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How to check the disk on errors. CHKDSK How to check and fix hard disk errors

This article describes causes and ways to solve the error "Windows detected malfunctions hard disk» . If you see this warning, then in the process hard work Disc appeared problems. The system may be damaged or not boot when you next start. As a result, there is a possibility of losing your data, such as photos, videos, music, important documents and the other.

This is due to the fact that problems or other serious errors damaging may occur when working disk operating system, slowing or even stopping her work. It is very annoying, because it can appear every 5-10 minutes. In most cases, this message is a feature of a hard disk malfunction, system failure, loss of a system file, etc. Ignore it is not recommended, and the best solution will find out the reason for the appearance.

Possible causes of errors

There are many reasons for the occurrence of this error.

It usually occurs when the hard disk fails, but may also be caused by the registry error, shortage random access memory, excessive launch or redundant installation of programs, virus, malicious software, and many other reasons. You can solve it by trying to restore the system, delete unnecessary files Systems, or update it.

Possible causes of hard disk failure:

    Mechanical or logical error. It is very likely that it is caused by damage file System, bad sectors, or mechanical problem. The hard disk is responsible for data storage, and its breakdown will lead to data loss.

    Virus. When the computer infects the virus, it will no longer work as before, even if the antivirus software deleted it. Antivirus does not eliminate damage caused by the virus, but only removes it. In such cases, the message is associated with damage to the data by the virus.

    Damage system files . Their damage can cause unfinished uninstalling the program, deleting important system information, incorrect completion of the computer and so on. The damaged file in turn will lead to the absence of the data required by the system for proper operation.

    Human factor. Many users trying to increase PC performance can cause the problem of the system. For example, changing settings system registry, or location and properties of system files. Since they are poorly disassembled in system components, then follow the wrong instructions or perform incorrect operations. Some of them may damage the system or hardware.

How to fix the error

It is difficult to determine the cause, according to an error message. This does not mean that damaged hDD, or problem with the system. The following lists several solutions that can help in its correction.

Solution 1: SFC / SCANNOW Team

Use standard error correction tools that are built into the OS. This tool can help fix many serious problems. Standard utility "Check system files" Check and eliminate the error of their integrity. To start it, open the menu "Start" And enter CMD in the search field. Then clicking the right mouse button "Run on the name of the administrator".

Read more How to run the command line Look on the video

In the command prompt enter sFC. / scannow and press the key ENTER.

The process will quickly show the result. This command checks the system files and replaces the damaged backup. Do not close the window until the check is completed.

Solution 2: Team Chkdsk

If the first method does not work, you can check the command chkdsk.. In the command line we write it with a letter of a disk that you need to check. If you want to test the default section, you do not need anything else.

Enter "Chkdsk" and press "ENTER".

If you need to complete the hard disk scan with the automatic fixing error of system files and damaged sectors, you must add to the command chkdsk. parameter / F..

With a check of the disk on which the OS is installed, difficulties may occur, the system will suggest to check it with the following reboot, to which you need to enter confirmation "Y".

After checking the problem should disappear. Before trying to execute this command, it is recommended to make data backup. Since error correction can be sweeset some data.

Solution 3: Search for failure sectors

Check damaged sectors. Victoria or HDD Regenerator will help it. The latter even has the function of physical recovery of damaged sectors. This is implemented at the expense "Magnetization" Failure plots. For details on the work of these programs, see our channel:

If the disk has a large capacity, the scanning process may take some time. After its completion, a report on bad sectors will be displayed.

In the process of repair, the data stored on the damaged sectors can be labeled, so it is recommended to make a backup before it starts.

Solution 4: Service Center

Contact B. service center Disc repair. For repair, special equipment and spare parts are needed. simple users. Some discs can still be restored.

How to disable error messages

The error appears when the system believes that the disc is damaged and reminds of the need to back up the data. But there are cases when everything is in order with him, and OS gives an error. What is very annoying when working at the computer, but it is possible to disable them.

To do this, press the key combination Win + R. And in the window "Run" We write a team gpedit.msc. (Not available in Windows Home).

In the window that opens, looking for a folder "Diagnostics of a disc" / "Diagnostics of a disc. Configure user alert text »

This will disable notifications, but will not fix the disk problem. Therefore, before doing this, make sure that the HDD is not the cause of the problem.

Backup in case of error

As already mentioned, the disk problems can cause the loss of important data. Therefore, it is recommended to make a backup, if such an error occurs. Copying it to another disk or carrier.

This can be done using standard tools Windows, details in video rollers:

The cloning rate mainly depends on the speed of the disk selected mode and the amount of data.

How to restore files with "BATTY" Disk can be in the video of our channel

One of the important factors of the system's performance is the serviceability of such a base component as hard drives. It is especially important that there are no problems with the drive on which the system is installed. In the opposite case, such malfunctions are possible as the inability to access individual folders or files, regular emergency exit from the system, " blue screen Death "(BSOD), up to the inability to launch a computer at all. We find out how on Windows 7 you can check the hard drive for errors.

If you have a situation that it does not even go into the system, then in order to check whether the hard drives are not guilty to the hard drive for its study, you should connect the disk to another computer or download the system with using Live. CD. It is also recommended to do if you are going to check the drive where the system is installed.

Widget methods are divided into options using exceptionally internal Windows tools (utility Check Disk.) and for options using third-party software. At the same time, the errors themselves can also be divided into two groups:

  • logical errors (file system damage);
  • physical (hardware) problems.

In the first case, many programs for researching hard drive can not only find errors, but also to make them corrected. In the second case, using the application, it will not be possible to completely eliminate the problem, but only to mark the broken sector, as unreadable, so that there is no longer recorded. Fully hard disk hardware malfunctions can be eliminated only by repairing or replaced.

Method 1: CrystalDiskinfo

Let's start with the analysis of options using third-party programs. One of the most popular HDD testing methods for errors is the use of the well-known CrystalDiskInfo utility, the main purpose of which is just as to solving the task being studied.

If multiple physical HDD is connected to the computer, then to switch between them in order to obtain information, click on the menu "Disk"And then select the desired medium from the list.

Benefits this method Using CrystalDiskInfo is the simplicity and speed of the study. But at the same time, with his help, unfortunately, it will not be possible to eliminate the problems in case of identifying them. In addition, it is necessary to recognize that the search for problems in this way is performed quite superficial.

Method 2: HDDLife Pro

The next program that will help estimate the storage status used under Windows 7 is HDLIFE Pro.

To update the data you need to click on the main window of the HDDLIFE Pro "File" and then choose "Check discs now!".

The main disadvantage of this method is that the full functionality of the HDLIFE Pro is paid.

Method 3: HDDScan

The next program with which you can check the HDD is the free HDDScan utility.

  1. Activate HDDDScan. In field "SELECT DRIVE" Displays the name of that HDD, manipulation over which should be made. If multiple HDD is connected to the computer, then clicking on this field, You can choose between them.
  2. To go to start scanning, click on the button. "NEW TASK"which is placed on the right of the screenshot area. In the discontinent list, choose "Surface Test".
  3. After that, the type of test type selection window opens. You can choose four options. Rearring between them Radio Point:
    • Read. (default);
    • Verify;
    • Butterfly Read.;
    • Erase..

    The last option also involves the complete cleaning of all sectors of the scanned disk from information. Therefore, it needs to be applied only if you consciously want to clean the drive, and otherwise it will be just the loss of the desired information. So with this function should be treated very carefully. The first three points of the list are testing using various ways of reading. But there is no fundamental difference between them. Therefore, you can use any option, although it is still preferable to apply the one that is installed by default, that is, "Read".

    In fields "Start LBA" and "END LBA" You can specify the start and completion sector. In field "BLOCK SIZE" The cluster size is indicated. In most cases, these settings do not need to change. Thus, you will scan the entire drive, and not some part of it.

    After the settings are installed, click "Add Test".

  4. In the lower field of the program "Test Manager"According to the previously entered parameters, the task of testing will be formed. To start the test, simply follows twice to click on her name.
  5. The test procedure is launched, the course of which can be observed using the graph.
  6. After completing the test in the tab "MAP" You can view its results. In a good HDD, there should be no broken clusters marked with blue and clusters with a response exceeding 50 ms marked with red. In addition, it is desirable that the number of clusters marked with yellow (the response range from 150 to 500 ms) was relatively small. Thus, the more clusters with minimal response time, the topics are considered the best HDD state.

Method 4: Checking the Check Disk utility through the properties of the drive

But check the HDD on errors, as well as correct some of them, and using the built-in Windows 7 utility, which is called Check Disk.. It can be launched different ways. One of these methods provides launch through the properties of the drive.

  1. Click "Start". Next, select from the menu "A computer".
  2. A window will open with a list of connected drives. Right-click ( PKM.) By the name of that drive that you want to explore mistakes. From the context menu, select "Properties".
  3. In the properties window that appears, move to the tab. "Service".
  4. In block "Disk Check" Click "Perform check".
  5. The HDD verification window is started. In addition, in fact, the study by installing and removing the check mark near the respective items, you can turn on or off two additional features:
    • Check and restore damaged sectors (default is turned off);
    • Automatically correct system errors (The default is on).

    To activate scanning, after installing the parameters described above, press "Run".

  6. If an option was selected with the recovery of damaged sectors, the new window will appear an informational message that Windows cannot start checking the HDD, which is used. To start it, it will be prompted to disable volume. To do this, click on the button. "Disable".
  7. After that, scanning should begin. If you want to check with the correction, the system drive on which Windows is installed, then in this case it fails to disable it. A window will appear where to click "Disk check schedule". In this case, the scan will be scheduled for the next restart of the computer.
  8. If you removed a tick from the point "Check and restore damaged sectors"The scanning will start immediately after the execution of paragraph 5 of this manual. The study procedure of the selected drive is performed.
  9. After the procedure is completed, the message says that HDD has been successfully verified. In case of detection of problems and their corrections, this will also be reported in this window. To exit it press "Close".

Method 5: "Command String"

Check Disk utility can also be launched from "Command Line".

If the user wants not only to carry out a study, but also to carry out automatic correction of the errors found during its process, then in this case, enter such a command:

For activation Press ENTER.

If you need to check the drive for not only logical, but also physical errors (damage), as well as try to correct damaged sectors, then in this case the following plan command is applied:

When checking not all the hard drive, and a specific logical drive is required to enter its name. For example, in order to scan only the section D.should be introduced such an expression in "Command Line":

Accordingly, if you need to scan another disk, it is required to introduce its name.

Attributes "/ F" and "/ R" are the main ones when starting the team chkdsk. through "Command Line"But there are still a number of additional attributes:

  • / X. - Makes off the specified drive for more detailed checks (most often used simultaneously with the attribute "/ F");
  • / V. - indicates the cause of the problem (the ability to apply only in the NTFS file system);
  • / C. - skipping scan in structural folders (this reduces the quality of the verification, but increases its speed);
  • / I. - Fast check without detail;
  • / B. - re-evaluating damaged items after trying to fix them (applied solely with the attribute "/ R");
  • / Spotfix. - point correction of errors (only works with NTFS);
  • / freeorphanedchains - instead of restoring the content, clears clusters (only works with FAT / FAT32 / EXFAT file systems);
  • / L: size - indicates the size of the log file in the event of an emergency exit (without specifying the size remains the current value);
  • / Offlinescanandfix. - Offline scanning with the disconnection of the specified HDD;
  • / Scan. - proactive scanning;
  • / Perf. - increase the priority of scanning over other processes running in the system (applied only with the attribute "/ Scan");
  • /? - call a list and attribute features displayed through the window "Command Line".

Most of the above attributes can be used not only individually, but also together. For example, entering the following command:

cHKDSK C: / F / R / I

will make a quick check of the section C. Without detail with the correction of logical errors and broken sectors.

If you are trying to check with the correction of that disc on which the Windows system is located, you cannot immediately execute this procedure. This is due to the fact that this process Requires monopoly law, and the operation of the OS will prevent the implementation of this condition. In this case, in "Command Line" A message appears on the impossibility of performing the operation immediately, but it is proposed to be done upon subsequent reboot of the operating system. If you agree with this proposal, you should click on the keyboard "Y"that symbolizes "Yes" ("Yes"). If you changed my mind to carry out the procedure, then click "N"that symbolizes "no" ("no"). After entering the command, press ENTER.

Method 6: Windows PowerShell

Another option for running the procedure for scanning media for errors is to use the built-in Windows PowerShell tool.

  1. To go to this tool, click "Start". Then "Control Panel".
  2. Enter B. "System and safety".
  3. Next, select "Administration".
  4. A list of various system instruments appears. Find "Windows PowerShell Modules" and click on it PKM.. Follow the selection on the list "Run on the name of the administrator".
  5. The PowerShell window appears. To start scanning partition D. Enter the expression:


    At the end of this expression "D" - This is the name of the selected section, if you want to check another logical drive, then enter its name. Unlike "Command Line"The name of the carrier is introduced without a colon.

    After entering the command, click ENTER.

    If the results displays the value "NOERRORSFOUND"This means that errors were not found.

    If you want to execute offline check media D. With disabling disc, then in this case the team will be like this:


    Again, if necessary, can be replaced by the letter section in this expression on any other. After entering Press ENTER.

As you can see, check the hard disk on errors in Windows 7, as using a number of third-party programs, and using the built-in utility Check Disk.By running it in various ways. Error checks implies not only the carrier scanning, but also the possibility of subsequent correction of problems. True, it should be noted that such utilities are better not to use too often. They can be applied when one of the problems that have been described at the beginning of the article. In order to prevent the program to verify the drive, it is recommended to run no more than 1 time in a half.

Failures B. windows work, emergency power off of the computer, experiments with software for controlling disk space, the effects of virus penetration - these and other problems can lead to automatic launch regular utility Windows Chkdsk.intended to correct file system errors hard disks. The incorrectly completed operation of the operating system with files leads to the appearance of file system errors, and sometimes to its damage at all.

In emergency cases, the chkdsk utility itself turns on before launching Windows, scans the disk sections and corrects errors. However, the fact of the availability of problems with the file system may not be able to know if necessary for the usual use of the computer and detected only when you try to control the disk space. So, for example, trying to reduce the disk partition windows tools, We can get such a notice: "It is possible that the volume selected for compression is damaged. Use the CKDSK program to troubleshoot, and then try the volume compression attempt. "

In this case, the disc check is automatically not started. How in Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 to run Chkdsk manually? How to fix the disk errors using CHKDSK if this problem causes the inability of the operating system to load?

Inside Windows, the chkdsk utility can be launched in several ways.

1. Starting the CHKDSK using the Windows graphical interface

To start chkdsk, in the system conductor on the disk with the right mouse click and open the "properties".

In the window of the opening properties of the disc partition, go to the "Service" tab, and press the "Check" button (or "Check" for Windows 7).

In versions of Windows 8.1 and 10, if everything is in order with the disk file system, in the window that appears next window will see a notification that the check is not required. But if you want to check the disk, the chkdsk utility can be launched by clicking "Check Disk".

If the system suspects the presence of file system errors, a button for starting checking and restoring a disk will be present in this window.

To work CHKDSK relative to the disk with you need to restart the computer. This can be done immediately or postpone the launch of the check until the next reboot.

After rebooting the computer, you will be able to watch the work of CHKDSK.

In Windows 7, the launch of the CHKDSK is slightly different: you can add another possible option - check and restore damaged to the preset hard sectors disk. When activating this option, it is necessary to take into account that in this case the work of CHKDSK can take longer.

As in the case of Windows 8.1 and 10, in version 7, the system disk C cannot be checked within the operating system. To start checking, you need to restart the computer. Click "Disc Check Schedule".

When checking a non-system disk partition, if it is used by some programs, the situation is easier than with a system partition. In a window with a notification that the disk is currently used, you just need to press the "Disable" button to, respectively, disable this section for checking time.

2. Run CHKDSK using the command line

To start the chkdsk using the command line, first, respectively, launch the last one.

In the command line, enter the type command:

In this command, instead of a disk, with each time we substitute the letter of the desired partition, which requires verification. If Chkdsk should check system section C, like when working with a graphical interface, you will need to restart the computer. After the message appears on the command line about the impossibility of blocking the specified disk, you need to enter "Y", then restart the computer.

In addition to the / F parameter responsible for correcting the disk error, the CHKDSK can be run with the / R parameter to search for damaged sectors and data recovery. According to the result of the work of CHKDSK with this parameter, the hard disk clusters with unreadable sectors will be as damaged (dial-blank) with the transfer of their functions to the new cluster. Therefore, to run the chkdsk with the / R parameter is recommended only when the usual error correction is to start the utility with the parameter / F - did not bring the necessary results. By the example of the same disk with the command will look like this:

3. Run CHKDSK in unguarded windows

If Windows hangs at a certain stage of loading, one of possible causes This problem is file system errors. In this case, run the chkdsk is necessary by booting from the emergency media. As such, you can use the usual installation carrier from windows versions 7, 8.1 or 10. With its help, the chkdsk utility will start inside the command line. At the first stage of starting the installation process of the system, click the command line launch key - SHIFT + F10.

In the command line, before launching the CKDSK command, you must clarify what letters disk sections are defined. It is easy to do with a notepad. Starting his team:

Click menu of the "File" notepad menu, then "Open".

In the opened conductor, I remember new disk designations. As a rule, in Windows 8.1 and 10, the disk section of the disk (which it is inside the working operating system) is as d, since the letter with is given to the first technical partition of the system. And all other sections go with the displacement of one letter of the alphabet.

Deciding with the letters of disk partitions, closed notebook, further, returning to the command line, enter the team for this type:

As when working with CHKDSK inside Windows, you must first try to correct the disk errors by starting the utility with the / f parameter. And only if the problem is not solved, only then launch the command with the / r parameter, as indicated in the previous paragraph of the article.

For cases of the inability of Windows, you can download the emergency Live disk in advance with a selection of various tools to restore the operating system. Among such, for example, Adminpe based on WinPE. Its image for writing to disk or flash drive can be downloaded on the official website of the project. Using Adminpe, you can run the command prompt and enter the challenge commands considered above. But in this Live disk the chkdsk utility has its own interface and starts using the script. The startup label utility is carried right on the desktop.

In the drop-down list, select the desired disk section. Next, activate the recovery checkboxes of the damaged sectors and the forced disabling section (volume). Start check.

Among the AdminPe toolkit - a number of other utilities for working with hard disks, as well as famous programs Hard Disk Sentinel and Victoria.

Most hard drives with experience contain erroneous records and so-called. . Some of them lead to sad consequences: loss of important files, damage to photos and video; When this happens with your hard disk - the question of time.

Windows offers basic tools To search for HDD errors (Scandisk, Chkdsk), however, they are not suitable for diagnosing and testing, checking the storage device for suitability. We invite you to familiarize yourself with much more efficient tools (some of them are free).

Check the hard drive for errors will help the following programs:

Hitachi Drive Fitness Test (WindFT) - Program for test and verification of hard disk status

Hitachi Drive Fitness Test is a program for diagnosing a hard disk and search for errors of reading. The utility allows you to quickly check the condition of the internal and external hard drives with the support of G-Technology technology.


  • When diagnosing, you can choose a quick or extended test.
  • Opposite each test in TestLog, the Pass marks (completed) or fail (error) are displayed.
  • Reading.
  • Ability to create boot image CD. If the OS boot from the hard disk is not possible, the WindFT can be started in the LiveCD mode.
  • Hitachi Drive Fitness Test performs testing without overwriting data on disk.
Hitachi Drive Fitness Test Utility Interface

Seagate Seatools for Windows: Disc Work Testing

Seagate Seagate - free HDD diagnostic tool in Windows and DOS. The utility will allow you to identify some problems on the HDD before referring to the warranty service for repairing the disk (in our realities, instead of repair, you will be offered to replace the device, as a result of which you will lose all saved data).

Note. The program is compatible not with all HDD models, relevant only for seagate hard drives.

Problems that can detect the program:

  • Violation of the structure of the HDD file system;
  • Bad sectors and read errors;
  • Driver errors and system windows problems;
  • Incompatibility of equipment;
  • Damage windows bootloader (MBR) on the disk;
  • The presence of viruses, keyloggers or other malicious applications.

SEATOOLS works as follows: the user selects tests for diagnostics, starts them - as a result, it receives a detailed report. If the test passes, the PASS mark will appear, otherwise - FAIL. It should be noted that HDD testing can take up to 4 hours. In order to save time, you can choose one of the three test modes.

Seagate Seatools can also be used to "treat" a hard disk. That is, the program is able to detect BAD blocks and try to restore or overwrite with zeros (this method allows you to ignore the problem blocks when reading / writing a disk structure).


Victoria is considered for a long time Reliable, verified, but at the same time outdated. However, in September 2019, an update was updated ( latest version - 4.76b), in which several interesting functions appeared. Note some of them.

  • Testing the HDD - Victoria surface allows you to configure the timata for the scanner, as well as block size. The program consistently reads data and displays the current state of the disc surface in the form of a color scheme, graphics.
  • Full support for USB-SATA drives - on a laptop and PC. You can check the performance using SMART tests, manage the cache and noise level. Victoria also displays the HDD drive passport.
  • S.M.A.R.T-monitoring of the media. Allows you to evaluate a hard drive for health, the degree of wear and supply of HDD - as far as its resources still have enough.
  • Quickly delete any information on the disk without the possibility of recovery by multiple "wiping" and overwrite the "zeros".

Victoria works under windows control, Including in the 10 version of the OS, you can download it.

HDD HEALTH: Disk Check and Smart Attributes Reading

HDD Health - another free program To test the hard disk and control its performance. The utility checks the hard disk on errors (SSD / HDD) and makes a prediction (Health indicator in percent).

Pre-check the disk on errors on the Basic SMART indicators. HDD HEALTH program interface

The main program window displays the following information:

  • manufacturer, model, firmware version
  • current HDD (SSD) temperature (available through the notification area)
  • the general status of the disk structure
  • other attributes (through the Extended Info menu)

Similar to other diagnostic tools, HDD HealTH reads S.M.A.R.T-indicators, which allows you to clarify the current Hardware Performance. There are no other tools for calculating errors or checks on BAD-blocks in the program.

HDD Health 4.2: Status Check SSD Disc

Thus, the HDD HEALTH program toolkit will be useful to those to whom S.A.R.R.T. indicators to check the status of the hard disk is enough (and if the state of the device is not critical). Fortunately in the latest HDD / SSDs Technology S.M.A.R.T. implemented.

HDDDScan - a program for checking a hard disk on broken sectors

HDDScan is a free hard disk diagnostic program, reading S.M.R.R.T. and other parameters. After testing, you will receive a detailed log file with the detail of the disk status.

HDDScan allows you to check HDD and other storage devices:

  • RAID arrays,
  • HDD discs with IDE / SATA interface
  • USB flash drives.

Note the most useful features of HDDScan:

  • Check hard disk on errors that are not detected by standard Windows utilities: Bad blocks and BAD sector
  • Testing hard disk (read / cleaning)
  • Check temperature for all hard drives connected to PC
  • Export of any information in the form of a custom report

CHKDSK - Correction of Hard Disk Errors

You can check the hard disk on errors without installing third-party programs. Windows operating system (XP, 7, 8, 10) allows you to do this through the CHECK DISK service program.

The chkdsk utility appeared in DOS. It not only searches, but also corrects the basic file system errors. It should be clarified that it is not intended to search for all types of errors and is not an HDD diagnostic tool.

However, with the help of CHKDSK, you can correct errors on various devices Storage: not only on the hard disk, but also on the flash drive, and on the SD card. Starting with Windows NT, it corrects BAD blocks (physically damaged sectors), marking them accordingly. Subsequently, these sites are bypass by other programs when reading / write.

HDDLife - a program for tracking the hard disk state

Usually the heart of the computer is called a processor or motherboard. But they serve as faithfully for several years, and then a hard disk suddenly leaves. In the magnitude of the loss with it, not a single component will be compared.

Hard disk is the computer's memory, which is definitely necessary to take care. In order to prevent sudden data loss, you need to regularly produce backups Data on other HDD or media. However, if you want to pre-warn your hard disk output, you need to determine its current state. The HDDLife program will help.

HDDLIFE has several very useful features. First of all, tracking the condition of the hard disk. HDD Health is shown in the form of a color scale. If everything is in order, the scale has a green, if the disk worked a decent time - the color is yellow. A red scale is an already signal of a pre-emergency condition: a hard disk worked and ready to go on peace. In this case, it is better not to risk and promptly replace the component. In the Pro version of HDDLIFE, you can configure the alert of the pre-emergency state of hard drives to Email. If there are many computers on the network, the diagnostic option will turn out to be as if the way. Also, the status graph informs how long the disk worked. It is worth paying attention to it, especially if you buy a used disk or just want to make sure that he is new.

The second important section is the display of the disc temperature. Any electronics works, and more accurately flashes faster at elevated temperature. And too high temperature, as a rule, is at all leading to deposits. If the text of the green indicator means everything is in order and the disk is in good thermal conditions. In the opposite case, you need to buy special cooling or check the ventilation of the socket in which the disk is located. On some HDD, the program allows you to configure noise and performance. This is done with a slider, which determines the ratio between the characteristics. Whether this is an opportunity for a laptop for a laptop, or the restriction of Trial-beliei - however, the option was not available. Some HDDLIFE functions cannot be called unique: let's say the indicator of the available space. If the sections are not enough space, a familiar is already a warning. Free space control is in Windows, as in almost any OS, so the message is more annoying than informs.

The program is distributed in three versions: free, HDLIFE PROFESSIONAL and HDLIFE for Notebooks. Differences can be found on the page

Western Digital Data Lifeguard Diagnostic - Program for checking the disk to "Profitability"

If you are using the Western Digital HDD or SSD, this program will be useful for diagnosis.

This product can be used as a desktop application for Windows and as an ISO image that will help explore the hard disk without loading OS,

Affordable features:

  • view Self-Diagnosis Indicators - Smart Attributes,
  • verification of BAD-sectors on Western Digital hard drives,
  • full removal Information on HDD - rubbing "zeros."

The program is available on the official website of Western Digital by reference.

HDD Regenerator - a program for testing a hard disk and the treatment of BAD-sectors

Attention!!! HDD Regenerator does not know how to restore the BAD sectors and files. For these purposes, the program is best suited. Judging by the reviews of visitors to the IXBT forum, the HDD Regenerator functions do not correspond to the declared.

HDD Regenerator is a hard disk utility, a professional diagnostic tool, error search. The word "REGENERATOR" is deceptive: the program is able to detect possible malfunctions, but it will not be able to correct the errors of the structure and the BAD sector.

HDD Regenerator Program Interface

First of all, the HDD Regenerator is a program for checking the hard disk for error errors in sequentially reading blocks. If the information is not available to read, "Regeneration" will bypass BAD blocks and read problem files.

In order to determine the state of the HDD, you must pass a special test. Additional information allow you to remove. The appropriate toolkit in the HDD REGENERATOR is.

Other features of the program:

  • FAT and NTFS file systems are supported; However, when testing, the file system format does not matter;
  • Withdrawal of detailed statistics on the actual state of the hard disk, its performance;
  • Creating a boot regenerating USB flash drive or CD / DVD based on HDD Regenerator;
  • PRESCAN MODE: Fast hard disk diagnostics (surface scanning);
  • Monitoring the work of the HDD in real time;
  • Data Security: The program works in read mode (except for rewriting the BAD sectors).

The cost of the PRO version HDD Regenerator - $ 79.99 / year. In stock Free trial version, which allows you to "regenerate" 1 BAD-sector for free. However, what is meant by the word "regeneration", incomprehensible. Use this mode can be at your own risk, only if you are not afraid to lose the data finally.

Answers to readers

I often resort to the restoration of the system due to failure. It often hangs, the overload of the processor is constant, already deleted unnecessary programs. As far as I could, closed all the background programs. Specialists say that it is necessary to change the hard drive, they say, there are many damaged (broken) sectors. I want to try this program to check the sectors. How to check the hard disk on errors?

Answer. Indeed, if the problems described by you in the question are observed, checking the hard disk on broken sectors does not prevent. At a minimum, we advise you to scan disc using applications such as HDD Regenerator and Victoria. How to check the hard disk on broken sectors, can be found directly in the documentation. It is worth it or not - the wording is not very correct. Checking HDD on errors should be regularly if the data represents at least minimal value for you.

The first one! All your programs are not Russified what creates inconvenience in the use of a long inaccurate translation and work on the Nativity. My hard disk problem Error entering output on the device during initialization. I do not need data. 0 Sector is normal, the rest must be restored. There are no damage to physical and others, it gives well the technical parameters, no overheating. I assume that with the help of HDD Regenerator, everything can be fixed or using editing the sector recording manually using programs that give this opportunity, the long procedure is therefore preferable to something faster. Seagate Barracuda 1T drive! All of all you are good and good luck!

Each user knows and necessarily got into such situations when something broke into the computer, it was wrong or poorly worked. There is nothing whiter annoying than a badly converging technique, which also hangs or for incomprehensible reasons, manages itself. Of course, all the details may break, but are particularly susceptible to the mechanical parts still preserved in modern computers. It belongs to the hard disk.

In this review, not only the theory will be considered. The authors at hand turned out to be a failed disk, the operating system of which was loaded for 20 minutes. It was decided to fix it and quite successfully!

What can go wrong

In order to warn the breakdown and repair a hard disk or at least save the desired information, you need to regularly monitor the condition. To do this, it is recommended to carefully observe the "health" of your computer. Here are the moments to pay close attention to:

  • watch for errors. Technique, like a person, has a property to make mistakes. There was one incident with a hard disk - nothing terrible, but if the errors appear constantly, you need to urgently turn to the master.
  • friction or beating. Since reading occurs with the head, there is a chance that it will shift and start spoil the main disk with information. If you hear a suspicious knock in the system unit, it may well mean that there is a problem with hard disk.
  • analyze work. If your computer has not saved the file or suddenly disappeared the recently saved document, you need to go to the master. If the computer's long-term memory is not working - a hard disk is guilty.
  • recognition. The computer did not see the disk? Poor, most likely, this is a problem with a disk, and not with software, although it can be. Try to put the item in another system unit. If it works, everything is in order.
  • failures. Are you trying to download a document, and the technique does not want to do this? Problems with downloading long-term memory files are taken from breakdowns of the same part.
  • long loading. If you open every photo half an hour, you can not remove a little weighing text document, then this is also a problem of a hard disk.

Optionally, all the time of the computer is able to sit at the system unit and listen to how there is a problem detail. It is enough just to periodically listen and carefully follow the status of the entire computer, then everything will be fine.

How to check the hard disk for bugs of table of contents

In general, if your hard disk is in order and he does not need emergency assistance, you can conduct a preventive check for errors. It will speed up the computer and save your nerves. Let's consider the actions algorithm for this useful procedure under the Windows 7 operating system.

  • in order for the computer to not simply find problems, but also corrected them to note the checkbox "Automatically correct system errors".
  • if you want to try to restore the physical disk structure itself, you need to select the "Check and restore damaged sectors" function. Note that such a procedure will take a lot of time.
  • there are doubts? Select both parameters and make prevention.

Another little advice. If you decide to "pay" a disk, which is a system for a computer, do it immediately before shutting down.

So that any technique worked well, and it was easy for you to manage it, you need to follow and care. Moreover, when it comes to a device that is much more complicated by the stove and understand it on its own sometimes quite difficult. Conduct preventive work, and if necessary, call the masters and then with your computer, and, it means that your data will be all good.

HDD Regenerator.

This program is best downloaded from the portal ( Run the installer.

If you leave a daw in the last window, the program will immediately start. Let's not postpone and start.

And what is this menu Full Version? It turns out that the program is paid, and our compatriot requires 90 dollars per key. In addition, when deleting, it behaves worse than the virus. Requires rebooting the operating system and thinks for a long time.


  1. Click PCM on any logical disk you want to check.
  2. In the menu that opens, click on the "Properties" string.
  3. At the top of the properties window, click LKM on the "Service" tab.
  4. Click on the "Check" button.
  5. Here, place both ticks in Chekboxes and click on the "Start" inscription.

If the selected partition is not systemic, checking the disk for errors will start immediately. If you want to check the C:, OS drive will display a notification on the screen that the operation cannot be fulfilled at present. Do not consider such behavior of the OS climb. Since the section contains all system data, it is not possible to disable it while Windows.

Just click the "Check Schedule" button and restart the computer. After turning on the PC, the disk check for errors will begin before the operating system is loaded.

Command line

To start the chkdsk utility from the command line, do the following sequence of actions.

  • Click the PCM on the desktop and select "Create a shortcut" in the context menu.
  • In the window that appears, a proposal will appear select the executable file, but the easiest way to just enter into the "CMD" input line and click OK.
  • Now click on the PCM on the newly created label and select the "Run from the administrator" line. The command line opens.
  • Enter: CHKDSK [section): / f / r.

As with the start of the graphics shell, checking the disk for errors will notify that the program is not possible if you specify the system partition. At the same time, a question appears on the screen: "Does the task after rebooting the PC?" Press the Y key to respond to affirmatively, or n, if you do not want to check HDD.

If the OS is not loaded

If, due to the troubleshooting file system, Windows refuses to start, checking the hard disk on errors can be run from the recovery console. Open the BIOS by clicking on the DEL key on the initial computer boot screen. Install as a boot device (First boot device). Laser disk drive. Insert the Windows Installer disk.

After downloading from the DVD, the selection window opens language parameters. At the bottom of it will be located "Recovery System". Remember that when errors on the HDD occur to the early recovery points meaninglessly, data rewriting can lead to even greater problems.

In the window that offers a selection of recovery options, click on the button " Command line". The command syntax remains unchanged - CHKDSK [Disc Letter]: / f / r. At the same time, the disk check will start immediately without rebooting.


If the chkdsk utility has not led to positive results, I. critical errors Due to HDD continues to occur, more thorough checks should be performed using. Hard drive manufacturers themselves produce special tools for testing their equipment. In addition to this software, you can use Victoria and MHDD applications.

Be pretended! Checking the disk on errors by third-party application should be performed only after creating backups of all important data. And you need to save copies of the data in the external storage.

Let's make an explanation. "Bied sectors" are a disk area, read the data from which it does not work. Their very appearance is a bad sign, but permissible, but a constant increase in their number indicates that the disk is most likely already "not a tenant". We must think about replacing it, and the decision for a long time does not delay.

So, the CHKDSK program will check the disc, the check time depends on the volume of the disk and the number of files on it. The system disk will be checked only after rebooting. We will have to gain patience and wait for the end of work. At the end, the report will be displayed.

If you cannot log in, you will need to use the recovery tools and run the program from there.

Standard Windows check

Another way to check the disk is to use the built-in check. To do this, it is necessary:

If the selected hard drive is used by any program, then it must be stopped to stop it. Click the "Disable" button and check will continue. The check time depends on the volume of the disk and its completion.

In order to check the system partition, the system will display a message that testing will continue after rebooting. Agree with this, after restarting the computer, wait for the end of the test.

With all due respect to Microsoft, only third-party programs can give detailed information about the health of the disc. If you need repair of laptops, in Lyubertsy There is a good workshop where you can check and your hard drive. Moreover, it will make it using third-party programs, which will also tell me further.

Ashampoo HDD Control 2

This program is paid, but the trial free period will give the ability to check the drive. The program is multifunctional, with its help you can perform a lot of actions with a disk, including defragmentation, disc cleaning, etc. Now we are interested in testing modes and checking the surface.

To start checking, you must:

To determine which state is the surface of the disc, you need to go to the "Control" tab and click on the Surface Test section.

On the progress of testing can be observed in the window that opens. To refer to the status of the disk surface, the color marking is used:

  • Blue - the sector is not verified.
  • Green - no errors.
  • Red - Fablement Sector.

If a large volume disk, then checking may take a long time.


Popular program for information on disk, it is verified and correcting errors. To start testing it is necessary:

To view the disk status, go to the "MAP" tab, where all information about the surface of the disk will be. Sectors are marked with squares of different colors. They mean:


Perhaps the most popular utility to determine the health of the hard disk. It can be launched both from Windows and from the bootable media if it is not possible to start the operating system. Consider working with a program with running from Windows.

After starting in the main window of the program you will see several tabs, the most important of them:

In order to start the check, you need to click the "Start" button and wait for the end of work. First of all, you need to pay attention to the column of multi-colored rectangles with numbers near them. Using color coding, information about the read speed from the disk sectors is displayed. Ideally, the values \u200b\u200bmust be near rectangles with various shades of gray.

The numbers near the green or orange rectangles show the number of sectors, which have to spend more time. A red rectangle shows that there are sectors on the disk, read information from which you can, but for this you have to spend a lot of time.

Most likely, these "red" sectors are candidates for failed. Their number should be remembered, and after some time to re-scan. An increase in their number indicates the degradation of the disk surface. Moreover, they can soon appear areas that are marked with blue.

You can try to restore these "broken" sectors. To do this, set the "Remap" mode and start checking over. If possible, the program will restore these disk areas. If the "blue" blocks remained, you should think about replacing the hard disk.

Each user knows and necessarily got into such situations when something broke into the computer, it was wrong or poorly worked. There is nothing whiter annoying than the evolving ...