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Bios does not see the samsung laptop flash drive. Solving the problem when the BIOS does not "see" a USB flash drive

Installing Windows 7 is a simple and debugged, but not the perfect process. Therefore, there may be situations where the installation wizard simply sees certain computer devices without giving the user to complete the procedure started normally. And if you have such difficulties - familiarize yourself with the content.

Windows 7 installation does not see the USB mouse and keyboard (solve the BIOS settings problem)

If Windows 7 installation does not see the mouse or another input device, the first thing to do is check it USB portsin which these are inserted peripherals.

Blue ports (USB 3.0) can do not support Master, and therefore, at least at the installation time, rearrange the equipment in the ports of gray ( USB 2.0 ).

In most cases, the problem will be solved. Otherwise, do the following in order actions B.Bios. (hereinafter referred to as the article, these actions will be painted with step by step):

  • Disable(I.nTEL.) "Xhci. Mode. » In the tab « Advanced » ;
  • Try another value of the point "USB Legacy Support" ;
  • Reset BIOS.
Do at once all three actions optional.
Check the operation of the mouse and keyboard after each step, starting from the first.
First you need to go to the BIOS. Read more, how to enter BIOS on the various devices (stationary computers or at different brands Laptops) You can see in this article: how to enter the BIOS.Restart your computer and logo motherboard Enter B. « Setup. Menu. » by pressing the key F.1 (F.2, F.12, Delete. - Depending on the BIOS). Now proceed:

Action 1 - Turn off (Intel) XHCI Mode

This option you can find in the tab « Advanced » on the menu Bios..

  1. Go to B. « Advanced » , by navigating the arroders on the keyboard;
  2. Change the regime on « Disabled. » in point « xhci. Mode. » ;

Figure 1. Install the Disabled mode for XHCI Mode.
  1. Save settings by going to the tab « EXIT. » and choosing " EXIT. Saving. Changes »;
  2. We check the mouse and the keyboard, repeating the attempt to install the OS.
The first action helps in the absolute majority of cases. Go to the next header if:
  • Line « xhci. Mode. » absent;
  • Performing item « Action 1.» did not give the result.

Step 2 - Switch USB Legacy Support Mode

Unlike described above, the option « USB Legacy Support » Affordable to edit on the absolute majority of systems.

It is also predominantly in the tab. « Advanced » . We need to change the mode of this function to the opposite ( "Enabled" on the « Disabled " or vice versa).

Figure 2. Change the value of USB Legacy Support.
Do not forget save changein the tab « EXIT. » By selecting the option " EXIT. Saving. Changes "The computer will restart automatically.

Check our devices by running the Windows installation again. If the peripherals still does not work, you should try reset the motherboard settings.

Action 3 - Reset BIOS (if previous actions do not help)

To return the BIOS to the "factory" settings, you need:

  1. Go to the tab « EXIT. » (usually follows after Boot);
  2. Select item " Load. Setup. Optimal) Defaults. »→ Confirm the action by pressing" Yes " The computer will reboot.
These steps with a big chance will help solve your problem with USB mouseyu and keyboard. Otherwise, check the periphery for hardware failures on another computer. Also try connecting other devices.

Solving the problem when using PS / 2 keyboard and mouse

Failures in these devices occur quite rarely and are mainly associated with BIOS and hardware failures. Before performing the following actions beforedisconnect the power of the computer. Such a precaution is related to the fact that ports PS./2 It is extremely recommended to touch with a working system. If you use standard PS./2 Peripheral, follows:

  • Check and clear the connector / port of keyboard and mouse from a variety of contamination;
  • Try a similar USB equipment;
  • Change the mouse and keyboard connectors in places;
  • Refresh the BIOS motherboard to the latest version.
If all of the above does not help, try using other copy Windows 7. Lack of support PS./2 Devices may be related to the fact that the specific assembly does not contain, in fact, outdated drivers for these devices (can be cut from the final image).

The computer does not see the boot flash drive and / or other USB devices when installing Windows 7

The solution of such a problem in most cases is sufficient. And before starting to delve into this chapter, you must follow these steps: If installingWindows does not seeUSB Devices at all, refer. It contains some common actions that decisive the most common failures.

Windows 7 installation wizard sees hard disk (SSD) or asks the driver

Before starting the actions affecting softwareYou need to make sure that the drives and the correctness of the computer settings are performed. Note. Next actions are relevant forSSD.. If in the disk selection window for installation absent The necessary "Winchester" ( hDD), try first:

  • Checkloops and attachments HDD / SSD;
  • Disableextra drives, leaving only the one to which the installation of the OS will be carried out;
  • Switchmode « SATA. Mode. » from « Ahci. » on the « IDE » (any other available);
We will analyze morethe thirdparagraph. For this you need:
  1. Turn off computer;
  2. Log in BIOS (or « Setup. Menu. » ) by clicking the button F.1 (F2, F12, DELETE) Immediately after turning on the computer at the stage when the manufacturer's logo of your motherboard is displayed on the screen;
  3. Driving arrows, find on the item item « Configure. SATA. as » or « SATA. Configuration. / Mode. » (depending on your BIOS);
  4. Change mode « Ahci. » on the « IDE » or « RAID » ;

Figure 3. Put the IDE value for the Configure SATA AS string.
  1. Save settings selecting item « EXIT. Saving. Changes » In the tab « EXIT. » . The computer will be rebooted with a modified configuration.
Now you can re-try the installation. Go to the next chapter if:
  • OS installation still does not see your HDD or SSD;
  • Mode « SATA. Mode. » has already been put on « IDE » .

Manual installation of hard disk or SSD drivers

Return to this chapter is recommended after full familiarization with the previous one. This will help to exclude excessive action.
In most cases, the installation image already contains software for a variety of drive controllers (SATA drivers). However, if the model of the board of your computer / laptop is quite fresh (or, on the contrary, old), the drivers can simply be missing.

Therefore, we need to "specify" them yourself at the stage of selecting a system disk. The following instruction will describe this process. Start.

Step 1 - Search for the required software .
Download drivers from your laptop or motherboard manufacturer. First of all, focus on files, including one or more examples of words: Inf., SATA., RAID, RST.

Step 2 - Unpacking and reset to the carrier with the operating system.
Unzip the downloaded file into a separate folder → copy it to any place on the installation flash drive.
notewhat we need drivers do not containexecutable ". EXE »Files. Suitable only unpacked(Such drivers usually include folders: aMD., x.64 as well as many . inf. files).
Step 3 - Specify the desired software in the disk selection window.
Insert the USB flash drive to the computer → we reach the stage of selecting a disk for installation. Here you need to find a button (or "Overview" ) And click on it.

A conductor will open in which you want to specify the required driver. .
Figure 4. Choose the desired folder with driver.
Hard disk (SSD) will be found if appropriate drivers are selected. Now you can continue the process by choosing SSD Disc.

Drivers are set, the drive is displayed. However, the master does not see or does not allow you to choose the desired section

In this case, try remove markupHDD / SSD directly in the window disk selection. Attention! The following actions lead to formatting drive and, therefore, to complete data loss. Make sure all your important files are saved on a separate disk.For this you need:

  1. Press the button "Disc Setup" at the disc select;
  2. "Delete" All existing sections to start installing on unbelievable space
  3. Check the integrity of the OS image on the installation disk;
  4. Re-burn the image to another disk at a minimum speed;
  5. Use flash drive(preferably USB version 2.0) instead of a CD;
  6. Make sure the working capacity of the drive: check the connection, power supply contacts, the performance of the motor and drive.
  7. The above actions will help solve your problem. Otherwise resetBios. And try another / assembly of the OS.

    Also in extremely rare cases can help reinstall the driver for DVD drive. Detailed information can be found in the chapter "", and the drivers for the drive - on the manufacturer's website.


    If none of the listed methods helped, try to look for a problem in the computer component (independently or resorting to the help of a specialist).

To make the computer not from the hard drive, but from a USB drive, it is necessary. Such a flash drive is used to restore the system, reset the password and other "rescue" missions. But how to choose a carrier if it is not displayed in the BIOS settings? The problem can be solved on your own. Provided that the drive is working and the data is read from it.

How to troubleshoot the problem: BIOS does not "see" a USB flash drive?

Check if USB device support is enabled. How to do it depends on the model of the motherboard. After turning on the computer at the bottom of the screen, the message "Press [Key] to ENTER SETUP" will appear. Click it to go to the BIOS. And find the menu, in the title of which there is "USB".

New versions of bios

With new versions of the BIOS, you can work with the keyboard and mouse. Also "comes across" support for the Russian language. You quickly figure out the parameters. But even if it is not, you can easily adjust the order of download and start through the USB flash drive.


After starting the BIOS, you see two list on a blue background? Then you have an Award. Move through the menu, clicking the mouse, it will not work. It can only be configured using the keyboard. Below or on the side will be instructions, which buttons for this press.

Now we will deal with the priority of the download.

When you finish working with the drive, return the previous BIOS settings.


In the BIOS AMI interface, gray screen, blue font and a number of bookmarks upstairs. The information block is on the right. Mouse control is also not available.

You can now change the bootloader parameters:


Bios Phoenix-Award is also a gray screen. Information about which keys should be pressed, is located below and is highlighted by a green color. If the computer does not boot through the drive:


You have included USB support, but for some reason there is no flash drive in BIOS? The problem could appear because of the UEFI - the regime that "protects" the loader from malicious programs and out-in-code. This module will run operating systemEven if you set the BIOS correctly. What to do? Disable UEFI.

Settings depend on the manufacturer of the motherboard. The first way:

The second way:

After working with the carrier, turn on the "load protection" again.

Need "Right" flash drive

Perhaps it's about the flash drive itself. More precisely, in how it is recorded. If you copy to it directly, nothing will happen. But why do you need to create a "boot" drive? To start it, you need a "software script". Without it, the system will not understand that, in general, do with the carrier.

To create blood flash drive From the LiveUSB utility:

  1. Insert the drive into the slot.
  2. Run the installer.
  3. In the list, select your Flash carrier.
  4. Confirm the installation.
  5. Now through this drive you can "reanimate" the system.

To put a third-party OS, you need a ready-made ISO image and a recording program. For example, Ultraiso or RUFUS. Consider the second:

  1. Insert the drive into the USB port.
  2. Run the program.
  3. Check the checkbox "Create boot disk».
  4. Press the button as a disk.
  5. Specify the path to the image.
  6. Click on "Start".

A booting USB drive can be created by Windows.

If the BIOS does not "see" the loading flash drive, perhaps the problem is not in it, but in the settings. Do not need to throw it ahead of time. First, try changing the BIOS configuration.

As a rule, such problems are detected when trying to boot from a specific Flash drive. If your computing device does not see a flash drive in the BIOS, then most likely you have not made the necessary changes to basic system Computer or your removable storage device is simply not bootable. However, let's figure it out in more detail in such a confusing situation "The flash drive is inserted into the PC, but does not work properly."

Is your USB Flash-Drive?

Of course, it is possible for a long time to suffer and carry out unsuccessful experiments in the BIOS itself, which ultimately will be an empty spent of your valuable time. Because the flash drive may be simply inoperable. To make sure about, try to enlist the help of the test device - insert the "capricious" USB flash drive to another PC.

And in general, check if it seems (seemingly faulty when loading a PC) storage device in windows Environment. That is, whether USB memory is determined in the operating system itself. If not, Flash Drive needs to be repaired. Perhaps everything is resolved after applying special software, for example, branded utility to restore flash drive from its manufacturer.

Priority BIOS settings or what, where and how ...

  • Insert the USB flash drive in the USB connector of your PC.
  • Restart the computer.
  • Enter the BIOS using the corresponding button on the keyboard (for those who do not know how to do it -).
  • Depending on the basic microsystem version, the name of the section in which the connected flash drive is displayed can be different than the BOOT tab below. And yet, focus on the abbreviation values \u200b\u200b"USB" producing the search for the required section in the BIOS.

  • Test download from the flash drive.
  • Also check if the hardware USB controller is not turned off.

  • Save and reboot your computer.

Excellent if the USB Flash Drive is determined and the PC moved to the boot mode from the flash drive. Otherwise, we turn to the next section of this article.

USB Boot Properties USB

Suppose you want to install an operating system that distributes which is recorded on the removable storage device. However, in order for the flash drive to be defined as a boot drive, it is necessary to make it one. In other words, in the process of installing installation Windows files It is necessary to use special utility, for example, "RUFUS" (to download, click here ). Only in this case, the flash drive really will become loading.

Hardware incompatibility of the storage device

In some situations, the system bios does not see the flash drive due to the outdated interface of the memory device itself. Make sure your USB drive is not a receiver of the Ancient Standard 1.1. However, new flash drives having technological characteristics 3.0 may also not be perceived by outdated computer systems.

So, detailed features Your storage device can be found on the official website. technical support - Enter the flash drive model and read the information you are interested in. By the way, this action can help in solving distressed situations with knitted with whatever USB devices (This refers to the presence on the site of a specific restorative utility).

Update BIOS System - as a solution "invisible" USB problems

Sometimes it is advisable to carry out the process of software modernization of the BIOS microsystem. How to do it in detail described here. However, B. modern computers This operation is made quite simple method.

  • Visit the technical support site for your motherboard.

  • Using a special flash drive - Put the BIOS your computing machine.

However, before proceeding with the implementation, although it is not difficult, but still a very responsible operation "Improving the version of the PC basic microsystem", carefully and detail the help information about the correctly implemented update process (perhaps it will become invaluable help for you - go ).

Boot USB incompatibility of outdated computer systems - there is a solution!

We call such computing machines "exotic". However, if you need to endow your old computer, the properties "download from the USB drive", then follow the instructions placed below.

  • Take advantage of this link -
  • After you downloaded "Plop Boot Manager" - write it down on the CD disk.
  • Place in BIOS priority loading from an optical drive.

  • Next, after the Utility workspace is displayed on the screen - insert the USB media to the appropriate connector (preferably the main one is located at the rear system Block PC).

  • Select in the bootloader window - USB.

Now your old man can use a flash drive as a boot drive.

Summing up

So, the author of this article is confident after you have familiarized yourself with the material of the submitted article - you will certainly get everything. And yet, I want to note one not a small fact: most of the users allow mistakes only due to the fact that incorrectly understands the problem and resorts to the sometimes meaningless advice of the "courtesy Internet Guru". At the same time, exposing its critical hazard to the "full failure". Be reasonable when choosing one or another solution to your computer problems and your experience will always be effective!

Do you know what the most common question from users who first decided to install Windows from the flash drive?

Constantly ask why the BIOS does not see the loading flash drive. To which I, usually, answer, is it loaded? 😛

In this little note, I would like to dwell on the main issues for which you need to walk if you have a similar problem ...

1. Is the loading flash drive correctly recorded?

The most common thing - the flash drive is written incorrectly.

Most often, users simply copy files from the disk to the USB flash drive ... and, by the way, some say that they work. Perhaps, but it is not worth doing so, especially since most such an option will not work ...

It is best to take advantage of a special program for writing a loading flash drive. We have already passed in detail by the most popular utilities.

Personally, I most like the program to use the program: it is possible to record Windows 7 at least to the USB flash drive or outdoor hard disk. In addition, for example, the recommended Utility "Windows 7 USB / DVD Download Toll" allows you to record an image on only 8 GB flash drive (at least I have so), but Ultraiso will easily write an image of 4 GB!

To record a flash drive, make 4 steps:

3) The settings window must appear. Here you need to note some important layers:

In the Disk Drive column, select exactly the flash drive to which you want to write the image;

Select the recording method in the graph. USB HDD variant (without any pluses, points, etc.);

Hide Boot Partition - Select No tab.

After that, click on the recording function.

4) Important! When recording, all data on the flash drive will be deleted! What, by the way, the program will also warn you.

After message about the successful record of the loading flash drive, you can proceed to the BIOS setting.

2. Is the BIOS configured correctly, is there a function of supporting the boot flash drive?

If the flash drive is recorded correctly (for example, as painted slightly higher in the previous step), most likely, you just improperly configured the BIOS. Moreover, in some versions of the BIOS, there are several download options: USB-CD-ROM, USB FDD, USB HDD, etc.

1) To begin with, reboot the computer (laptop) and go to the BIOS: You can click on the F2 or DEL button (see the welcome screen, you can always notice the button to enter the settings).

2) Go to the download section. IN different versions Bios he can be slightly called differently, but there is always the presence of the word "boot". Most of all we are interested in the priority of the download: i.e. queue.

Bully below in the screenshot, is depicted by my download section on Acer laptop.

It is important here that in the first place is loaded with hard diskSo, until the second line USB HDD, the queue simply will not reach. It is necessary to make the second USB row of HDD to be the first: to the right in the menu are the buttons that you can easily move the lines and build the download queue as you need.

Laptop Acer. Setting up the download section - Boot.

After the settings, it should be as on the screenshot below. By the way, if you insert a flash drive before turning on the computer, and after turning on to enter the BIOS - you will see the USB HDD string - the name of the flash drive and easily orientate which line you need to raise first place!

Manufacturers of laptops and computers are increasingly abandoning bulky CD drives. It is understandable, because it allows you to save a lot of space and make a device much more compact.

As a result of this new trend, users have the need to install the operating system not with the CD, but from a USB drive, and, as usual, it entails certain problems. So, for example, sometimes the BIOS does not see the flash drive, which means that further work with it becomes impossible. About how to fix it, you can read below.

Fault flash drive

The first thing that is worth checking is the efficiency of the USB drive. It is possible that the BIOS does not see the loading flash drive due to its malfunction. In this case, the device can safely work as a storage for files, but will cease to function if it is used as a boot-device.

It is best to check the serviceability of the flash drive on another computer or laptop. To do this, just try using it as a boot device, and if everything goes fine, it means that your USB drive is not damaged.

In the absence of a second computer, you can use alternative methods Flash drive performance checks. For example, it is possible to simply connect it to another port or and record the image of the operating system to another drive and try to boot from it.

USB portal failure

If the BIOS does not see the USB flash drive, in the correctness of which you are completely sure, you should check the USB portability. Make it much easier than in the case of a USB drive, because for this operation you will not need another computer or laptop.

So, you just need to alternately connect the USB flash drive to different ports and try to boot from it. Yes, this operation requires a lot of time, but thanks to her, you completely exclude one of possible causes The emergence of BIOS errors.

Separately, it is worth highlighting USB ports located on the front wall of the system unit, on the keyboard, all sorts of extension cords and so on. Very often happens that they start functioning only after full download operating system. Simply put, when you start a computer, they do not work, respectively, the BIOS does not see the flash drive. What to do in such a situation? Use ports located on the back of the system unit.

USB 3.0.

Modern computers, as well as laptops are equipped with new devices for working with flash drives - USB 3.0. They provide a much larger speed of the drive, but at the same time can cause certain problems. Including sometimes BIOS does not see the boot flash drive if it is connected to port version 3.0.

It is worth saying that the fault arises not due to the inability of the old versions of Windows to work with USB 3.0 during installation. For example, you will not be able to install Windows 7 from a flash drive connected to 3.0, but there is no such problem in the G8 and Tenshap.

Fortunately, manufacturers have taken into account possible issues related to compatibility. They supply computers both ports version 2.0 and USB 3.0. The latter, by the way, painted in blue / blue color. So, if your flash drive does not work in the version 3.0 connector, you can try to remove it and connect to USB 2.0.

"BATTY" image

Another reason that the BIOS does not see a flash drive can become a "broken" image of the operating system recorded on it. Damage to the OS installation files can occur both during their download from the Internet and in the process of recording to a USB drive.

The problem is that it will not work "broken" image. The only thing that can be done is to download it. setup filesAnd then again install them on the USB flash drive. In addition, following the advice of computer specialists, you can check the USB drive with a manner recorded on it for errors and failed sectors.

It is also worth mentioning unlicensed version of Windows. Pirates, creating them, do not bother, so very often when trying to make a bootable flash drive from such files problems occur. In other words, you should try to download a distribution from another command, and even better - use only licensed software.

The image is recorded wrong

Very often the BIOS does not see the flash drive due to the fact that the image of the operating system was recorded incorrectly. Some users simply copy the installation files to a USB drive, and then try to boot from it. Yes, this option in some cases can work, but it is not correct.

Actually create a bootable flash drive only with special programs. Such applications are provided by both the creators of the operating system and third-party developers. For example, Ultraiso, RUFUS, WINTOFLASH, and so on are very popular. Each of them fully copes with its functions, so it is difficult to highlight some favorite.

Record with RUFUS

Since the most frequent reason for the "invisibility" of the flash drive is an incorrectly recorded image, it is necessary to figure it out how to do it right. As an example, the RUFUS program will be taken, characterized by simplicity in mastering. So, to create a bootable flash drive, follow such an algorithm:

  • Connect the USB drive to the PC and run the RUFUS program.
  • In the main menu of the application, find the device string and select your flash drive in it.
  • Now click on the CD-ROM icon, located opposite the option "Create a boot disk" option. Using the conductor window, specify the path to the image of the operating system.
  • If necessary, you can enable the device for checking the device for the presence of bad blocks, checking the option to the same name. But note that this operation will increase the creation time of the image in two, and even three times.

Now you have only left to press the "Start" button, confirm your decision and wait for the end of the operation. Remember that it is categorically recommended to remove the USB flash drive during the program.

Wrong configuration BIOS.

To make the PC run from a USB drive, and not from a hard disk, you need to properly configure the load priority. In Award BIOS, for example, this is done like this:

  • Enter the BIOS by pressing the appropriate key during the computer boot. Most often it is F2 or DEL, but sometimes there are other options.
  • Open the Integrated Peripherals section and check whether the USB Controller option is in the ENABLED state. As a rule, it is incorporated by default, but still it is worth sure to make sure that.
  • Now go back to the main menu (ESC key) and go to Advanced Bios Features. Next, open the Hard Disk Boot Priority subsection.
  • Find the HDD-USB parameter and move it to the first line using the Plus key.
  • After that, go back to the previous menu, open First Boot Device. And put the HDD-USB in it in the first place.

  • Press the F10 key to save the changes, and then exit from the settings.

Keep in mind that in other versions of the bios, the procedure for setting up the boot priority may differ somewhat from Award BIOS. You can find details about it in the manual on the official website of the manufacturer of the motherboard.

Secure Boot

On computers and laptops released after 2013, the Secure Boot function is often found. Its purpose is to prevent the malware establishment before running the operating system. However, this service can block the operation of the loading flash drive, so you need to turn off it. This can be done like this:

  • Go to the BIOS and open section boot (Sometimes the name Advanced is found).
  • Find the Boot List Option parameter and change it on Legacy.

  • The Fast Boot option set to Disabled.

Now you can only set the priority of download and start installing the operating system. The main thing, do not forget to turn on the Secure Boot again after the need to use the bootable flash drive will disappear.

Old Bios versions

If you are a "happy" owner of an outdated computer, there is a high probability that he does not know how to work with USB drives before loading the operating system. More precisely, this old BIOS does not see a flash drive, as before, in the CD era and a diskette, there was simply no such need.

This problem can be corrected by updating the BIOS to the current version. Files and programs needed for this procedure can usually be found on the manufacturer's website of your PC or laptop.

Keep in mind that the update process (firmware) of the BIOS is associated with great risks, and without proper ability to do not start it. Having made something wrong, you can harm your computer, eliminate which only specialists.

Alternative options

So, you tried all the ways outlined above, but BIOS is still completely refused to work with a flash drive. In this case, you can use two alternative options.

The first of them is the installation of the OS from the disk. If you have a CD-ROM on your computer, boldly create a bootable CD and put the operating system from it. In addition, you can take a CD drive at the acquaintances and connect it to your PC.

The second option is to use the Plop Boot Manager utility. It is installed on the hard drive and allows you to select the load priority without having to go to the BIOS.