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WINDOVS XP from the disk. The most complete step by step-by-step installation of Windows XP

Reinstalling Windows System for many users remains something mysterious and unknown when in fact it's easy and fast. If you decide to switch to the Windows XP system and install yourself, then this article will help you cope with all the difficulties and answer many questions.

What to do before installing windows xp

In the process of installing files on Local disk C will be formatted. Optionally, you can delete all the contents of the computer, clearing it completely, however, if you are expensive photos and programs, do not do it better.

If yours file system divided into multiple disks - transfer important data from the disk with on any other. After reinstalling, you will lose your photos, music mounted on a disk with programs.

Writing an image of Windows XP

Installation of the system occurs from any media of the information: optical disk, USB media, flash drives. If you do not have a disk with an operating system, you will have to create it yourself. For this, programs will be suitable for creating and recording images:

It is more convenient to use Daemon Tools, as it applies for free on the official website:

Go and download the product.

Full instructions for recording images you will find in the article

  • Install the program following the instructions of the installer;
  • Go to the image entry section;
  • Insert the disk into the computer;
  • Select media and start recording.

Installing Windows XP.

When you have a disk with an operating system or a flash drive, you saved the most important files - it's time to start installation.

  • Go to bios. To do this, you need to restart the system, when turned on by clicking on a special button. Most often, it is F7 or F12. When you click on the correct button, you will fall in menu Bios.. Be careful, as you have to press the button you need to appear before the bootable screen saver.
  • Bios is different, it all depends on its version. Most often, it is decorated in the form of tabs. You need to find the tab "BOOT".
  • In it you will find "Boot Device Priority.". This section sets the primary carrier from which the system will be loaded. By default, loading comes with hard diskbut at the time of installation this priority should be changed to your optical disk or flash drive.

  • Now choose using the "+ -" pricer keys. Using the screenshot below you can easily understand how the memory card is translated, and as a CD disk. Your medium should be in the 1st Boot Device string.
  • Remember the sequence of devices that stood initially.

  • Now it remains only to click on the installation and wait until the system is installed. It will take up to an hour, in the process, the computer can reboot himself several times.
  • Once the installation is completed, you will get a fully new Windows XP system.

What needs to be executed after installing Windows XP

This procedure is not completed. First of all, you need to go to the BIOS again and set the priority of download to the one that was initially.

  • After that, download the drivers.
  • If you do not have a disk with drivers, then use such a cunning:
  • Go to the control panel through the Start menu.
  • Find the "Equipment and Sound" tab.

  • In this section, click on the Task Manager item.

  • Now you see all devices in your computer. Press them with the right mouse button and select the "Update Drivers" item.

As you can see, reinstall operating system Not such a difficult procedure.

Someone may seem strange that I write an article on installing such an old operating system in 2014. But as practice shows, people still often appeal to me asking for Windows XP. In addition, only in search engine For the past month, Yandex was introduced more than 30,000 "Installing Windows XP" requests, which indicates the non-participatory popularity of this version of Windows. And there is nothing surprising. There are many users who have been used to this operating system for many years that they do not want to explore new ones. It all suits them, because under Windows XP, you can all stuck the clock in games, the Internet, a variety of applications. The case of the habit that there is also a lot of people who own old computers. They just have no choice, even if they wanted to install something fresh.

I will move directly to the essence of the article. To begin with, I strongly recommend that you read my entries "" and "". Also, if you put a pirate windows versionIt is necessary to write a product key, without which the installation will be impossible. The key can be viewed on the site where they swing image of Windows., in the description of the distribution. Another key can be in one of the text text files. Some Windows Pirate Assemblies show you the key at the very beginning of installing Windows. For licensed windows, the key can be found on the sticker of the original box for the disk.

If you already have a boot flash drive or disk, and you were able to set the computer from the corresponding device to the BIOS, you can start installing Windows. Insert blood flash drive in uSB port Computer or CD / DVD disc in optical drive, restart the computer. If you put a system from a disk, then a white inscription will appear on the black screen with the text "Press Any Key to Boot From CD ...". Immediately press any key to get into the Windows Installer. If you put Windows from the boot flash drive, then you may have a boot menu, where you must select the phrase "Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 Setup" or "Installing Windows XP" (depends on the method with which you created a bootable flash drive) , Press ENTER. Next, select the 1st line with the text "First Part of Windows XP Setup from Partition 0", press Enter again. A Windows Installer must be launched (blue screen with "Installing Windows"). For some time we are waiting, do not touch anything. When the text screen appears, "the installation program will be welcomed," press the ENTER key.

Next, you will be marked with the license 🙂 Press the F8 key on the keyboard. A screen appears where you must select on what logic disc will install Windows (a disk with the letter C) is recommended, press ENTER. Attention, all information from the selected disk will be destroyed! If you, instead of logical disks, the "unimpressed area" is displayed, you will have to create disks manually. Press the C key and assign the volume of the future system disk (preferably at least 50,000 MB), confirm the selection by the Enter key.

In the next window, select "Format the section in the NTFS system", ENTER again. After formatting the copy process begins windows files on the hDD. Waiting for the computer will complete and reboots. After the reboot, it is advisable to go to the BIOS and set your hard disk with the boot device (as well as you have exhibited your flash drive or optical drive).

The Windows installation process begins. Just watch until the computer ask you to intervene in the installation process. In the "Language and Regional Standards" window, leave everything by default if you are as in the figure below (if not so, you choose the country and the language manually), click "Next". In the "Program Accessories" window, write what you want in the "Name" string, again "Next".

In the next window, enter the product key (I wrote about it at the beginning of the article), click the "Next" button. The next window with time settings and dates, change the time zone and date, if necessary.

In the two subsequent windows, you can change anything, just press "Next".

You can go to drink coffee or tea, installing Windows will continue without your participation. It will only be performed basic setting At the end of the installation. Do as shown in pictures below.

As a result, a window appears with the screen parameters, simply click "OK" and then again "OK". Loading workers windows table XP. You got it! It remains only.

Sincerely, Alexander Molchanov

Often after the actions of the ill-fated viruses, the system ceases to work properly, or will refuse to work at all -, constantly reboots or something else. And often required installing windowsbut. In this article just will understand how to reinstall Windows XP from scratch? The Windows installation procedure is very simple, it is not harder to install any program, but in essence the Windows operating system is the program. The main thing is that the Installer program writes and follow my recommendations.

So, you decided to reinstall Winows XP. Naturally, you need to acquire the installation disk with the operating system. And the disk must be bootable.

Installing Windows Step-by-step instructions

Step 1. Before installing Windows, be sure to transfer all of your important data On another logical disk (D, E, ...) or at all on another medium. In the case, if, all the data you need, you can copy using Live CD systems.

Live CD is an operating system loaded from a changeable media (CD, DVD, USB drive, etc.), which does not require installation on a hard disk for its operation. Ie essentially the same windows, but working with removable media.

Step 2. Next, insert the Windows XP disk into the DVD-ROM, when you boot a computer, you must select the download from the CD-ROMA. To do this, you can enter the BIOS and set the device from which the download will go or can be made easier, as soon as the computer has turned on, press the F8 or F12 key (when loading, as a rule is written, how the key you want to click to select the device from which you download First of all) and when the selection window appears, select your DVD drive.

Step 3. The installer will automatically start, the system will also be tested. (Procedure for 5-10 minutes), then the window will appear:

Press ENTER (input), in the next window accepts the license agreement, the F8 key, and then the installer program will prompt you to select the disk (partition) for installation. Approximately as in the figure below:

You have a window can be slightly different. If your hard disk is broken into several sections, respectively, all they will be here. In this case, select "disk with" and click "Enter (Enter). If the installation occurs on a new hard drive, it will be about the same way as in the screenshot above. In this case, simply press "ENTER.

Step 4. In the next step, you will be prompted to format the disk to which the system will be installed:

I strongly recommend always formatting the section before installing (just before you do not forget to keep all your important data, otherwise they will be irrevocably lost). Choose format in the NTFS system, you can quickly, it is not so important. If the disc is a new one, then here without options, it will be necessary to format it in any case. Selected - Pressed "Enter" - the program formats the section and start copying files to a hard disk.

Step 5. How the files are copied, the computer will automatically restart and install Windows will continue. After some time, a window will appear:

click the Next button, then enter the administrator name - license key Product - Computer Name - Set the time and time zone and all, installing Windows will continue on your own. If any additional windows appear, simply click "Next" and that's it.

Step 6. Conclusion. After a half hour, installing Windows will end and the computer will reboot. Next you will need to introduce your name account and activate their own a copy of Windows, and that is all.

Now you know how to reinstall Windows XP and that it is available to each PC user. It remains only to install the drivers and the necessary programs.

In the modern information world, everything is tied to personal computersMost of them are operating under the control of the Windows operating system. Most likely, you have also installed systems from Microsoft Corporation. These systems are good to everyone, but they are buggy. Therefore, they would not be unnecessary to install operating systems. In this article, I will try how it is easy to tell how to install windows(Windows XP).

We look for an image on the Internet. To do this, you can enter a browser string. windows XP SP3 download. Many resources recommend setting clean Windows XP builds, you can find them in the browser windows XP MSDN.. The choice is yours. Personally, I like the assembly of Windows XP from IDIMM. You can find them in a browser string iDIMM..

At the moment, these assemblies have the following name: Windows XP SP3 IDIMM Edition Full / Lite 24.12 RUS (VLK) (2012) Russian. Those. There are two assemblies: Full - full and Lite - lightweight. VLK's attack suggests that the activation this assembly does not require. The only thing that may require is the key. Find it in the information when you download the image and save it. We also read what the full and lightweight versions are different and decide what you need. I like the full version.

Another plus of these assemblies. They have added a package of the AHCI MassStorage drivers to work in AHCI mode. This mode is responsible for supporting NCQ technology, which can significantly lift the performance of the drive and therefore the system as a whole. Therefore, we will install the operating system in AHCI mode.

You can download image from, but it is not comfortable and slow. It is better to find and quickly download this assembly on. For example or.

The downloaded file is called: WindowsXP_SP3_IDIMM_EMEEMM_EMDITION_FULL_V.24.12.ISO.

Before writing the file to the disk, it is necessary to verify that it would make sure that the error has not happened during the download process and the downloaded image is 100% identical to the original.

Tab File Hashes.

Copy the MD5 amount indicated below and insert the hash comparison in the field:. If the file is identical to the original, instead of a picture with a question mark, a green "bird" will appear, if not, a red cross will appear.

At the beginning of the downloads should see the following window. Do not touch anything. We wait

A menu appears with the possibility of selecting multiple boot options. Choose Semi-automatic installation of Windows XP.

Installation menu windows disk Xp.

The difference between the usual and semi-automatic installation of Windows XP is that the user's participation is maximally excluded.

After selecting begins installing windows.

Usually, for installation, only Windows XP has enough 5 GB, if you plan to install on the system disk (the disk on which the operating system is installed), it is recommended to make it more.

Selecting a section for installation

Setting time and date

We again come to the main installation window

Basic Windows Installation Window

After the installation is completed, Windows XP is rebooted.

It will also be asked to wait some time.

In the next window, you must enter a user or users who will work at the computer. You must enter a minimum of one user

Computer users

Installation of the operating system is completed

Installation process additional programs as follows

Installing selected programs

Installing Windows XP successfully completed If you see the drawing below at home

The operating system is installed.

Installation of drivers


The article reviewed how to install windows xp. Namely: where and how to download the image of the operating system, how to record the downloaded image on the disk, how to directly install the operating system and how to install the drivers. The first time to establish it hard and for a long time, but every time you will get it all easier and faster. In fact, the operating system is the same program as others, just with small nuances of the installation.

Another pleasant news. The time of stable operation of the operating system will increase with each)

I hope I managed as simple as possible and more affordable to talk about how to install windowsIn our case, Windows XP.

The operating system is the basis of the software computer device, so to speak "the brain" and represents a set of programs, with which the resources management, external computer equipment takes place and its interconnection with the user is performed.

The operating system is installed on a new "clean" computer or laptop after purchase, since without it the computer remains unsuitable for operation, because in addition to the BIOS, there is nothing from the program part. However, it is often necessary to perform Windows reinstallation, i.e. Installation instead of already existing OS.

"Cut, without waiting for peritonitis!" Or, in what cases it is worth reinstalling the operating system Windows XP

The famous quote from the popular film is eloquently answering the question when there is a need for such a cardinal step as reinstalling Windows XP.

The most common reasons are the following:

Systematic appearance of errors, "freezes", "braking", frequent spontaneous reboots arising due to systemic garbage, incorrect removal of programs, the involvement of the computer, which ultimately can lead to a serious failure in its work and the loss of valuable information;

The impossibility of loading in general, i.e. The appearance of the blue "death screen";

In any case, it is necessary to decide on such cardinal actions such as reinstalling, only after a careful analysis of the device, repeated attempts to "do small blood", I.e. Performing actions to improve its condition: Guidance of the order in the registry, cleaning the disc from trash files, defragmentation, "Sanations" from viruses, etc. If nothing helps, it means that the process went too far and requires an extreme measure - reinstalling the system.

What you need to have to reinstall Windows XP

To reinstall this operating system are necessary the following parameters and equipment:

  • The processor is 233 MHz (minimum).
  • RAM - 64 MB.
  • Super VGA video adapter with a resolution of 800x600.
  • Hard disk space from 15 GB.
  • CD-RUM or DVD-RUM.
  • Keyboard.
  • Mouse and other peripherals.

In addition, there should be an installation disk, better licensed or its high-quality image on a CD / DVD or flash drive, a product key and a set of desired drivers.

Preparatory stage

In order to avoid seeping errors and incorrectness from the old operating system, it is best to reinstall with disk formatting, so to speak, "full", only then can you guarantee a valid "update" of a computer on which there will be nothing superfluous.

It should be remembered that reinstalling the operating system means the full loss of data on the disk C, and when formatting the hard drive, information on all logic disks. Therefore, before you start installing Windows XP, carefully analyze and save the desired files to flash memory, portable disk or other computer, as well as take care of the drivers: It's a shame when after installation new systemShe will not "see" old external devices. After these manipulations, you can proceed to the immediate reinstall. Further instruction is designed to install the disk if you want to use a USB flash drive, use this manual.

Step-by-step instructions for reinstalling Windows XP from the installation disk

After turning on the computer, press the "DEL", "ESC" or "F2" key in order to enter the BIOS menu and make changes to the appropriate items.

Changing parameters in BIOS

BIOS is a hardware-software part of the computer responsible for settings of the component system unit.

So-called "hotkeys" to enter the BIOS menu different manufacturers May differ somewhat, for example, for ASUS is "ESC" or F8, for SONY - F11, for Acer - F12, and for Samsung - "ESC" or F10. So it is not necessary to despair if you have nothing to do with the first time, a few more attempts should be done using different combinations.

In the BIOS menu, go to the tab Advanced And, with the help of arrows, we find item which we change the order of loading by setting the priority with CD /DVD.After that, we save the changes made by pressing the F10 key, which means Save.and.EXITSetup. (Save and exit settings), confirm the action by pressing "YES" and leave the BIOS. If difficulties have arisen, read the hotkeys table to enter the BIOS.

Reinstallation from flash memory is distinguished only by the fact that at the first occasion in the BIOS, you must select the download from the USB flash drive, on which the image of the installation disk is located.

Loading a computer from the installation disk

Insert the installation disk into the drive and overload the computer. An inscription will appear on the screen. (Click any key to confirm the boot with CD or DVD). The installation process will continue, and a proposal will appear on the screen. windows Installer XP Professional Select one of the items, among which is "installation". Press Enter and accept the license agreement with the F8 key.

Winchester breakdown to sections

The screen will make a picture with a proposal for creating sections. Choose FROM,as a rule, it is this letter indicate a system disk, and determine its volume. For Windows XP, it must be from 15 GB. Enter the numbers to the appropriate field. If you wish, you can delete the key section Del.

Disc formatting

To do this, you select the "Format partition in the NTFS system" using the up-down arrows. During formatting, all data from the disk C will be erased, a new markup of the data storage area will occur and an updated file structure will be formed. That is why it was necessary to pre-preserve information on external media.

Download procedure

This process will go automatically, without your participation and includes unpacking system components and copy the relevant files. On the screen will be sequentially changing messages, then the program will be announced to the emergency reboot, during which you need to go to the BIOS again and reconfigure the priority of devices by changing it on the HDD.

Final setting

Installation will continue. Now it is necessary to successively follow these steps:

  • set languages \u200b\u200band regional standards;
  • designate a name;
  • make a product key (25 characters);
  • enter the name of the computer and password (optional);
  • set the date and time;
  • set up a working group;
  • perform network support (here we do not change anything);
  • after the welcoming screen appears, click "Next";
  • the following settings can also be skipped (for quick installation);
  • enter the account name (username);
  • go to the penultimate picture in the installation and click on the "Finish" key.

Next will appear about automatic setting The resolution of the screen with which you need to agree by clicking "OK", after which the picture of the desktop will be lit. Installation is completed, you can now download device drivers, produce custom settings And transfer back to the disk stored on external media information.