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What is a touchpad on the tablet. Touchpad and keyboard functions on laptop

TouchPad (Touchpad) can sometimes be disconnected on laptops for any reason. In some cases, users turn off the touchpad, because It can interfere with active work with a laptop keyboard.

There are several options for touchpad. But when using them, you need to consider what your laptop brand you have. The fact is that for different models apply different methods Activation TouchPad.

Let's look at how with a few ways you can turn on the touchpad on the laptop.

Restarting a laptop

Not depending on the model and brand of a laptop computer, the first advice to solve the problem will be rebooting. No matter what you have windows system 7, Windows 8, Ubuntu or the other, perhaps just a lump-sum error occurred and after rebooting everything will be in place.

Using a combination of keys

Most laptops for switching on / off TouchPad provides a special key combination. Only for different marks She will be a little different.

When using this method, you need to simultaneously press the two keys on the laptop keyboard: the "Fn" key and one of the function keys in the upper row (F1-F12).

For different brands and portable computers models, this combination is slightly different. For example, for laptops asus, you need to use the following combination: Fn + F9.

Turning on the touchpad on the asus laptop

Here is a list of key combinations to turn on the touchpad for common laptop stamps:

  • ASUS - Fn + F9 or Fn + F7
  • Acer - Fn + F7
  • Lenovo - Fn + F8 and Fn + F5
  • Dell - Fn + F5
  • Sony - Fn + F1
  • TOSHIBA - FN + F5
  • Samsung - Fn + F5

There is no HP brand in this list, because on the Hewlett-Packard laptops, the touchpad is turned on using a separate key specifically dedicated for this function. If this key is not, then, most likely, to perform this task you need to make a double press (or long press) in the upper left corner touchpad (Watch the video below).

Turning on TouchPad to BIOS

If you do not work the touchpad and previous tips do not help, it is possible that it is simply disabled in the BIOS settings.

Go to BIOS and find the "Internal Pointing Device" item. The value of this parameter must be "enable", i.e. Included.

Installing / Reinstalling Drivers

Also, the cause of the inoperability of the touchpad may be the lack of or incorrect operation of the device drivers. This situation may well be if it was produced reinstalling Windows Or any failure occurred.

In this case, you need to try to install the TouchPad drivers from the disk (if available) or download from the official website of the manufacturer.

Synaptics Touchpad

Now on modern laptops, Synaptics sensory panels are very often used. Perhaps the TouchPad of this manufacturer is also installed on your laptop. In this case (if installed drivers) Touchpad can be turned off using the control panel.

To do this, go to the panel windows management And choose the "Mouse" item.

On the Device Settings tab, with the help of the appropriate buttons, you can enable or disable the touch panel.

Also for some versions of the drivers on this tab, a setting may be present that allows you to disconnect the touchpad when connected to notebook USB. Mice.

Touchpad faulty

If all of the above recommendations did not help you, perhaps the reason is the physical failure of the touch panel or simply disconnected contacts. In this case, the output one is to disassemble the laptop and check all the connections. In extreme cases, it may be necessary even to replace the touchpad. If you are an inexperienced user, then this work is better to entrust professionals.

Before switching to the question, how to enable or disable the touchpad on the laptop, you should clarify what it is - touchpad. Laptops, netbooks and other similar portable devices (For example,) usually have an embedded computer mouse. This built-in mouse is not at all similar to the familiar computer mouse that can be moved over the table and click on the buttons.

Built in portable portable computers mouse has a completely different device. If it moves on the table, the built-in mouse of portable computers is worth what is called, tight. But you can move on it with your fingers, which is completely similar to the movement of the usual computer mouse on the table.

Pluses of a touchpad or what do you need a touchpad?

Such a fixed embedded mouse device is convenient for portable computers, where you need to have as little moving parts as possible. It is because of the fact that the computer itself is portable, it is not desirable to have something moving.

On this embedded mouse, you can not only move your finger, but also to perform many other actions. For example, you can tap on the built-in mouse, which will be similar to pressing on left button Normal computer mouse. In more developed computers, especially in Mac manufactured, on the built-in mouse, you can turn the image from multiple fingers, increase or decrease its scale and perform many other convenient actions.

Also built-in portable computers mice have left and right buttons, fully similar to the left and right buttons of a regular computer mouse.

Actions on the built-in computer mouse portable portable devices are most often touched by the touch of the fingers on the rectangular platform on the computer case. Therefore, such a mouse received the name "Touchpad" from the English words "Touch" - to touch and "pad" - playground. On the simple language

"Touchpad" means "concerned the fingers of a special platform."

And if we speak technical language, then

"Touchpad" means "touchpad".

Cons of touchpad or how touchpad prevents the user

Any convenience can always be a reverse side - inconvenience. This "the law of harm" did not go around the touchpad (touch panel, built-in mouse of portable computers).

The fact is that usually this touch panel is constructively located just below the computer keyboard (laptop, netbook, tablet computer etc.). When working with the keyboard, you can imperceptibly for yourself to accidentally touch the touchpad, the panel (platform) below the keyboard.

Touchpad Any touch is not only a finger, but also, for example, a shirt cuff can perceive as a signal to action. On this false signal, a signal will go to the touchpad computer, for example, to move the mouse cursor up, down, left or right.

And now imagine, for example, that you print the text. And suddenly at some point the mouse cursor "moves" completely to another place of the text where you continue, I'm not suspected, printing text further. Not everyone owns the method, so when printing all attention, usually directed is not on the screen, but on the keyboard. And you just do not notice that the cursor has long been "leaving", and the text is printed completely not where it should be.

Unpleasant? Still would. And then it is necessary to edit everything, to seek where "left" the text. Remove it from there, move there where this text place. For a long time and sometimes it is necessary to correct everything.

Therefore, the developers of portable portable computers have long contributed to the problem of temporary shutdown of the touchpad, the touchpad, the built-in mouse. If, of course, it is necessary for the user. This shutdown function (and, of course, inclusion, if the touchpad is in demand) is very convenient. Therefore, it is useful to know and be able to use this feature.

At home, where the laptop can be put on the table, many prefer to use the usual computer mouse. Only in this case, the touchpad is included in this case, so the question arises: how to disconnect / turn on the touchpad?

Manufacturers bothered about touchpad shutdown. For this in laptops is provided special key Either the key combination. To any special technical or software No need to resort.

1 option how to turn on the touchpad on a laptop or disable it

Some laptop models have a slight recess in the Touchpad corner. This is the on / off touch panel button. By pressing it twice, you activate the touchpad or disconnect if it is enabled. It is very convenient, although such a button is provided not in all models of portable portable computers.

Fig. 1. How to enable or disable the touchpad on the HP laptop.

IN hP laptopthere may be a sensitive place on the left in the upper corner of the touchpad. If double pressing does not help, try another option. Hold your finger a few seconds in this place (Fig. 1).

2 Hot keys to enable or disable the touchpad on a laptop

In other laptops, to turn on / disable the touchpad, you need to press the FN key combination and one of the top row F1-F12. The Fn key is usually in the lower left corner of the keyboard. Which of the F1-F12 keys to press, you can judge the icons applied to them, which are made in the same color as the Fn key.

The touch panel on / off icon typically has the appearance of this touch panel - a rectangle with rounded corners (the image "platform"), under which two small rectangles are shown (as if the buttons, the left and right mouse buttons, see Fig. 1) and on top above all This is a cross, as the letter "X", meaning "turning off". But there may be other mnemonic pictures of the touch panel. There are already manufacturers of computers, as they can.

For laptop Sony Vaio. You can turn off / turn on the touchpad using the Fn + F1 keys. Once the Fn + F1 keys once pressed and thereby turned off the touchpad. When repeatedly pressing on Fn + F1, the touchpad will be turned on again.

Fig. 2. for laptop Sony VAIO Turn off / Turn on the touchpad using the Fn + F1 keys.

Hot keys to enable or disconnect the touch panel for different laptop models:

Acer. Fn + F7.

Samsung Fn + F5.

Sony Vaio. Fn + F1.

Toshiba. Fn + F5.

ASUS. Fn + F9 or Fn + Fn 7

Lenovo. Ctrl + F6 or Fn + F6 or F5 + F8

3 Option: Enable / disable the touchpad through parameters in Windows 10

In a laptop with Windows 10, you can enjoy another possibility to enable and disconnect the sensory mouse. To do this, open the parameters (Fig. 3):

Fig. 3 (click to enlarge). Search for parameters in Windows 10.

Figure 1 in Fig. 3 - Click on the icon with a magnifying glass to search for parameters on your device.

2 in fig. 3 - Apply without quotes "Parameters".

Figure 3 in Fig. 3 - The search result will be visible - these are "Parameters". Click on the inscription, the parameter window appears, presented below (Fig. 4):

Fig. 4. Parameters - devices in Windows 10.

Open "Devices" (Fig. 4). Before us will appear with a list of devices in the left column (Fig. 5):

Fig. 5. Turn on the touch panel in the laptop with Windows 10.

Click "Touchpad" (1 in Fig. 5). Next should be verified that the switch is in the "On" position (2 in Fig. 5). Then the panel will be enabled.

Also check the presence of a tick on the option "Do not disconnect the touch panel when the mouse is connected" if necessary. If the tick is removed, the built-in touchpad will be turned off automatically, without warning when connecting to the laptop of an external mouse. In principle, someone this mode automatic shutdown The built-in mouse can be useful.

And if the touchpad must be turned off, the switch is translated into the "Off" position (2 in Fig. 5).

4 Option: We are looking for a touchpad in the BIOS settings

If for some reason the methods described do not turn on or disable the touchpad with a special button, or using, or using WinNDows 10 settings, then this can be done through bIOS settings.

To access these settings, you need to start the F2 or DEL key while starting the laptop. As a rule, when the screen is turned on at the bottom of the screen, the hint is displayed, which one key is pressed. It should be remembered that this tip appears for a very short time. And you need to click on this key at the moment when the hint is displayed. Otherwise, go to the BIOS setup program will not be possible, you will need to restart the laptop.

In the BIOS settings, we find the point of the Pointing Device (Literal "Signor Devices"). Change its value to Enabled (literal translation "included") if you want to turn on the touchpad or disabled (literal translation "off") - to disable the device. Then leave with saving (as a rule, this BIOS setup menu item looks like "Save & Exit" or "EXIT WITH SAVING") so that the changes take effect.

FROM bIOS settings You need to be careful, especially if you do not know what is needed for any option. You can even rebuild the computer settings to such an extent that it cannot be fixed. Here is such a, this BIOS "Covarian".

5 instructions for laptop to help

Another way to find information on the issue where you can turn off / turn on the touchpad on the laptop. For this, instructions for your laptop can be useful. It is usually stored not in paper, but in in electronic format. You can find the instruction on the hard disk C: the laptop, as a rule, in the "Documentation" folder, but not necessarily in it.

When all 5 options do not work

So, the touchpad is easy to enable and disable. But if the described methods, the touch panel fails to be turned on, then probably

  • the device is faulty,
  • or not installed, for example, as a result of reinstallation operating system. I wanted, let's say instead of "native" XP (that is, "stitched" by the manufacturer in the device at the time of its sale) to install a seven, or instead of the "native" seven-eight or ten.

But this, as they say, another story.

Check which touchpad on a laptop sooner or later may be needed to all. The reasons can be a lot: reinstalling the operating system, the drivers flew, various mechanical breakdowns. Mostly interest in this device occurs in the event of a malfunction. Of course, the touchpad can be easily replaced by the mouse, but more and more users appreciated the usability; Especially in transport or in conditions of limited space.

If necessary, you can find out the model of the touchpad, without disassembling the laptop.

It must be said that the term "touchpad" is patented and belongs to Synaptics. This is the largest manufacturer in the world. Its products are put in almost all models of laptops, among which, for example, ASUS. The next can be called Alps Electric. They released their panels under the names of GlidePoint, Glidepad, StickPointer. But, like "xerox", TouchPad reliably sat down in the consciousness of people as a device name.

We look at your touchpad

So what do you have? To answer this question, you need to perform a number of uncomplicated actions. There are several differences between viewing on Windows XP and 7 with later versions of Windows 8 and 10. On Windows 7 and XP, you can find out which touchpad on the laptop, you can enter the startup menu in the control panel.

In 8 and 10 windows versions You can find out the touchpad model on a laptop like this:

  • For a start, click on the extreme, bottom, left window with right-click. Where in previous versions The Start menu was located.
  • In a new window, select Label Device Manager, it is sixth top. This is a list of working devices on your computer.
  • In the tab, click Mice and Indicating Devices, then select the desired you, and click on it for more information.

IMPORTANT. Drivers on the touch panels are recommended to put, with them you additionally install special buttons. It will work without additional actions, but the functionality will be less. If you can not define the TouchPad model, then place everything in a row. You need installed, everyone else will give an error. Council, of course, for extreme cases, but still.

Turning on TouchPad in BIOS

Usually, the need to check in the BIOS occurs when needed and does not work. This is not the most common cause among breakdown options, but after turning on the keyboard, and the mechanical malfunction exceptions need to be checked. Disconnection in the BIOS cannot happen by itself, for example, changes could be made when reinstalling the operating system.

To check the touchpad in the BIOS, you need to go there. This happens launch Windows, pinch a specific button. She may be different on different models Laptops, but most often it is DEL (Delete). It depends on the BIOS manufacturer, the ESC is also used and the F1-F12 keys set.

Information can be read on the display at the time of inclusion, you can also read the information about when you start clairing the button. If you click before the system does not work. When starting the BIOS will appear blue screen with tables. The mouse does not work in the bios, so all actions need to be performed on the keyboard.

In the tables you need to find "Internal Pointing Device" - this is the item responsible for connecting the built-in equipment. Most often is located in the Advanced menu. It has two values: enabled and off. In English it looks like enabled and disabled. You choose the mode you need and use your touch panel.

Today there are many different service centers. But when a malfunction arises, it is very convenient to try to understand yourself, especially when the repair is to press multiple buttons.

First of all, you should know that Windows 10 was developed with an eye on the fact that it will be used on devices equipped with new high-precision touch panels. However, currently such panels have not yet been widespread, and in most laptops are applied ordinary touchpads. Therefore, not all gestures described below will be available on your device.

Check which touchpad is installed in your computer, you can at the following address: "Start" → "Parameters" → "Devices" → "Mouse and Touch Panel". If you have a high-precision touch panel, you will see an entry about it in the "Touch Panel" section. But even if you have an ordinary touchpad, do not be discouraged - many gestures will be available and you only need to experiment a little to figure out which one.

1. Scroll page up or down

Touch your two fingers to the touchpad and swipe up or down.

2. Scroll pages to the right or left

Touch in two fingers to the touch panel and spend horizontally in the desired side.

3. Calling the context menu

Tap with two fingers will cause context menuthat usually appears on the right click of the mouse. In some models of sensory panels, it is possible to achieve a tap in the lower right corner of the touchpad.

4. Displays all running applications

Spend three fingers from the bottom up to appear before you there is a panel with reduced windows running programs (Alt + Tab). You can easily swipe left or right to switch to the desired application.

5. Closing window dispatcher panel

This gesture acts the opposite of the previous one. If application switching panel is displayed on your screen, then this gesture will hide it.

6. Minimizing all windows

If you have several windows open, the swipe down three fingers on the touchpad minimizes them and will show the desktop.

7. Restoring minimized windows

The action opposite to the previous one. If you have turned into application window taskbar, this gesture will restore their initial state.

8. Switching between open windows

Swayp left or right three fingers will allow you to sequentially switch between several open windows.

9. Calling the search bar

Take tap three fingers to appear before you windows search 10 or virtual voice assistant Cortana (in those countries where this function is available).

10. Increase or decrease

Touch with two fingers to the touchpad, and then start to breed them or reduce them. This gesture allows not only to change the scales of displaying images in viewers and graphic editorsBut also works in many browsers, allowing you to quickly change the size of the text on the page.

As I have already noted above, these gestures are not supported in all configurations. But it happens that some of them are simply disabled by the manufacturer in the touchpad driver settings. Therefore, do not be lazy to open the device properties ("Control Panel" → "Touch Panel") and activate the functions you need.

And what gestures of the touch panel do you most often use in Windows 10?

Invented touchpad one person calling him George Herfayde, in 1988. And only some time after apple company Made a license for his invention, and began to use the "touch pad", starting from 1994 to today, in its PowerBook. This year, truly, has become progress in the field computer equipment, because today we use such a necessary "platform" which, by the way, can be replaced with the mouse, and we do not think about whether " how does it work?".

Principle of operation

Principle of operation Touchpad is not very complex. His work is based on the measurement capacity or fingerseither capacity between sensors. So called capacitive sensorsLocated along the horizontal and along the Touchpad * A vertical axes, allow our "touch pad" to determine in which part is a finger, i.e. Determine the position of the finger with the desired accuracy. If you look at the touchpad from the physical side, it is arranged from numerous metal conductors that form a grid. Divided the same conductors insulating lavsan film stripwhich has a satisfied small size. Due to the fact that the touchpad works when measuring the tank, use it is impossible whether it is a handle or pencil. Describe all the calculations that makes the touchpad, no sense, because Everything is arranged too difficult.

Size, dignity and disadvantages

Touchpad, this is a device that takes insignificantly enough space, which is truly enough to use in everyday life for a laptop (it is convenient to use the touchpad and while leafing the pages in the browser, and when using systemic (office) applications and for simple games). But notice that in online / 3D-shooters you will play with difficulty, and you will also be difficult and work in Photoshop.
Touchpad is usually used in laptops, but it can also be purchased. For this device, you do not need drivers and extraneous applications. The use of a touchpad will be especially necessary where there is no possibility to use the usual mouse, for example, in the subway, on the train, in the car, etc. Usually, all the touchpads are protected from falling inside dust or moisture. The touchpad must serve you not enough time, usually, 5-6 years! I would also like to submit a list of advantages of the touchpad:
  • For the work of the touchpad does not need a smooth surface and a large space
  • To move the mouse across the screen, it is not necessary to carry out a lot of finger on the touchpad, but quite a small movement
  • You do not need to get used to the touchpad and have special skills, because Get used to it very easily and use it is also easy
  • Water, dustproof
  • He himself will not break, and will serve you for a very long time.
So, I hope in this article you have learned a lot of interesting and informative. I personally found out that the touchpad was waterproof, and that the principle of its work is based on the containers of the sensors.

On this expensive readers the article ended, goodbye