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System rollback without recovery point. Disposable recovery points

Does the computer or laptop started to bother? Or does not turn on at all? First of all, try restoring the Windows 7 system. Operation is performed for 10-15 minutes, but really can help. Indeed, in this case, Windows 7 system rollback is performed a couple of days ago, when the PC or laptop worked very well.

Restoring Windows 7 System: What is it?

What is a Windows 7 rollback? This is an operation during which all parameters and system files from the backup created copy created are restored. That is, if you accidentally deleted important files or changed the settings (for example, installed new Driver), And after that, the computer began to slow down (or does not turn on at all), then this can be corrected. At least, it is worth trying.

Restoration of the previous one windows version It is carried out with control points that are created every week, as well as after making any changes (installation or removal of programs). As a rule, this feature is automatically enabled. Plus you can create control points manually.

How to check whether this option is enabled on the computer / laptop, and how to create new points manually can read here - how to enable system recovery?

There is at least 3 ways how to run Windows 7 recovery:

  • means of windows;
  • through safe mode;
  • using a flash drive with windows 7.

Consider each of them in more detail.

With Windows 7 rollback, all your personal files will remain in place. Therefore, you may not worry about this.

But there is one nuance here. When restoring, the files recorded in the interval between today and the afternoon to which you decide to roll back can be disappeared. Therefore, if you recently (today, yesterday, the day before yesterday, etc.) I discard important documents to PC, it is better to save them on the USB flash drive. Just in case.

How to roll back the system back to Windows 7?

The first way to roll back the Windows 7 back system is tools. But it is suitable only if your PC or laptop turns on. It does not matter whether it is buggy or hangs, most importantly - so that you can download the desktop.

So, to launch the Windows 7 restore system, perform the following:

After that, the windows system rollback will begin to roll back. When the operation is completed, the computer or laptop will restart, and you will see a message that everything has passed successfully.

Restore Windows 7 Start through Safe Mode

If the PC or laptop does not turn on at all, then you can try recovery windows startup 7 B. safe mode. To do this, when you turn on (or reboot) the PC repeatedly press the F8 key until the menu appears. Next, select the "Safe Mode" item and click ENTER.

However, there are some nuances associated with different versions WINDOVS. Therefore, so that it does not arise difficulties, I recommend to get acquainted - how to enter the safe mode of Windows?

We are waiting for the computer or laptop to turn on, and then perform all the same steps as in the previous version. That is, to roll back the Windows 7 system, execute from the 1st to the 7th items described above.

Windows 7 recovery from flash drive

And the third method: Windows 7 recovery from the flash drive (or disk) with installation files. The minus of this option - you need to write to the Windows USB flash drive, which is on a computer or laptop. A plus is that in this way you can try to restore the Windows 7 system, even when the PC does not turn on and the secure mode does not start. That is, this is your last chance.

In this case, you need to create a bootable USB flash drive with installing Windows (You can do this with friends or acquaintances), and then download Windows from it. Read more about this here:

How to make a Windows bootable USB flash drive in Ultraiso?

How to install download from flash drive in BIOS?

If you did everything right, the window will start with windows installation 7. To restore Windows, do the following:

We are waiting until the procedure is completed and click on the "reboot". Then immediately pull out the flash drive from the connector (or disk from the drive), after which the PC should be engaged in the usual way.

By the way, Windows restoring on a laptop and computer is equally. So you can try any way to choose from.

That's all. Now you know how to make the Windows 7 system rollback. I hope one of 3 ways will work, and you can restore the performance of a PC or laptop.

What if there are no recovery points? You can try one option - restore Windows 7 system without recovery points.

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How to restore Windows 7 system without recovery points

The computer system is a holistic "body", usually working without failures and problems. However, no device is insured against breakdown or attack of malware, when the integrity of the system is completely violated. In such cases, it is important to react on time and try to quickly restore the system. Most often, the recovery points are used for this purpose, but they need to be created in advance. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to progress, so this material I want to devote to the question as to how to restore the Windows 7 system if there are no recovery points. Moreover, there are far from one, and it is better to be familiar with them, but you don't know when you have to resort to such methods.

Restoring with Windows

The first option, about which I want to tell, is to restore the system through the most operating system. I will not walk around and about, immediately proceed directly to action:

Safe mode

Above the situation was described when the computer is simplified and running. But not always lucky, it happens that she simply does not boot. How then to be? Very simple: take advantage of a safe mode! Earlier, I already described how this procedure happens, so I repeat it literally in 2-minded. At the time when the computer began to turn on, you need to press the F8 key. If everything goes successfully, you will have a black window with action options, if not - you will see the Windows emblem, therefore, you need to turn off the computer again and start first.

Come to the "Safe Mode" point and perform practically the same thing as described above.

That is, first, go to the "restore system to an earlier state", then press the "Running system restore" button. Now choose control point, confirm the recovery of the discs and the recovery point, after which the restoration procedure starts. After that, it will not be superfluous to try to improve the performance of the system getting rid of unnecessary garbage on PC.

I hope my tips helped you!

How to roll back Windows 7 to the recovery point?

Hello, dear readers of my blog. In the previous lesson, we learned about how to create a recovery point, because, as you know, it is recommended to do every time before installing new programs or updating device drivers. Well, in today's lesson we will talk about the rollback of the Windows system 7, to the previously created checkpoint. To begin, I want to warn you that you can not worry about the safety of the hard disk of files, because they will not be touched, but the settings you produce after the last creating point creation will be reset. Now let's get started! To roll back Windows 7, open the Start menu, enter the request to restore the system in the search bar and select "Restore system files" In the next window, click the Next button, then select the checkpoint that is the last and click "Next".
Now confirm your intention to roll back the Windows system, by pressing the "Finish" button.
Then the system will warn you that when the recovery process starts, it cannot be interrupted to continue clicking Yes.

After that, the system rollback will begin, upon completion of which, the computer will turn off spontaneously, and booting a newly, to display a notification of successful recovery on the desktop screen, after which it will only be closed.

Now you know how to roll back Windows 7 to the control point and in the event of a system output, you will always know how to fix it. The main thing is that you do not need to forget that each time the device drivers or downloading some software that is not on the official website of its developer is recommended to create a recovery point.

I have everything on this if you have any questions regarding today's theme, then contact. Thank you all for your attention to the soon.

How to restore Windows if there are no recovery points?

Failures in the work of the computer or laptop occur unexpectedly. It seems that yesterday everything worked, and today it does not even turn on. In this case, the easiest way to roll back the system to the working version.

And how to restore windows, if there are no recovery points? There is almost nothing on the Internet on this topic. But all the way there is one opportunity to restore the work of a PC or laptop. Consider that this is your last chance.

Restoring the system without a recovery point

How to roll back the system if there are no recovery points? Actually nothing. After all, if there are no these very points, then it is not about to restore. Logical? Logical.

But still the recovery of the system without a recovery point is possible. But not by means of Windows, but with the help of a special program - LiveCD.

Creating emergency flash drive

Boot images LiveCD a lot, so you can use any. For example, an excellent option is the Active Boot.

When choosing a program, pay attention to its capabilities (which is able to do). Do you need to reset the password? Restore chance remote files? Check computer for viruses? Looking for such a program that can do it.

To create an emergency flash drive, you need to write this LiveCD on it. For example, with Ultraiso.

More about this here - Creating a bootable flash drive in Ultraiso

Usually, to enter the BIOS, you need to press the F2 or DEL button. Although options can be a lot (especially on laptops).

For turn on windows On the first screen you can see the button to enter the BIOS. IN this example - This is the DEL button.

Changing the priority of downloads

USB flash drive (USB-HDD) put on the first place (first Boot Device.). Now when you turn on Windows, it will be loaded first. The second is CD-ROM (drive).

If you do not know how to do it, you can read detailed instructions - Configure BIOS to load from a flash drive

Windows restoration without recovery point

If you are all done correctly, a laptop or PC will boot from the flash drive, after which the LiveCD program will start. And then perform that for which it was still stood.

That is why you need to properly select the program, which was written slightly above. If she can reset the password or check the PC to viruses, then you simply select the corresponding point in the menu and wait until the procedure is executed.

But first of all it is recommended to copy all the important files, documents and photos to the USB flash drive. Almost all LiveCD programs have a conductor (like Total Commander), with which you can open required folders And copy them to your USB flash drive.

If the cause of a computer failure or a laptop is unknown, then you can try to restore Windows from the archive copy of the registry. In this, you will also help LiveCD.

To do this, you load from the flash drive and open the REGBACK folder. It is on the way:

windows \\ System32 \\ Config \\ RegBack

In this case, the name of local disks is likely to change. For example, a local disk C can be renamed to D or E. Focus on the general size, as well as folders and files that are on it. You can not look at the letters.

So, to perform the system recovery without a recovery point, you need:

After that restart the PC (or laptop) and boot from HDD disc (To do this, it is necessary to change the back priority of the loading of devices in the BIOS).

If the failure in the work was associated with the registry - it will help to eliminate the problem. After that, Windows will boot and operate in the same mode.

This is how Windows 7 is restored without a recovery point. There are no other ways (except with special programs). In hencefight, try not to allow such situations. To do this, configure that windows automatically generate recovery points.

More about this here - how to enable system recovery in Windows 7?

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How to create a system recovery point and how to roll back Windows XP / VISTA / 7/8

Sometimes there is a situation where you need to quickly cancel unwanted changes in the system: for example, after updating the software, the installation of drivers or cleaning the registry has started with stability windows work. However, not all users know how to make a "rollback", as and when they independently do the kickback points, and in what cases the OS makes them in auto mode - in general, I will try to compact in this important topic to all pressing questions on this important topic.

Let's start with the fact that you will check whether the system recovery is running (RSTRUI.EXE process). To do this, via the "Start" button, right-clicking on the "computer" → Next, in the drop-down menu select "Properties" → "System Protection". In the "Protection Settings" area, available local disks and their degree of security. By default, the system recovery is enabled for a disk where Windows is installed (C :). However, it can be enabled for any other disk, noting the desired (for Vista it is all manipulations!) And clicking on the "Set up" button (see the first screenshot in the design of Win7). In the window that opens, activate "Restore system parameters and previous versions Files "and confirm the changes to the" OK "button. In addition, Windows 7 returned the ability to control the disk space for restoring the system, as was in XP, but for some reason" forgot "in Vista (see Screenshot below).

When Windows itself (automatically) creates recovery points?

This happens in the following cases:

  • when installing programs and drivers;
  • when installing OS updates via the Internet;
  • on schedule (every 24 hours in windows Vista. and every 7 days in the "seven");
  • with system rollback to one of the earlier recovery points.

Of course, the user can independently create a kickback point (see the first screenshot) in front of any potentially dangerous actions (such as changing system files) on the principle of "more - no less."

How to make a system rollback?

All Windows recovery points are located in a hidden system folder C: \\ System VOLUME INFORMATION. Alone "roll back" to the desired point can be in several ways, for example:

  • via the "Start" button, click "Help and Support" → "Cancel Changes By Restoring System" → "Restore the earlier status of a computer" and "Next" (for Windows XP);
  • through "Starting", click "Control Panel" → "System Restore" (or "Recovery") → "Running System Recovery" → Select the desired rollback point in the final (see Screenshot);
  • through the "hot" key combination "WINKEY + R" → In the window, enter RSTRUI → "OK" (the most convenient option for Windows 8).

Several important comments

  • Quote a reference article from Microsoft: "The system recovery tool does not protect the disks with FAT32 file system and other file Systems FAT, since such discs do not support shadow copies. "In XP, when creating a rollback point, only key system and program files were tracked, unlike Windows Vista / 7/8, where, thanks to the SHADOW Copy Service (Eng. Volume Shadow Copy Service or VSS), changes are recorded throughout the section. In any variant, personal files are not included in the OS recovery points, i.e. all your documents and photos after the "rollback" will not disappear.
  • In case of K.L. Problems with the download and stability of the "Windows" work should be used by the latest recovery point created shortly before the date and time when problems began. If the situation, alas, has not changed, you can always choose another (earlier) point of kickback.
  • Novice computer users recommend reading my article " Fast creation System recovery points: Single Click Restore Point (SCRP) utility. More experienced usershaving a registry cleaner Wise Registry. Cleaner, lucky most, because Everything you need to promptly create a rollback point and, in fact, "rollback" Windows is "at hand", see details here.

Dmitry Dmitry_SPB Evdokimov

When working in the Windows operating system it is very important to create operating system recovery points in order to make the Windows operating system restore in case of problems. Because, sometimes it happens that the operating windows system Begins to give mistakes, slow down, react badly to commands.

This can happen after installing some program or driver. If the operation of the operating system, after any actions, malfunctions began, you can roll back (restoration) of the system to its workable state.

The system recovery helps to avoid reinstalling the operating system. Windows operating system automatically creates recovery points weekly and when installing new programs or installation of operating system updates. Create a system recovery point can be independently.

Make sure that you have the "System Protection" on your computer on the system disk so that the system restore function can be used.

Creating a Windows 7 recovery point

The recovery point is the status of system files and parameters on certain moment Last time. Start the process of creating a recovery point can different waysIn this article I describe the easiest way to create a Windows 7 operating system recovery point.

To create a recovery point, you need to log in in the "Start" menu, right-click on the "Computer", and in context menu Select the item "Properties". In the "System Protection" tab, you must click on the "Create" button.

In the "System Protection" window that appears, enter the recovery point description (you can write, anything, on the example I wrote a "new recovery point") and click on the "Create" button.

In the "System Protection" window, you will see that the system recovery control point is created.

After completing the process of creating a system recovery point in the "System Protection" window, an inscription "Recovery Point is created successfully" appears.

Creating a Windows 7 recovery point (video)

Creating a recovery point in the Windows XP operating system

To create a control point for restoring the Windows XP operating system, you need to enter the "Start" menu \u003d\u003e "Standard" \u003d\u003e "Service" \u003d\u003e "System Restore" \u003d\u003e "Create a recovery point".

In the "Recovery Point" window, write "Description of the recovery control point", then click on the "Create" button. After that, the new recovery control point is created.

Windows 7 system recovery

Now consider the most typical case of restoring the operating system. To restore the system, you will need to do the same way as described when creating a recovery point.

You must enter the "Start" menu \u003d\u003e "Computer" \u003d\u003e "Properties" \u003d\u003e "System Protection" \u003d\u003e "System Restore". Next you need to click on the "Restore" button.

Another option to start recoverying the system Log in to the "Start" menu \u003d\u003e "Control Panel" \u003d\u003e "System and Security" \u003d\u003e "Restore the preceding state of the computer". In this window, click on the "Start System Recovery" button.

In the "Restore system files and parameter" window, click on the "Next" button.

In the "Restoring Computer to the previous state" window, select a recovery point from the proposed, or select another recovery point for this checkbox opposite the "Show other recovery points" item.

You can click on the "Search for Programs" button. System scanning for the presence of affected programs and drivers.

After scanning, you can view the list of programs in the window that will be affected by a specific system recovery point. After that, click on the "Next" button.

In the next window "Confirmation of the recovery point", click on the "Finish" button. After that, the process of restoring the operating system begins and this process will not be stopped.

Occurs full recovery Windows 7 operating system, and at the end of this process, a computer is rebooted.

After the operating system restore process is completed, a message appears on the successful implementation of the system recovery.

The Windows 7 operating system is restored at the time of the recovery control point you selected. Do not fear when problems with the operating system, to carry out this operation. I used the system restore function many times, and the use of the operating system recovery was often helped me.

After troubleshooting with the system, you need to start the process of restoration. Then the Windows 7 operating system is restored, and after that it will not be necessary to reinstall the Windows operating system.

If the operations with the operating system continue, then try to do this operation with another control point of recovery.

In more complex cases, for example, if you cannot download the computer, the operating system can be restored from the image of the operating system using the installation windows disk, or with the help of a boot flash drive, which can be created using special programs that you can read on my site in the "Programs" section.

In order for the failure of the operating system or hard disk did not create problems for you, you will need to run the archiving of the operating system and your data using the built-in tools, or use for reserve copy Relevant programs.

In this case, you can always restore the operating system and your data from the backup.

Restoring the Windows XP operating system

To restore the system in the Windows XP operating system, it will be necessary to enter the "Start" menu \u003d\u003e "standard" \u003d\u003e "service" \u003d\u003e "Restoration of the system". In the System Restore window (here, the "Restore Star Station" item is activated by default) click on the Next button.

In the "Select Recovery Control Point" window, select the system recovery point, from the operating system proposed. First choose the day, and then a specific recovery point, then click on the "Next" button.

In the "Confirmation of the Recovery Control Selection" window, click on the "Next" button. After that, the process of restoring the Windows XP operating system begins.

Conclusions Articles

If necessary, the system can be returned to a working condition using the Windows 7 recovery control point.

Windows restoration 7 (video)

Good day.

Any breakdown and malfunction, most often, occurs unexpectedly and not on time. The same with Windows: yesterday it seems to be turned off (everything works), and this morning it may simply do not boot (this is how it happened with my Windows 7) ...

Well, if there are recovery and Windows points can be restored thanks to it. And if there is no (by the way, many users turn off the recovery points, assuming that they take an excess place on the hard disk)?!

In this article, I want to describe a rather simple way to restore Windows if there are no recovery points. As an example, Windows 7, refused to load (presumably, the problem is related to the modified settings of the system registry).

1) what is necessary for recovery

Need emergency boot flash drive LiveCD (Well, or disc) - at least in cases where Windows refuses to even load. How to write such a flash drive told in this article:

2) How to enable in BIOS download from a flash drive

1. In the BIOS

To enter the BIOS, immediately after switching on, press the key to enter the settings - is usually F2 or DEL. By the way, if you pay attention to the start screen when you turn on - for sure this button is indicated there.

My blog has a small reference article with buttons to enter the BIOS for different models Laptops and PCs:

2. Changing settings

In BIOS, you need to find the boot section and change the download sequence in it. By default, the download goes immediately from the hard disk, we need to: To make the computer first try to boot from the flash drive or CD disc, and only then from the hard disk.

For example, in dELL laptops in boot section It's just enough to put a USB Storage Device on the first place and save the settings so that the laptop can boot from the emergency flash drive.

Fig. 1. Changing the download queue

3) How to restore Windows: Using an archive copy of the registry

1. After downloading from the emergency flash drive, the first thing I recommend to do is copy all the important data from the disk to the USB flash drive.

2. Practically in all emergency flash drives there is a file commander (or conductor). Open in it with a damaged Windows OS the following folder:

Important! When loading from the emergency flash drive, the order of the letters of the disks may change, for example, in my case, the disk with Windows "C: /" became the disk "D: /" - see fig. 2. Focus on the sizes of your disk + files on it (it is useless to watch a disk letter).

Folder REGBACK - This is an archive copy of the registry.

Recovery windows settings - need from the folder Windows \\ System32 \\ Config \\ RegBack Transfer Files B. Windows \\ System32 \\ Config \\(What files to transfer: default, sam, security, software, system).

Preferably files in the folder Windows \\ System32 \\ Config \\, Before transferring, to first rename, for example, by adding the ".bak" extension to the end of the file name (or save them to another folder, to roll back).

The computer system is a holistic "body", usually working without failures and problems. However, no device is insured against breakdown or attack of malware, when the integrity of the system is completely violated. In such cases, it is important to react on time and try to quickly restore the system. Most often, the recovery points are used for this purpose, but they need to be created in advance. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to progress, so this material I want to devote to the question as to how to restore the Windows 7 system if there are no recovery points. Moreover, there are far from one, and it is better to be familiar with them, but you don't know when you have to resort to such methods.

Restoring with Windows

The first option, about which I want to tell, is to restore the system through the operating system itself. I will not walk around and about, immediately proceed directly to action:

Safe mode

Above the situation was described when the computer is simplified and running. But not always lucky, it happens that she simply does not boot. How then to be? Very simple: ! Earlier, I already described how this procedure happens, so I repeat it literally in 2-minded. At the time when the computer began to turn on, you need to press the F8 key.If everything goes successfully, you will have a black window with action options, if not - you will see the Windows emblem, therefore, you need to turn off the computer again and start first.

Come to the "Safe Mode" point and perform practically the same thing as described above.

That is, first, go to the "restore system to an earlier state", then press the "Running system restore" button. Now select the checkpoint, confirm the recovery of the discs and the recovery point, after which the recovery procedure starts. After that, it will not be superfluous to try to get rid of unnecessary garbage on the PC.

I hope my tips helped you!

    Also, when it was a newcomer, I tried to restore the system when there were glitches, lags and braking, but I did not find the points of kickback. I just did not allocate a place for this, which I paid. In this case, only the recovery of the system from the installation can be advised. Sources (disk, flash drives), which is directly with you and it is worth it that I often failed the system restoration of the system repeatedly failed, I had to reinstall Windows on a new one, since I was disappointed in rollbacks (

    With a similar situation, I had to face and me, this is due to the fact that sometimes I clean the trash files on the PC, and the recovery points can also be deleted or can occur if the system disk protection is not configured.

    In such a situation, the recovery of data is this service is no longer possible, but there is a possibility of correcting malfunctions manually, for example, if I use to optimize the AusLogics Boostspeed program, then it has its own backupswhich are stored for example a month if I don't configure something with it and will begin to emerge malfunctions, then after it restores remote data or cancel last changesHowever, it is rarely required.

    If the OS of your computer is not loaded, try to press the F8QUOT key; At the time when your unit is just turning on. So you run a secure mode. You will see a black window, and not the usual emblem of the system - it means everything turned out!

    Come in order to start in restore the system of an earlier state of the quality state; click on launching system recovery; Then you will need to select a checkpoint and confirm the intention to restore the system.

    If you do not have points to restore the system, then the system recovery procedure simply becomes impossible. The only option that remains you is restored directly from the installation disk itself. Insert it into the drive and select the queue recovery.

    If it was not created in advance system recovery point, then in anyone will have to create a point.

    There are several paths to create a recovery point.

    You can via the QUOT button; starting;, you can via a shortcut My computers. Further property and select the quot line; system protection;. The quot button will appear; recovery, e-e select, automatically recovery will start. In Windows 7, you will need to set a date, in Windows 10 it is required to somehow call the point, and the date will be installed automatically.

    If the computer is not loaded when turning on, you will need to go in safe mode. To do this, when turned on immediately press F8, and then almost the sun is the same.

    Well, or boot from the installation disk.

    It is impossible to roll back the system without recovery points, but you can bring it into a virgin view - it is possible. In this case, only one is possible - recovery from the installation disk. Put installation disk, start from the drive, select Recovery. The data is not affected.

    If the user did not take care of the creation of recovery points on his computer, then if necessary, he will not be able to recover. In this case, there are two options - a complete reinstalling OS or recovery with the help disk. The second option is in principle the same reinstallation, no data on the computer will remain, except for naked OS.

    Yes, it happens, and quite often - no recovery points. Noticed that it depends on the version of the OS.

    It is better to take care in advance and create the image of your system, you can always easily recover from it.

    In the event of a power failure, the computer usually uses a rollback using the recovery points that are created in advance. But when it is not done, you will have to resort to other ways.

    System itself can help Windows. On the desktop, press the quot shortcut; My computer;, then go to the opening menu in its property Find a line System protection;, on a new tab, select again System protection; and the quot button; recovery.

    Another option B. start Menu Register restoration without quotes. The system will immediately offer a string to restore the system and the user will be there.

    Then restore system files, again further;

    Then install the desired date, confirm, and restart the computer.

    There is a recovery option and safe mode.

    In the case when it was not configured to recover the data on the recovery points and the points of these physically, it cannot be physically able to restore anything standard means will not work.

    There is an option to start the installation disk. It is the disc from which the initial installation of the OS was performed. There is a recovery item, but in fact it will roll back to factory settings.