Professional Edition (available for commercial use).

The main chip of this tester is the increased requirements for the hardware of the computer, so even on the medium-level systems, the user can be surprised by a small amount of points received. The second "visiting card" 3DMark can be noted colorful, perfectly developed three-dimensional scenes, imitating games during the inspection. Tests are carried out not only by high-quality, but also quantitative scenes that are larger than the CPU. 3DMark supports everything modern technologies Graphics processing, including DirectX 12 and NVIDIA RTX and DLSS.

At the end of the test, you will see the result obtained in the form of the scored scores of the system as a whole and for each device separately. You can publish your result and compare with others in the ranking created by the rest of users.


  • benchmark loads the system by 100%, not leading to breakdowns;
  • reference tester for high-performance systems;
  • beautiful 3D models and scenes;
  • there is free version 3DMark Basic Edition;
  • an intuitive interface.


  • there is no Russian language in the demo version settings;


Another product from the Finnish company Futuremark, oriented to test the performance of the system as a whole. From 3DMark it has a wider coverage of subsystems to be verified. With it, the user will determine the capabilities of its PC in rendering and installation of video, complex calculations, storage and data transfer with ROM and other tasks. Free Basic and Paid Advanced Edition are available for download.

Analysis of computer performance occurs on the same principle as in 3DMark, but now, taking into account all the main component devices. For example, PCMark checks the speed of reading and writing operational and permanent memory (hard HDD or solid-state SSD Disc), Performance of each CPU kernel, the speed of drawing objects on the video card screen. It also conducts performance tests when working in a browser, watch video and during a conversation through voice Voip clients, as well as on time windows startup. To determine the suitability of the PC to the games, the developers introduced here some tests from 3DMark.

At the end of the test run, the user will see the result on the screen in points, which can be judged by PC performance, drawing on the rating. When identifying problem slow devices, the tester will report the need for their upgrades.


  • total performance test of the entire computer with explanations of problems;
  • analysis of the state of the operating system;
  • reconciliation of the result with the "live" rating of other users;
  • very comfortable and beautiful interface;
  • there is a free version.


  • there is no Russian-language interface (in the Basic version).


The small Hwinfo utility is able to display all the basic parameters of the computer and its components, as well as track the temperature and voltage from the sensors of the devices in real time. According to the developers, it is characterized by increased stability of work and the high accuracy of measurement of diagnostic parameters. For the utility to pay optional, the developer takes only donations.

The main quality of Hwinfo is the stability of work on weak systems with outdated versions of Windows. This software will start even on Win XP, not to mention modern "dozens". The second advantage is the detailed reporting on the status of the PC at the time of the inspection and providing detailed information about its parameters. A simple search for each device is provided with a hierarchical structure of icons with a description on the left side of the window. The available data is easy to save to the test file by the "Save Report" button. In addition to checking the HWINFO computer has a subroutine to update the BIOS motherboard and device drivers.

The Hwinfo interface is made in the usual style of Windows and is convenient to use. At the top of the window there is a panel with icons of the most frequently used features. In the "Program" tab, there is a large number of settings for verification and drivers.


  • simplicity and details of the report;
  • convenient management and configuration;
  • high accuracy of measurement sensor readings;
  • update BIOS and drivers;
  • fully free software.


  • no tests for checking stability and performance system.


Among the ten programs considered by us, there is no perfect option for the diagnosis of the computer - each has a set of its advantages and minuses. However, we can advise to make a choice in a particular situation for specific tasks assigned by the user.

For standard and comprehensive computer scan, we would choose Speccy, Hwmonitor, Hwinfo and PcMark. They provide detailed data on the characteristics and current state of iron and the operating system, and PCMark will help load without risk and test PCs to performance.

For more demanding users, overclockers and players will suit AIDA64 Extreme, 3DMark and Furmark. The first program displays data on the PC at the maximum possible level, and the other two are perfectly suitable for testing video adapters.

CPU-Z, GPU-Z and Speedfan will suit any of the groups, but they, to a greater extent, have similar opportunities with the above-mentioned options.


When working at the computer, sometimes there are different kinds of failures, errors, and to get to the reason for their appearance without special software - the task is not simple! In this reference article, I want to place the best programs for testing and diagnosing a PC that will help in solving the most different kind of problems.

By the way, some of the programs can not only restore the computer's performance, but also to "kill" Windows (have to reinstall OS), or lead to overheating PC. Therefore, be careful with similar utilities (experiment, not knowing what this or that function does - it's not worth it).

Testing processor

Fig. 1. Main Window CPU-Z

Free program for defining all processor characteristics: Name, core type and stepping, used connector, support for certain multimedia instructions, volume and parameters of cache memory. There is a portable version that does not need installation.

By the way, processors even one name can vary somewhat: for example, various cores with different stepping. Part of the information can be found on the processor lid, but usually it is far hidden in system block And it's not easy to get to it.

Another not a unavailable plus of this utility is its ability to create a text report. In turn, such a report can be useful when solving the most different kind of tasks when problems with PCs. I recommend to have a similar utility in my arsenal!

One of the most commonly demanded utilities at least on my computer. Allows you to solve the most diverse range of tasks:

Control over the autoload (removal of all over the autoload);

Control the temperature of the processor, hard disk, video card;

Obtaining total information on a computer and in any of its "hardware" in particular. Information is irreplaceable when searching for rare iron drivers:

In general, my modest look is one of the best system utilities containing all the most necessary. By the way, many experienced users are familiar with the predecessor of this program - Everest (by the way, they are very similar).

One of best programs To test the performance of the processor and the computer's RAM. The program is based on complex mathematical calculations that are fully and for a long time to download even the most powerful processor!

By the way, the program works in all popular Windows to date: XP, 7, 8, 10.

Monitoring and temperature analysis

Temperature is one of the performance indicators that can say a lot about the reliability of the PC. The temperature is measured, usually, in the three components of the PC: processor, hard disk and video card (they are most often, and overheated).

By the way, the Aida 64 utility temperature is pretty well (it's higher in the article, as well as recommended this link :).


This small utility can not only control the temperature of the hard drives and the processor, but also help adjust the speed of the cooler. On some PCs, they are very noisy, thereby annoying the user. Moreover, you can refine their rotation speed without harm to the computer (adjust the rotation speed is recommended experienced users, operation can lead to overheating PC!).

Core temp

A small program that freezes the temperature directly from the processor sensor (bypassing extra ports). According to the accuracy of the testimony - one of the best in its kind!

Programs for overclocking and monitoring the video card

By the way, for those who want to accelerate the video card without using third-party utilities (i.e. no acceleration and no risks), I recommend to get acquainted with the articles on fine-tuning video cards:

Riva Tuner

Fig. 6. Riva Tuner

Very popular once utility for fine tuning NVIDIA video cards. Allows overclocking video card NVIDIA how through standard DriversAnd "directly", working with iron. That is why, it should work with it neatly, ne the "stick" with the settings of the parameters (especially if you have not had experience with such utilities yet).

This utility can also help with the resolution settings (its lock, in many games come in handy), frame rate (not relevant for modern monitors).

By the way, the program has its own "basic" driver settings, the registry for certain cases of work (for example, when you start the game, the utility can switch the video card mode to the desired).

Fig. 7. Atitool - Main window

Highly interesting program The program for overclocking ATI and NVIDIA video cards. It has the functions of automatic acceleration, as well as the presence of a special "load" algorithm video cards in three-dimensional mode (see Fig. 7, above).

When testing in three-dimensional mode, you can find out the amount of FPS, issued by the video card with a fine tuning, just immediately notice the artifacts and defects in the graph (by the way, this moment means that it is dangerous further to overclock the video card). Generally an indispensable tool When trying to overclock the graphics adapter!

Restore information when accidental removal or formatting

A rather large and extensive topic deserving a whole separate article (and not one). On the other hand, not to include it in this article would be wrong. Therefore, here, so as not to repeat and not increase the size of this article to "huge" sizes, I will bring only links to other articles on this topic.

Restoration word documents -

Defining a malfunction (primary diagnostics) of the hard disk by sound:

The huge directory of the most popular information recovery programs:

Testing RAM

Also the topic is quite extensive and in two words do not tell. Usually, when problems with RAM RAM behaves as follows: freezes, "", spontaneous reboot, etc., appear in more detail, see the reference below.

Analysis and Testing Hard Disc

Analysis of the occupied hard disk space -

Throws hard drive, analysis and search for causes -

Check hard disk for performance, search Bad -

Cleaning the hard disk from temporary files and "garbage" -

I have everything today. I will be grateful for additions and recommendations on the topic of the article. Successful work for PC.