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The program for copying a screen with a good resolution. Video recording with sound from a computer screen: Software Review

Any information that appears on the screen of your monitor can be recorded. Many use such an opportunity to create some teaching rollers who are acquainted with users, for example, with the Windows operating system, and some are laid out on Yutube's passage of games. The applications of such a functionality are many, as well as tools for implementing it.

So, let's try to designate the best programs for capturing the video from the computer screen, distinguished by the availability of the user-friendly user and the effectiveness of your work. All referenced software has received good assessments from experts and has many positive feedback from users.

Movavi Video Suite.

This utility is not just a program for capturing the screen, but a multifunctional solution that works with any sources and seizes the video sequence into one click. The software easily cuts the flow, processes it, can impose some effects, and also adapt under, for example, "YouTube" or a social network.

For the receipt of photo image, another program is answered - Sharex Movavi Screen Capture, which comes separately. If we compare the prices of this utility and the VIDEO Suite complex, it becomes clear that it is better to take a complete set, because the price difference is practically not felt.

Benefits of software:

  • capture flow from the screen and other digital receivers, including VHS;
  • creating video from scratch;
  • full access to audio channels and input devices;
  • the ability to process photo and video detection with subsequent conversion;
  • there is an interface for nonlinear mounting;
  • adjustment in real time reversal screen and quality picture;
  • availability of competent tools for exporting to the network, mobile gadgets and DVD formats;
  • an intuitive program interface for screen capture and push localization;
  • a huge number of educational photos and video materials.

Screen camera

One more powerful utility To work with the video stream. Against the background of other analogues, this program to capture video from a computer screen demonstrates a number of advantages. The software is perfect for those who need to record online broadcasts, some rollers from games and programs, as well as individual video frames.

The utility comes with a paid license, but it costs her money. The user in two clicks can proceed to capture the flow and real-time to impose different effects. In addition, it can be used as a program to capture text from the screen, because the quality of the picture at the output will arrange anyone, even the most picky user.

Distinctive features

Notes also the fact that the utility has perfectly proven itself as a video editor. In the arsenal of the program there is an impressive arsenal of instruments capable of recycling your video sequence with the help of various effects, screensavers, sound records over clips, titles and other entourage.

With the adaptation of formats, this program also has no problems to capture the screen. At your service conversion in AVI, MKV, MOV and MR4. Add here the same intelligent Russian localization - and we get a great product for working with video, photo and text stream. On the official resource of the developer, you can download the conditionally free program to capture the screen with trial period. She is not so big in comparison with the other similar utilities, so the software is enjoyed by enviable popularity among domestic users.

Pros utility:

  • capture absolute any stream from the monitor screen;
  • it is characterized by the most convenient and intuitive interface among other analogues;
  • extremely high-quality localization into Russian;
  • the perfect tool for creating training rollers and presentations;
  • export to popular video formats;
  • there is no time limit on the flow record;
  • there is the possibility of trimming advertising blocks during online capture;
  • cONTENT at the exit is obtained high Quality (HD);
  • availability of own editor;
  • function - "sound on top of the video";
  • about broad arsenal effects for applying on content.

Avs Video Editor

The utility is positioned as a complex for working by video stream, that is, as a editor. Nevertheless, its possibilities for capturing the image deserve separate attention. The implementation of this solution is so simple and understandable that even a child from junior classes will cope with the process.

But despite the seeming simplicity, the utility has a whole list of professional instruments: scaling, highlighting, mounting, change in real-time reversal, drawing, etc.

Distinctive features of the utility

All parameters needed to produce a stream from the screen are finely configured, and after receiving the source material, you can use the available powerful editor. The user can make a video clip, flying or guide from the resulting content, as well as adapt the video sequence for mobile gadgets.

Features of software:

  • versatility of the product (except the capture functions, you get a powerful program for processing video content);
  • the presence of a functional that allows you to mount audio and video capacities taken from different sources;
  • the capture utility itself is well implemented and has a large number of settings;
  • a huge database of effects, transitions, filters, etc.;
  • fPS stabilization due to competent automatic adjustment;
  • adaptation of content under all topical formats;
  • a simple and clear for beginner functionality, as well as the diversity of educational materials.


The review did not get many sensible utilities, including free. If you are going to seriously take a streamer, asterlept or by posting some teaching aids on YouTube, it is better not to shaking and buy a license to one of the above programs. They will become indispensable assistants in your business and will not create problems on an empty place, as it happens with free software. Support for these products is carried out in full, therefore the answers to the issues that have arisen during operation you will get relatively fast. In addition, the developers constantly update their products by adding some new features, plug-ins, filters and other entourage for even greater efficiency.

If you rarely use similar software and the quality at the exit for you is not as critical, then there are always free apps what is called for a pen: Debut Video Capture, Fraps, Free Screen Video Recorder and Others.

Programs for capturing screen area, edit and print images

New in the category "Screen capture":

ABBYY Screenshot Reader 9.0 is a convenient and simple application for creating pictures from any of the parts of the screen. ABBYY Screenshot Reader application will help save the image from the entire screen, the window of the running application or even the manually highlighted area.

Superscreen 1.0 is a program designed to withdraw from screenshot monitor screen. The SuperScreen program allows you to screenshot: From the entire screen, from the active program window or selected area on the screen.

Snagit 10.0.2 is a program on easy removal of screenshots from the screen. In addition, the Snagit program has the ability to shoot not only the usual screenshots, but also create video clips displaying everything that is performed on the monitor screen.

Screenshot Maker 7.12 Beta is a powerful program that takes pictures from all over the screen or its active window, and then save them in BMP, JPG or GIF formats in the folder you specified. The ScreenShot Maker program creates screenshots using hot keys.

Screenshot Creator 2.0 is a free program for creating screenshots that is not inferior to many paid counterparts. The Screenshot Creator program allows you to create pictures, both the entire screen, or the active window and the screen area specified manually.

An i-screenshot is a program that will create a snapshot from the screen (screenshot, including using the Print Screen key), web site or video device by simply pressing the key. The i-screenshot program is optional, can publish the pictures on the FTP server on the Internet or use the services such as and Imageshack.

Hypersnap 7.13.04 EN / 7.13.04 EN is a convenient tool to capture image, which allows you to copy even games, movies and screensavers, and not just windows in standard programs. The Hypersnap-DX program has the ability to make screenshots of the entire screen, its parts or the window of a specific program.

Fresh View 8.36 is a universal viewer and multimedia file converter. Fresh View will provide the ability to view graphic files or play audio and video files in various formats. This version supports about 90 different formats and the number of formats supported by the program is constantly increasing.

Free Screen Video Recorder 2.5.20 is a powerful program to capture images and record video from the monitor. FREE SCREEN VIDEO RECORDER will make it easy to record video various actions Produced on your screen, as well as make screenshots from the full screen, individual objects, open windows, menus and other.

D3DGEAR 4.13 Build 1389 is a program that has the ability to change the number of frames per second (FPS) and mapping in gaming 3D applications on the monitor. The D3DGEAR program can be used as a grip tool, it allows you to take screenshots and save them in the most popular graphic formats (PPM, BMP, PNG, TGA, JPG or HDR).

Screenshot 3.1 will help free and quickly make a screenshot or recording video directly from the monitor screen. The Screenshot program can assign hot keys for such actions as the start of video recording, creating a picture, or the end of the record.

FRAPS 3.4.7 will help calculate in applications that work in OpenGL or Direct3D mode. The number of FPS (frames per second). The FRAPS program can also screenshots and record video recordings made from the screen.

Not long thinking and having at hand Visual Studio. 2015 Of course, created a new C # project. It is very convenient and I have already made earlier small C # programs.

Task first

Global interception of pressing buttons Printscreen and Alt + Printscreen. In order not to reinvent the bike, a couple of minutes of google and almost immediately found a solution. The essence is to use the Callback function LOWLEVELKEYBoardProc and the SetWindowsHookEx function with the WH_KEYBoard_LL from user32.dll. With a small modification for the interception of two combinations, the code earned and successfully catches the keystroke.

Key press capture code

namespace Screenshot_Grab (Private Static Mainform WinForm; ///

/// Main entry point for application. /// static void Main () (Application.EnableVisualStyles (); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault (false); _hookID \u003d SetHook (_proc); Application.Run (new MainForm ()); UnhookWindowsHookEx (_hookID);) private const int WH_KEYBOARD_LL \u003d 13; // Private Const int wh_keyboard_ll \u003d 13; Private Const int vk_f1 \u003d 0x70; Private Static LowlevelKeyboardProc _Proc \u003d HOOKCALLBACK; Private static intptr _hookid \u003d; private static IntPtr SetHook (LowLevelKeyboardProc proc) (using (Process curProcess \u003d Process.GetCurrentProcess ()) using (ProcessModule curModule \u003d curProcess.MainModule) (return SetWindowsHookEx (WH_KEYBOARD_LL, proc, GetModuleHandle (curModule.ModuleName), 0);)) private DELEGATE INTPTR LOWLEVELKEYBOARDPROC (INT NCODE, INTPTR WPARAM, INTPTR LPARAM); Private Static Intptr HookCallback (Int Ncode, Intptr WPARAM, INTPTR LPARAM) (IF (NCode\u003e \u003d 0) (Keys Number \u003d (Keys) Marshal.Readint32 (LPARAM); //MessageBox.Show (Number.tostring ()); if (Number \u003d\u003d keys.printscreen) (if (WParam \u003d\u003d (intptr) 261 && keys.alt \u003d\u003d control.modifierkeys && number \u003d\u003d keys.printscreen) (// alt + Printscreen) ELSE if (WPARAM \u003d\u003d (Intptr ) 257 && Number \u003d\u003d Keys.printScreen) (// PrintScreen))) Return CallNextHooKEX (, ncode, wparam, lparam);) Private Static Extern Intptr SetWindowShooKEx (int iDHook, LowlevelKeyboardProc LPFN, Intptr Hmod, uint dwthreadid) ; Private Static Extern Bool UnhookWindowsHookex (Intptr HHK); Private Static Extern Intptr CallNextHooKEX (Intptr HHK, Int Ncode, Intptr WPARAM, Intptr LParam); Private Static Extern Intptr GetModuleHandle (String LPMODULENAME); ))

Task Second

Actually capture the screenshot when you press the keys. Once again, the googling and the solution is found. In this case, GetForeGroundWindow and GetWindowRect function are used by all of the same user32.dll, as well as the regular function .Net Graphics.copyFromScreen. A couple of checks and code works, but with one problem - the borders of the window also captures. The decision of this issue will be back a little later.

Capture code Screenshotov

class ScreenCapturer (public enum CaptureMode (Screen, Window) private static extern IntPtr GetForegroundWindow (); private static extern IntPtr GetWindowRect (IntPtr hWnd, ref Rect rect); public struct Rect (public int Left; public int Top; public int Right; public int Bottom;) public Bitmap Capture (CaptureMode screenCaptureMode \u003d CaptureMode.Window) (Rectangle bounds; if (screenCaptureMode \u003d\u003d CaptureMode.Screen) (bounds \u003d Screen.GetBounds (Point.Empty); CursorPosition \u003d Cursor.Position;) else (var handle \u003d getForeGroundWindow (); var RECT \u003d new RECT (); GetWindowRect (handle, ref rect); baounds \u003d new rectangle (rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom); // CURSORPOSITION \u003d NEW POINT (Cursor.position.x - rect.left, cursor.position.y -;) Var Result \u003d New Bitmap (Bounds.width, Bounds.Height); Using (VAR G \u003d Graphics.FromImage (Result)) (G.CopyFromScreen (New Point (Bounds.left,, Point.Empty, Bounds.size);) Return Result; ) Public Point Cursorposition (GET; PROTECTED SET; ))

Task Third

Saving a screenshot to a computer, everything is very simple enough to use the function.

Private Void Save_Click (Object Sender, EventRGS E) (if (Lastres \u003d\u003d NULL) (RETURN;) // Generate a name using Base36 int32 UnixTimeStamp \u003d (int32) (datetime.utcnow.subtract (new datetime (1970, 1, 1 ))). TotalSeconds; var filename \u003d base_convert (unixtimestamp.tostring (), 10, 36); Lastres.Save (Spath + FileName);)

Task fourth

Loading the screenshot to the server, it seems like it seems that everything is simple, but it is not quite so. After a small reflection, it came to mind a pretty simple idea - to upload a screenshot using WebClient in binary format using the Application / OCTET-Stream header and the WebClient.uploadData function, and on the server side to take data using File_Get_Contents ("PHP: // INPUT" ). Actually he did, wrote a very simple php script in a couple of lines and tied the whole thing to the program. The result - screenshots saves and loads. At the same time, it was necessary to find a simple algorithm for generating short links, and in a very simple and elegant way to use Base36, taking the time in seconds in seconds (Linux Epoch).

// Translate Bitmap in Byte Private Byte BitmapToArray (Bitmap Bitmap) (IF (Bitmap \u003d\u003d NULL) RETURN NULL; USING (MemoryStream Stream \u003d New MemoryStream ()) ( (Stream, ImgFormat); Return stream.toarray () ;)) Private Void Upload_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs E) (Using ("CONTENT-TYPE", "Application / OCTET-Stream"); \u200b\u200bTRY (Var Response \u003d Client.uploadData (Svurl, BitmapToArray (Lastres); Var Result \u003d encoding.utf8.getString (Response); if (result.startswith ("http") (System.Diagnostics.Process.Start (result);)) Catch ()))

Receiving PHP script

Editing screenshotov

Next, I also wanted to somehow quickly edit screenshots and download them to the server. Instead of the invention, the next editor of the image was born a very simple idea - to make the "Edit" button that opened the Paint with a captured screenshot (the latter that saved on the disk), and after editing it was possible to quietly download this file to the server.

Private Void Edit_Click (IF (LastRes \u003d\u003d NULL) RETURN; if (LastFile \u003d\u003d "") Save_Click (Sender, E); Process.Start ("mspaint.exe", "\\" "+ LastFile + "\\" ");)


Also, it was also necessary to specify the URL of the site and the default folder where to save screenshots, as a result, created a simple form of settings where it could be specified. Well, in addition, made the "Open folder" button so that everything is easier and faster using the System.Diagnostics.Process.Start function. In addition, he quickly taught the program to turn around in the tray.

So after all this was ready first worker prototypeAnd he looked like this:


Everything seems to be good, but it became clear what is missing. And lacked the limit buttons! It was a little not convenient to open a folder or click edit to just see what captured from the screen before shipping. As a result, it quickly sketched the form of the premium, there was a small problem with the display of a full-screen screenshot in the form (it is with the frames), I did not want to delete the frames (I don't even know why), eventually made the scroll in shape and it was completely arranged for me.

Private Void PreviewForm_Load (Object Sender, Eventargs E) (if (form1.lastfile! \u003d "") (Img.image \u003d image.fromfile (form1.lastfile);) Else (img.image \u003d form1.lastres;) Clientsize \u003d New Size (img.image.width + 10, img.image.Height + 10); img.width \u003d img.image.width + 10; img.height \u003d img.image.height + 10; if (img.image.width \u003e \u003d Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width || img.image.Height\u003e \u003d screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height) (Windowstate \u003d FormwindowState.maximized;) CENTERTOSCREEN ();)

Image format

In addition, there was also the need to save screenshots in different formats (and not just a PNG as default), good all this is easily solved using the same function, though the quality of the JPG images did not suit me. The ability to specify the quality of JPG was not so obvious, the rapid google and there is a solution. It is implemented using the additional parameter EncoderParameter to the

// Get an encoder on the format of Private ImageCodecInfo GeneralCoder (ImageFormat Format \u003d ImageCodecInfo.getImageDecoders (); Foreach (ImageCodecInfo Codec In Codecs) (ifc.guid) (Return Codec;)) Return NULL ;) INTERNAL VOID SAVEFILE (STRING FILEPATH, ImageFormat Format) (var curimg \u003d lastres; if (format \u003d\u003d imageformat.jpeg) (system.drawing.imaging.encoder myencoder \u003d system.drawing.imaging.encoder.quality; imageCodecInfo Encoder \u003d GetEncoder (format); EncoderParameters myEncoderParameters \u003d new EncoderParameters (1); myEncoderParameters.Param \u003d new EncoderParameter (myEncoder, Properties.Settings.Default.quality); curimg.Save (stream, Encoder, myEncoderParameters);) else (curimg.Save ( FilePath, Format);))
The idea of \u200b\u200bautomatic opening folder was also born after saving the screenshot, as well as the auto opening of the link after loading. Quickly I implemented and added ticks in the settings. Added to copy the reference to the clipboard.

After adding the Write button, the program somehow began to look "not so", the location of the buttons was scattered, thought a bit, and cross the buttons, so the following came:

Small modifications

A little tricking and thinking, I realized that there is still not enough - information about the last loading of the screenshot. Made the corresponding field, when you click on which you could follow the link. In addition, I made the save / edit buttons inaccessible until you do the screenshot. Well, another barcode - Added a button "About the Program" with brief description, Version and the date of Bilda (by the way, to get the date again came down the decision, receiving a date from the header of the application itself).

Total after these actions came the following:

To transfer some messages, it was necessary to create new resource files and then take the line from it as follows:

INTERNAL RESOURCEMANAGER LOCM \u003d New Resourcemanager ("screenshot_grab.resources.winformStrings", Typeof (Mainform) .Assembly); Locm.getString ("Key_Name");
File with the Russian language I have WinFormStrings.Resx, for English WinFormStrings.en.resx, which put in the Resources folder.

But to change the language needed to reboot the application, of course I wanted to do without it, fortunately there is a solution to this issue that I quickly applied. In addition, it was also necessary to obtain a list of supported language applications (for the future, if suddenly there will be localization), totaling such a decision, all this combining the following design:

Live Language Change Code

private Void ChangeLanguage (Form FRM in Application.openforms) (LocalizeForm (FRM);)) Private Void LocalizeForm (Form FRM) (VAR Manager \u003d New ComponentresourceManager (FRM.Gettype ()); manager.applyresources ( FRM, "$ this"); ApplyResources;) Private Void Applyresources (ComponentResourcemanager Manager, Control.ControlCollection CTLS) (Manager.APPlyResources (CTL, CTL.Name); Debug.WriteLine (CTL.Name); ApplyResources (Manager, Ctl.Controls);)) Private Void Language_SelectIndExchanged (VAR LANG \u003d ((ComboBoxItem Language.selectitem) .Value; If (Properties.settings .Default.Language \u003d\u003d Lang) Return; Updatelang (Lang);) Private void Updatelang (String Lang) (Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUiculture \u003d New Cultureinfo (Lang); Changelaguage (Lang); Properties.setting.Default.Language \u003d lang ; (); form1.onlangchange ();) Priva TE Void Form2_load (Object Sender, Eventargs E) (Language.Items.clear (); Foreach (CultureInfo Item in GetSupportedCulture () (var lc \u003d item.twoletterisolanguagename; var CITEM \u003d new ComboBoxItem (Item.NativeName, LC); //debug.writeline(iTEm.NativeName); // Set your code for the default language and Title in the IF list ( \u003d\u003d (LC \u003d "RU"; CITEM \u003d NEW COMBOBOXIEM ("Russian", LC);) Language.Items.add (CITEM); if (properties.settings .Default.Language \u003d\u003d LC) (language.selectitem \u003d CITEM;))) Private Ilist GetSupportedCulture () (// Get all culture CultureInfo culture \u003d CultureInfo.GetCultures (CultureTypes.AllCultures);. // Find the location where application installed string exeLocation \u003d Path.GetDirectoryName (Uri.UnescapeDataString (new UriBuilder (Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly (). CodeBase) .path)); Return All Culture for Which Satellite Folder Found with Culture Code. Ilist Cultures \u003d New List (); Foreach (Var Cultureinfo in Culture) (if (directory.exists (path.combine (exelocation, ( (Cultures.add (CultureInfo);)) Return Cultures; )

The problem of capturing borders by the window

And now I will return to the problem of capturing the borders of the window, this question first was solved using the automatic window trimmed function (which I added to the settings), specifying the values \u200b\u200bfor Windows 10, but it was rather crutch than the solution. To make it clear what we are talking about the screenshot of what I mean:

(Screenshot with a newer version)

As can be seen in the screenshot - except the window captured its boundaries and the fact that under them. Prettyly google how to solve this problem, but then stumbled upon where the question was actually described, the point is that on Windows Vista and the newer need to use DWMAPI to obtain the correct borders of the window with AERO and TD. With a small modification of its code successfully tied to DWMAPI and the problem was finally solved completely. But because The window trimming functionality has already been written, I decided to leave it, perhaps someone will be useful.

Private Static Extern Int DWMgetWindowattribute (Intptr Hwnd, int DWATTRIBUTE, OUT RECT PVATTRIBUTE, INT CBATTRIBUTE); Public Bitmap Capture (Capturemode ScreenCaptureMode \u003d Capturemode.Window, Bool Cutborder \u003d True) (... var handle \u003d getforegroundwindow (); var RECT \u003d new RECT (); // If Win XP and earlier, then use the old IF method (Environment. Osversion.version.major< 6) { GetWindowRect(handle, ref rect); } else { var res = -1; try { res = DwmGetWindowAttribute(handle, 9, out rect, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Rect))); } catch { } if (res<0) GetWindowRect(handle, ref rect); } ...

Imgur support

Then thinking, since I'm going to publish a program for everyone, it would probably be not bad in addition to downloading to your server to make downloads to some kind of service, because then the program will be more useful, and you do not need to have your own server for its use, t. to. I have long used and it has a simple API, I decided to make a binding to it. After whining his API, I first implemented anonymous loading, and a little later, the ability to bind account. In addition, I implemented the ability to delete the last downloaded image in the program (for their service only).

I will not fully describe the implementation code of their API, I will not say that to download images to IMGUR used httpclient and multipartformdatacontent from .NET Framework 4.5 and at the same time I redo the code for downloading images to your server, instead of binary dispatch used a full load using a form to unify the code. Along the way, for your script, as a method of identification used a user-agent and $ _Get key, something did not want to mess around with full authorization (although it is not difficult for the idea).

Private Void UploadFile (BOOL BITMAP \u003d TRUE) (BYTE DATA; IF (Bitmap &&! Imgedit) (Data \u003d BitmapToArray (Lastres);) ELSE (if (! (Locm.getString ( "file_nf"), Locm.getString ("Error"), MessageBoxButtons.ok, MessageBoxicon.error); Return;) Data \u003d file.ReadallBytes;) HttpContent Bytescontent \u003d New BytearrayContent (DATA); USING (VAR Client \u003d new httpclient ()) Using (var formData \u003d new multipartformdatacontent ()) (... formData.add (bytescontent, "image", "image"); try (var response \u003d client.postasync (url, formData) .Result; If (! Response.issageBox.Show) (response.reasonphrase, locm.getstring ("error"), MessageBoxButtons.ok, MessageBoxicon.exclamation); LastLabel.Text \u003d Locm.getString ("Error"); LastLabel.Enabled \u003d false;) ELSE (...)
Total turned out to be a well-workable and functional program, which could already be done much more things than I planned to do initially.

The list of settings at that time looked like this:

Compatibility with Win XP

After I began to think about compatibility with Windows XP, it turned out that it supports only .NET Framework 4.0, and MultipartFormDatacontent is available only in V4.5, but you can still connect it to the V4.0 installing the System.Net.http package. At first I did it. And everything seems to be fine, except for Windows Vista./ 7 You need to install .NET Framework 4.0 to make the program. Switched the project to 3.5, rewrote the loading of images on the WebClient, and instead of loading the file used the normal field with the encoded image in Base64 format, the benefit of the IMGUR allows you to download the images so and rewrite your php script for this option. And then I decided to also switch the project to version 2.0, and as a result, the banal editing pair of strings received a fully worker .NET Framework 2.0 project.

Using (var PDATA \u003d new namevaluecollection (); ... pdata.add ("image", convert.tobase64string (data)); try (var response \u003d client.uploadvalues \u200b\u200b(url, " POST ", PDATA); VAR Result \u003d encoding.utf8.getString (Response); ...
$ File \u003d Base64_Decode ($ _ post ["image"]);
It all made it possible to launch the program on old frameworks, and on Windows Vista / 7, start without installing something, because According to this article, Windows Vista contains V2.0, and Windows 7 contains v3.5 by default. But on this problems did not end. On Windows 8 and the newest, it is started to ask the setting .NET Framework v3.5, which is certainly bad, but the question was quickly decided thanks to this information by stepping the SupportedRuntime option in the config, allowing you to run the application on a new or old version without any problems. In addition, made it possible to use the TLS 1.2 protocol if it is available (i.e. on S.NET Framework 4.5 systems).


Support TLS 1.2.

System.Net.ServiceProtocol | \u003d SecurityProtocolType.tls; Try ( | \u003d (SecurityProtocolType) 3072; //securityprotocoltype.tls12;) Catch ()

History of events

By and large, I thought that everything was enough for this, it was possible to release, but still something was not enough - the stories of action with a log. Began to develop an appropriate window with some functions like deleting a file with PC and IMGUR, opening a file / link, copying the / links using the context menu. Also made it possible to save events in the log file from both the list and automatically setting in the settings.

It turned out quite informative window:

HOOKCALLBACK problem on Win XP

But one problem got out - on Windows XP when capturing the crystal, the record was added twice. During the tests, it found that the HOOKCALLBACK is called twice when the key is released, the reason for this behavior was not clear to me, but decided the question is quite easy - I made an additional check of the keystroke. Keeping it into a variable, and when the key is released, the change of the variable on FALSE, as a result, I need you The code began to be processed only 1 time when the key is released.

Private Static Bool Prased \u003d False; Private Static Intptr HookCallback (Int Ncode, Intptr WPARAM, INTPTR LPARAM) (IF (NCode\u003e \u003d 0) (Keys Number \u003d (Keys) Marshal.Readint32 (LPARAM); //MessageBox.Show (Number.tostring ()); if (Number \u003d\u003d Keys.PrintScreen) (If (PRESSED && WPARAM \u003d\u003d (INTPTR) 261 && Keys.alt \u003d\u003d Control.modifierKeys && Number \u003d\u003d Keys.PrintScreen) (var ris \u003d scr.capture (screencapturer.capturemode.window , Properties.Settings.default.cutborder); WinForm.ongrabScreen (Res, False, True); Pressed \u003d false;) Else if (PRESSED && WPARAM \u003d\u003d (intptr) 257 && Number \u003d\u003d Keys.printscreen) (VAR Res \u003d Scr.capture (screencapturer.capturemode.screen); WinForm.ONGRABScreen (RES); PRESSED \u003d FALSE;) ELSE if (WParam \u003d\u003d (intptr) 256 || WParam \u003d\u003d (intptr) 260) (PRESSED \u003d TRUE; // Fix for Win XP Double Press))) Return CallNextHooKEX (INTPTR.ZERO, NCODE, WPARAM, LPARAM);)

The problem of capturing screenshots from games

A little later, in the course of testing, it was collided with the problem of capturing screenshots from full-screen applications (for example, the games), noticed that in Windows 10 regular printscreen captures this case without problems, eventually added the image insertion function from the clipboard, and also added a checkbox "Use the clipboard instead of capture" in the settings, thereby "solved the question" for yourself , but as it turned out in Win 7 and below it does not work, began to study the question, and realized that this is a rather difficult task, with the need to use DirectX injections, as a result, I simply scored on this problem, after all, the main goal is not to capture screenshots from games, For this there are many other programs and tools.

Along the way, adding the settings converted the settings menu, made it more compact to fit the screen with a resolution of 640 * 480 pixels, and it began to look like this:

Also made a more functional icon in the tray, adding everything there important functions When you click right-click:

Verification on Win98 and Win2000

Well, already clean for the sake of the experiment turned on the Windows 2000 SP4 and 98 SE virtual, put there.NET Framework 2.0. It was not so simple, because It was necessary to install some patches and update Windows Installer. But still everything turned out and I tried to start the application.

As it turned out on Windows 2000 SP4, the application turned out to be fully worked, but on Windows 98 SE, the key capture did not work, the insertion of the buffer also does not work, but the screenshot loading works without problems. Actually, these problems could not be solved, the information is extremely small, everything that was able to find out - the parameter "WH_KEYBOARD_LL" was added only in Windows 2000. And about the reason for the image of the image from the buffer did not find any information at all. Total min Requirements - Windows 2000. Add Tags

The easiest way to save information from the desktop is from the application - creating a screen image. The screenshot area is much wider than it may seem at first glance: these are all sorts of instructions, documentation, notes on the site, operational assistance to colleagues and friends, reports.

To obtain a full-screen screenshot (i.e., place it in the exchange buffer) uses the PRINT SCREEN key, the ALT + PRINT SCREEN combination is used to capture the active application window. An intermediate image is further easily transferred to a graphic editor and save it in one of the available formats.

With everything, it would seem, the convenience of such a step-by-step method is apparent to its disadvantages - especially if the user needs not just fix the screen, but also to place the file properly: add annotations, cut a fragment, change the scale.

To solve such tasks, programs are used to capture the screen. You can select two major advantages: speed and convenience. Programs, as a rule, combine the screen capture tools and a graphic editor for screenshot processing.

The first part of the guidebook will consider the following applications:

  • Faststone Capture.
  • Hypersnap
  • Snagit.
  • LightShot.
  • Screen Capture.
  • Greenshot

It is worth noting that some review participants optionally allow you to record audio and video, but this topic will be disclosed in the second part of the guide. Here, attention will be focused on the specified components of each program:

  • Screen Capture: Region Selection, Screenshot Creation Modes
  • Interface: Ease of access to features, setup manager for user needs
  • Editor: Main features available tools, file saving formats, export
  • Integration with programs and services.

Program "Scissors"

Starting a review, you need to briefly list the functions of the "Scissors" program, which is part of Windows Vista and the latest version of Microsoft OS.

Screen capture is possible in one of the modes: "Arbitrary shape", "Rectangle", "Window" and "All Screen". To highlight the region, it is convenient to use the CTRL + PRTSCRN key combination. The image is transmitted to the markup window, and here are available tools such as the pen, marker and gum - similar to the Paint editor. Add to the image is easy to add a note, and in the case of HTML - specify the URL of the saved page. At the final stage, the screenshot can be saved in one of the formats (PNG, GIF or JPEG) and send by email.

So Windows has some basic set For shooting screenshots. Unfortunately, batch processing and even uncomplicated editing are practically impracticable. At a minimum, in the "scissors" you can not paint the image or enter a comment. All this is additional arguments towards alternative solutions.

Faststone Capture.

FASTSTONE CAPTURE - a program to create screenshots of individual applications, regions, objects, pages. Built-in tools allow you to add effects, annotations, change the image settings. Saving files is possible in BMP, GIF, JPEG, PCX, PNG, TGA, TIFF and PDF. Also supported video recording in WMV format.

The basic tools related to the shooting are available on the Farstone capture panel (Capture Panel). Here, the following modes are presented: Active window, window or object, region, free region, full Screen, Fixed or scrolling region. The Autocaption option allows you to automatically add system information to the image, date. In the next DESTINATION settings group, you can specify where the image is sent to: in the editor, clipboard, on email, office applications and so on.

The main settings are located in the SETTINGS section. Useful with them to get acquainted before the immediate shooting. Additional buttons can be added via the Toolbar section, capture settings are concentrated in Capture. Hot keys are defined in the Hotkeys tab. The file name is compiled by a mask that it is possible to specify in the File Name section.

By default, the screenshot is transmitted to the editor window. With the help of accessible tools, you can add to the image signature, watermark, crop, rotate the screenshot, apply the effects of smoothing or increasing sharpness. For drawing, the built-in Faststone Draw editor is used, opening in a new window. Such an organization in Faststone Capture cannot be called a convenient solution: working with multiple images, you have to constantly switch between windows.

The File menu contains the conservation and sending commands directly to Word, Excel, PowerPoint applications, using the FTP protocol. For each of the graphic formats, settings are provided.

The second important component of Faststone Capture, which goes "in the appendage" - capture the video. However, the program is not as noteworthy as a video camera, offering a modest set of options and the only possible preservation format - WMV. Common program settings are not relevant to video recording, the Miscellaneous tab is assigned to them, plus the Options section available through the Screen Recorder window. Recording modes Four: window or object, area, full-screen format and full screen without taskbar.


The Faststone Capture program is convenient when capturing the screen, not least due to shooting modes. Editing features also pleased - the graphic editor contains the necessary tools. A variety of settings are provided that allow you to flexibly configure Faststone Capture under your own tasks.

[+] Conservation and Export Functions
[+] Wide selection of shooting modes
[+] Additional tools
[-] uncomfortable organization of windows


Hypersnap - a program with more than ten years of experience - is used in broad purposes: to capture screenshots (windows, individual regions), text ( dialog boxes, pages), video recordings. Allows you to comment, edit images by editor, save them in one of the many available formats.

Unlike Farstone, all Hypersnap modules are collected in a single window, and tools are distributed over tabs and are available via Ribbon-tape. An additional "plus" of a similar solution is that at the same time you can work with multiple images, switching between windows or sketches. In general, thanks to the VIEW menu section, the interface is amenable to careful tuning, and this compensates for some archaic program.

Actually, to capture the screen you need to go to the Capture tab. Options are larger than in Faststone Capture or any other than the following program (except Snagit). In addition to the most obvious options, there is an ability to shoot a virtual desktop, several monitors, a region and windows with a complete scrolling, buttons, cursor, etc.

Editor's tools are divided into two tabs - Edit (Edit) and Image ("Image"). EDIT can detect drawing tools, including drawing figures, adding notes. The Image section is designed for image processing: cropping, rotation, effects.

Curious capture of simple and formatted text (TextSnap tab), but you need to keep in mind the limited application of the function. Developers are no longer engaged in its development - as a result, in Java, .NET, "Native" (Native) Windows 8 applications are impossible.

The final image is easy to send to email, download via FTP or to the IPASHack service. The application of the screenshot in the application is not available. Saving files is possible both individually and batch mode. With all the variety of formats (their more than a dozen), I would like to see a more convenient conservation dialogue, at the moment it is by no means intuitive.


Hypersnap will satisfy the increased requirements for specialized functions and will be the best option for users who are interested in the maximum automation of actions, batch work. A suitable solution for testing, debugging software.

[+] Convenient adjustable shell
[+] Variety of shooting modes
[+] Text capture
[-] Outdated interface


Snagit - Techsmith app to capture images, text and video from the screen. These functions in the bundle are more than enough to use Snagit at work, at home, as well as for educational purposes.

To capture the image in Snagit, a convenient hiding widget is used, which is easy to drag to any area of \u200b\u200bthe screen. At first, you should select the shooting profile (image, text or video), optionally "economical" profile (Time-Saving Profile) and assign hot keys. By the way, the profiles can be created independently, control is available in "File - Organize Profiles ...". Setting the profile or current shooting mode is carried out in the capture window.

The available modes are collected in the Capture Type menu, among them - region, window, screen area, several areas at the same time, scanner, camera, other options.

After receiving a screenshot, the user goes to the editor. You should mark the library at the bottom of the editor window, where all images are available. It is convenient for its organization: data can be streamlined not only by catalogs, but also by tags, also implemented search on files.

In the Draw section, it is possible to add shapes, there are tools for drawing, fill, marking. In the next tab, the image is different operations with the image (cropping, rotate, resize, fill, etc.), as well as the use of effects.

One of the unique features of Snagit is the creation of hot spots (Hotspots), interactive images containing links that pop-up windows. Options are more than enough: the creation of objects, links, the choice of backlight when the color solutions are guided.

The Share section provides image transmission to programs or services, and it is easy to build up functionality by downloading missing integration widgets for Snagit.


Functional and convenient program with wide export capabilities. It is in this winning combination of Snagit is a leader among paid products.

[+] Convenient interface
[+] Creating interactive images
[+] Variety of capture methods
[+] Library Organization


Of course, not every user deems you need to pay for the functionality of the screenshot manager, therefore it is worth considering free solutions. Among them, a small LightShot program is worthy of mention, which enlists basic functions, which, at least, exceed regular "scissors".

An application, which is called "Easy to Use" - simple, intuitive. It is enough to press the PRTSCR key, highlight the grip area (in stock only manual mode) - and the screenshot is available for editing and saving or downloading the hosting images. Thus, the time is reduced between the intermediate stages of receiving the picture.

The functionality of the Lightshot editor is perhaps too easy for the ubiquitous application of the program. There are drawing tools and the ability to add text comments. However, when it comes to work with the image, the absence of commands for changing proportions, effects affects. It may seem inconvenient that each snapshot need to be processed and preserved without postponing. However, LightShot provides alternative editing - an online PIXLR editor integrated with At PrNTSCR, the image can be published in a couple of clicks. A set of formats for saving is limited to PNG, JPEG, BMP, and the quality settings are missing. In PIXLR, however, for JPEG options are provided, there is also a PXD storage format, almost useless outside the service.


LightShot for many parameters cannot compete with its paid review participants, however, has two noticeable advantages - work speed and free. Paraphrasing the proverb "Better the tit in the hands than the crane in the sky" is better free app without restrictions than paid, but with many restrictions.

[+] Good functionality for free version
[+] Integration with online services
[-] No save parameters
[-] limited editor functionality

Screen Capture.


Another free screenshot manager in Russian. Screen Capture is interesting for some online functions: in particular, you can save the screenshot with one click on the Internet. From other features - capture an arbitrary area of \u200b\u200bthe screen, editing images and add comments.

Briefly, work with Screen Capture looks like this. By pressing PRTSCRN or when using the "Make a Screen Snapshot" command, the capture area is determined. Next, the screenshot is loaded into the Internet (default), stored on the desktop or in the specified folder.

The main functions of the application are available through context menu In the area of \u200b\u200bnotifications. This option is not very convenient: so, the quality of JPG needs to be selected from the drop-down list, and some options would be optimal as switches.

The replacement of the library in Screen Capture is the "Image History" section, from where it is possible to access the editing of each file in the list. The online editor has a standard set of tools and easy to use. Theoretically, it would be convenient on mobile devices - now, however, Screen Capture is available only for Windows.


Screen Capture - Nice free ProductIt is worth viewing next to Lightshot. Editing is available only as part of online functions, but more conservation settings are presented, there is a history of images.

[+] Preservation settings are present.
[-] uncomfortable interface
[-] Editing Screenshots is possible only online


Greenshot is a free app to create screenshots of regions, windows, web pages. Image processing (including adding backlight, comments), export to various formats, publishing on the Internet.

Already familiar shooting modes are supported: gripping areas, windows, full screen. However, it is noteworthy in Greenshot not this, but the visibility of the process itself: together with the illumination of the selected region, you can familiarize yourself with its size.

The graphic editor is simple and at the same time does not contain anything superfluous. Thanks to the tools available, you can add a comment, shapes, lines, highlighting or blurring a certain portion of the image, turn or cray it. True, editing several screenshots in various windows, uncomfortable to switch between them. In other words, there are lack of tabs for batch work.

Image formats for saving - PNG, GIF, BMP, JPG, TIFF, GREENSHOT. Quality settings are applicable only to JPEG. Additionally, the name template is configured in the program settings, the file storage location is specified here.

Along with the preservation, send a screenshot via an e-mail, in the mail client, to the MSPAINT editor, the export of screenshots to office applications is not supported. It is also possible to load screenshots on the IMGUR hosting. The resulting link leads directly to the image, unlike, where you have to browse advertising from the service page.


Among the mentioned free participants, Greenshot is the most functional product. Convenient interface, localization, a wide selection of formats for saving and shooting modes.

[+] Functionality
[+] Image Editor
[+] Fast publication online
[-] uncomfortable implementation of multi-color regime

Summary Table

ProgramFaststone Capture.HypersnapSnagit.LightShot.Screen Capture.Greenshot
DeveloperFaststone Soft.HYPERIONICS TECHNOLOGY, LLCTechsmith.SkillBrains.Andryzhenko Artem Thomas Braun, Jens Klingen, Robin Krom
LicenseShareware ($ 19.95 +)Shareware ($ 39.95 +)Shareware ($ 49.95 +)Freeware.Freeware.Freeware.
Localization in Russian + + +
Image Editor + + + + + +
Export to third-party applications + + +
Capture modesActive window, window or object, region, free region, full screen, fixed, scrolling region Window, region, full screen, video, virtual desktop, several monitors, region, window with scrolling, buttons, cursor, etc. Region, window, screen area, several regions simultaneously, scanner, camera, etc. Screen areaScreen areaCapture area, windows, full screen
Publication online FTP.FTP,,
Additional functions Video Recording (WMV)Extension for Firefox, text capture Creating interactive images Extension for Chrome Browsers, Firefox, IE and Opera

In the second part of the review, 6 programs are considered to capture the image from the screen in the form of a video.


Picpick is one of the best programs for creating screenshots. Among the special features it is worth highlighting the ability to capture the entire screen, an active window, a separate screen area, entire web pages (with the possibility of scrolling) or an arbitrary part of the desktop. In addition to the fact that the program is distributed free for non-commercial use and is available in Russian, it also has such useful functions as a ruler, a magnifier, a stylist board, a color palette, etc. In the program settings, you can assign hotkeys for all necessary actions, specify the FTP data to automatically send screenshots to the remote ...


UvscreenCamera is a special program to create demonstration or training rollers. The program is great for technical support officers or users or teachers who behave computer courses. The program will be especially relevant for those who are conducting Internet courses. A distinctive feature of the program is that it can record almost everything that happens on the screen. In addition, UvscreenCamera is able to record the mouse buttons (left, right, medium) and keyboard combinations on the keyboard. In addition, you can add sound to the received video, and it can be ...


Screenshot Captor is a universal program with which you can shoot screenshots not only from the entire screen, but also from any area, panel or menu. Screenshot Captor allows you to select the mode for shooting. A distinctive feature This program is the ability to create screenshots at once from several monitors, which is very convenient when using the client-server system. "Having removed" the desired area You can assign her any name, as well as add your comment. Screenshot Captor has its own set of hot keys, which is more convenient to use, rather than a slow cocoon software.


Sharex is a program that allows you to capture the screen and make screenshots, save images in popular formats, record video, create gif animation, make adjustments in the photo or apply watermarks. The application is able to change the size of the images, add subtitles, borders, or shadows, print snapshots or copy them to the clipboard, save them in a preferred type of file on a disk (for example, PNG, JPG), and download to hosting. A pleasant advantage of the application can be considered the ability to simultaneously copy, save on disk and upload to hosting. After the images are loaded on photo hosting, ...


Icecream Screen Recorder is an interesting tool for recording video games or movies from the monitor screen. In addition to creating a video, the utility is capable of making screenshots. Easily captures the entire screen or separate parts. Applying will suit those who love to record video tutorials, their actions in games. To write a video or creating a screenshot to select one of two available actions, then select the required area and determine its size, copy the specified area and save to any folder on the computer. He has its own panel with tools for creating drawings, which allows business ...


Carambis ScreenShooter is one of the most convenient programs that is responsible for the rapid and high-quality screenshot from computer screens. Moreover, it will share the created picture with another person with this program quite simply - for this, the user needs only a couple of clicks and a few seconds. The Carambis ScreenShooter is based on the function of simple creation of screenshots using hot keys, as well as the Tray menu, where are very convenient tools for editing tools, as well as many in different ways Conservation of the image. Carambis ScreenShooter has standard editing features ...


Joxi is a cross-platform tool that allows you to exchange various screenshots and files on the Internet. A special feature of the program is the absence of any additional elements in the need, such as graphic editors, hosting or archivers. It has functions for making any adjustments to files, as well as promptly performs their publication on the network. This is due to only one user pressing. Created using JOXI tools files can be downloaded in a separate or group manner on a variety of sites. In the process of loading, you can apply the source form ...


Greenshot - easy to use a tool that allows you to take pictures of the entire screen or some regions. You can also capture the selected programs. The application weighs a little and easily installed. Created images can be exported to any visual graphic editors, and can be changed in the program itself. Greenshot has a built-in graphic editor, you can draw arrows in it, create ellipses, rectangles, trim the image, darken or highlight some areas, apply inscriptions. The import function is also available in the editor and third-party images. The application includes image operations ...


Floomby is a program that is designed to work with a specific web service. It is equipped with convenient features for creating and publishing images of a specific part of the screen - screenshots. This application It works with the help of a special design of the system tray, which allows it to remove the image of the entire display or its specifically indicated area. Also, the user is provided with the ability to edit the picture created by using the program, add a variety of elements with inscriptions or the proposed graphic elements to it. Floomby supports work with various combinations ...


Monosnap - very useful applicationproviding quick capture, screen writing and video creation. The utility allows you to make instant pictures using a connected webcam, as well as change them. The installation process goes smoothly, without problems. The program works directly from the system tray. It also creates a small pop-up window on the desktop. The utility allows you to shoot the entire screen or any user area. For further change, you can open the resulting image in the embedded editor. The latter allows you to adjust the sizes, trim images, insert any arrows.


Screen Shooter is a convenient, fast program that helps for a few seconds to take a snapshot of the desktop screen. Using the application, the user can instantly exchange images with friends. The principle of operation of the utility is simple: you need to run the Screen Shooter, press the F9 key either on the "Screenshot" button, select the desired area and the URL link to the screenshot will appear in the clipboard. The screenshot address can be seen in the program string itself, which is very convenient. This link can be sent by anyone in any social network either by email. As with most similar programs, SCREEN SHOOTER has drawing tools.


ScreenPresso - easy to use, program for operating windows systemsWith which you can instantly take the screenshots completely free. ScreenPresso makes the best pictures from the screen in just a few seconds, intercepting the PRINT SCREEN key. This program allows you to take pictures, exciting windows and screen areas and scrolling parts of the screen. It is also possible to change the size of a group of images, editing the resulting image, for example, adding effects, and it is still possible to send screenshots by email and their placement on various web resources. Ready video can be from ...



Lightshot is very comfortable and free programwhich gives certain opportunities for users regarding the creation of screenshots. Its functional features are that it is proposed to highlight the specific area of \u200b\u200bthe device display and remove the image. After that, the resulting file can be saved in the application or work to adjust it in a special editor that works online. This editor has a full-fledged functional side, which is usually inherent in all tools of this kind. It allows the user to impose various elements on the created screenshot ...


The multifunctional utility, which is both by the organizer, and a tool for removing screenshots, and even a utility for image processing. The organizer allows you to set the alarm on the computer, set additional tasks that the system must be executed and the like. The ability to remove screenshots will make it easy to get an answer in the technical support service of any product, as you can provide a window with the desired message in the form of a screenshot. The image editing tool allows not only to view them, but also, say, to highlight some shade from the pixel, as well as apply to the photos ...


Clip2Net is a program that allows you to exchange files, screenshots and text in seconds. The program allows you to make a screenshot of your desktop in one click, or another area of \u200b\u200bthe screen or window, after which it will be sent to the Internet, and you will receive a link to this file. Then, when there is time, you can publish it in any social network Or in any blog. It will be especially useful for people who are forced to send screenshots daily, because for the usual operation, they must first make a screenshot with third-party program or Windows tools, and then send it to some f ...


Qipshot is a convenient program for removing screenshots from your monitor. A distinctive feature of this program is the ability to capture only a specific area of \u200b\u200bthe screen. In addition, the QIPSHOT program supports work with several monitors, which is especially useful for professional editors or animators, because In professional studios, 2 or more monitors are often located. Also, the QIPSHOT program allows you to shoot video from the screen with the ability to recording sound, and the sound recording source you can choose yourself, and the quality of video files will be directly dependent on the codecs installed in the system.


Gyazo is a software that provides opportunities for very fast creation Screenshots, as well as their subsequent download on the Internet. This program is the most minimalistic and simplest among all applications of this kind. An action algorithm when it is used is more than affordable and simple: run Gyazo on a computer, after which a special cursor appears, designed to select a specific screen area; Remove the image. After creating a screenshot, the program opens the browser window in order to view the resulting file. Screenshot immediately after removed ...


Grabilla is another convenient program for creating screenshots. Unlike other similar, such as PUUSH, GRABILLA not only makes a screenshot, but can also record video and audio. Before saving a picture, there is a editing function, which makes it possible, in the same program, edit the photo. Allowed to add text, circle / allocate part of the photo, add arrows and find the exact color. Supports two ways to save pictures, you can save on the computer, in the default destination folder, or lay out on the Internet, to your profile. Authorization occurs with just one click, with it ...


Screensnag is a simple program to capture the screen. Allows you to make a screenshot at any time when clamped hot key Or with the help of one click. It has the fact that it has a timer function that is very easy to configure. This feature will do screenshots at a given time, for example every 5 minutes. Also, the program settings profile are also created, in order to not configure it every time again for various tasks, it is enough just to open the program, select the desired profile and it will automatically take pictures. The program is intended only for the Windows operating system, starting with XP. Screensnag actively developed ...

Screensy - program for screen shots. At any time, when clamping the "PRNT SCR" button, the screen freezes and the program window opens. It allows you to select the area to save into the image. Also allows you to edit the selected area, change the size and move it. It has several simple, but the desired tools for this type of software, as arrows, emphasis and allows you to choose the desired color. After the snapshot was made and edited, the program saves it on the site where the size of the snapshot displays in pixels and gives the link so that the user could at any time ...

WebShot is a free program that will help to make a screenshot (snapshot) of any site with one click. You do not need to look for third-party plugins or browser add-in - just download and install WebShot. After that, you need to specify the site address or sites and select the folder to save. WebShot can also import links from a text document and convert to screenshots in batch mode. In addition, you can manually change the image resolution, a compression percentage, format, timeout time. The process of receiving the picture depends on the speed of your Internet connection. The only drawback of the program is that there is no Russian ...