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When you turn on the computer, Windows 7 is not loaded. Windows is not loaded: Why? What can be done to solve the problem

Most of the possibilities that use the average owner desktop computers And laptops are available to a person through the use of special operating systems on the technique. The most popular OS is a product from Microsoft. Therefore, if Windows 7 or one of other OS options is not loaded, a user has serious problems.

The reasons why Windows 10 (7, 8, XP) is not loaded - a lot. Often in this case an unpleasant situation accompanies a message about a certain error. But what to do if Windows 10 (7, 8, XP) is not loaded on a laptop or a regular PC without such messages? There are several universal treatment methods that can lead to the exit from the situation.

Load type selection

This is the easiest correction method if Windows 7 or another type is not loaded. operating system from Microsoft. What you need to do:

  1. Start rebooting a computer.
  2. Press the "F8" button.
  3. In the proposed list, select the startup item with the most successful configuration.

In some cases, this action is quite enough when Windows 7 (8, 10, XP) is not loaded.

Restoration of windows

So, Windows does not boot. Windows can be tried to return to full functioning using the recovery menu. For this, naturally, it will be necessary to have a boot disk with the desired OS version. What actions should fulfill the user in this case if Windows 7, 8, 10 and XP does not load:

  1. Insert a source in the drive.
  2. In BIOS, change priority. That is, the ORDER should be launched from a hard disk, namely from DVD-ROMA.
  3. After starting the process, you will need to press the "R" button.
  4. Select the option to restore.
  5. Wait for results. Restart the technique for another time.
    Is everything early not loaded Windows XP (7, 8, 10)? Next option.

Restoration in the OS itself

If previous operations were carried out, and Windows 7 is not loaded anyway, you can try to restore it directly using the tools of the Operations itself. Everything is simple enough:

  • Pressing the magic button "F8".
  • Select further download in safety mode.
  • Obtaining limited access to the operating system.
  • Making a transition: "Start" - "Standard" - "Service" - "Restoration".
  • An attempt to return OS to an earlier state, which was distinguished by stability.
  • Naturally, at the end you will need to restart the computer to check - Windows 10 (7.8, XP) is not loaded or the problem is solved with a positive result?

    Treatment of boot file

    If after windows updates 7 is not loaded, then the possible cause of trouble lies in the damaged boot.ini boot file. To correct the problem, you will need to perform the following steps:

    1. Make run PC using the same external source.
    2. In the Recovery menu, go to the command line.
    3. Drive the phrase "bootcfg / add".

    Wait for completion of the process and initiate another reboot to check - does Windows 8 or its analogue of another version, or the treatment helped in this predicary position?

    Defect of the boot record

    Another option of trouble with Windows. WINDOVS is not loading? Perhaps damaged boot record. In this situation, it will be necessary to repeat almost completely the procedure described in the previous paragraph, but to drive a completely different phrase to the command line. Namely: "FixMBr \\ Device \\ HardDisk0".

    Perhaps this action will be enough when Windows 7 is not loaded, hangs on the logo.

    Damage to the boot sector on the hard drive

    This trouble may lead to a situation where, for example, Windows 7 is not loaded further "Welcome". Here the treatment is also quite simple - the actions are repeated with the start of the line for commands from the computer user, to which the "FixBoot" and further the letter that is responsible for section hard The disk where the installed OS version is located.

    Fast reinstall

    Sometimes, if the computer does not load the Wndows 7 screensaver, can only help reinstall. But it is not necessary to run a full-fledged procedure that lasts long enough. You can speed up this process. This is a very powerful treatment tool, as it is able to cope with most of the troubles that have arisen.

    What will be required of man:

    1. Run once again from the boot disk.
    2. Press the "R" button, then the "ESC" key.
    3. Select a quick reinstalling of the OS.

    It is important to understand that this procedure can only work if identical versions of the OS are located on the disk and on the hard drives. That is, if, for example, Windows 10 is not loaded after the update, but do not try to quickly reinstall, using a boot disk with Windows 7 or 8 for this purpose.


    A special case of such a situation can be permanent automatic reset OS. Naturally, this option eliminates the possibility of any treatment processes. To break this sequence, you will need to start the system to start the "F8" button and go to the "Advanced Settings" menu. After that, disable the procedure for rebooting the OS and when the failures are detected. Well, then, one of the treatment options described above can be used.

    All methods described are universal. That is, they are recommended to use them only when there is no possibility to accurately determine the root cause of malfunction. Most often, the user can see any message on the monitor screen, where a specific error code is specified. And for each of them there is its own method of correcting an unpleasant situation. With most of them, it is easy to find on this Internet resource on answers to questions related to the damage to the OS from Microsoft.

    If the user has a problem when Windows 7 does not start in the computer or laptop, then this article will help solve this difficult task. The launch of Windows 7 is sometimes impossible due to errors in the system after hardware problems, incorrectly installed software, malicious utilities, etc.

    But the most common reason why Windows 7 does not load, lies in the operating system itself.

    Solution to the problem

    In the case when all initial stages launch windows 7 In a PC or in a laptop, it is performed normally, and still Windows 7 is not started to the end, then usually beginner users it puts in a dead end. Although if presence detailed instructions, Question: "What to do?" Even newbies will not appear. If the problem is a hardware failure, then it will indicate a laptop speaker signal or stationary computer With post test. If so, then start the OR will fail.

    But if a software problem and the process stops at the Windows loading phase 7, then the user has encountered the most common problem solved using the typical action algorithm.

    Instructions for action

    You must use the OS recovery tool. During the PC launch process, if Windows 7 does not start, the system often recommends the owner of the computer or laptop to select download options. If for some reason this offer has not been received, the user can independently open this menu click on the "F8" button. Then proceed to restore the normal loading "seven".

    What if the above instruction did not cope with the problem?

    To eliminate the problem when Windows 7 does not start, you must apply the CD from OS:

    1. Install the installation disk into the PC drive;
    2. Run the system from the disk (in the bio d b. The corresponding order of loading system from media is installed);
    3. In the displayed window, click on "Apply restoring functions that eliminate problems with the loading of OS" and click on "Next";
    4. Then in the OS Recovery Settings menu, click on the "Start Restore";
    5. Wait until the time analysis of the system and eliminate the causes of failures;
    6. Perform a reboot of a PC;
    7. In the BIOS, set the system starting from the hard disk ( when leaving the BIOS, you must save the adjusted adjustments.);
    8. Reboot the computer again;
    9. Ready! Now Windows 7 will boot normally.

    Using the command line

    If for some reason I could not restore Windows using the setting disk, then there is another way to do through the command line.

    First you need to do the steps specified in the paragraph about the restoration of the normal download "Seven". Changes are only that simply in the "System Recovery Settings" menu, you must now specify the "Command Line" section.

    What to do when it was not possible to achieve a positive result by executing the above instructions?

    If you could not succeed and the user has already reached this part of the article, it means that the problem cannot be attributed to the category of typical failures boot distribution OS. It will take all further actions to do in safe mode WINDOVS. It is recommended to analyze the disk "C" for the appearance of broken clusters.

    To enter the "Safe Mode" you need to do the following:

    Why are preventive measures important?

    The Windows 7 provides a special system that can make special reference points, with which, if necessary, restores. Applying this feature of protection, even the user is always happy to return the OS to a working condition.

    For example, in case of failures due to the incorrect installation of applications, drivers and other utilities like codecs or when errors occur due to making adjustments to the registry.

    It should be noted that in the "seven" it is possible to drive a fixed amount of memory on the hard drive specifically for such protection of the OS. In Windows 7 available exercise self-configuration Protection Along with system data also files or you can do it separately.

    Windows 7 operating system is the most popular and successful OS from Microsoft, set by 50 percent of all personal computers worldwide. After failed Vista, users gladly moved to a new OS, and even after the release of the "eight" and "dozens" are not in a hurry to be updated. Computer running Win 7 is a quick and productive device that guesses the everyday tasks that the user lay on it. However, the PC owners often declare that there is a problem with the launch of the device.

    In some scenarios, the computer refuses to start, showing an error message

    Depending on the content of this message (or in the absence of such a message at all), you should build a device diagnostic strategy and conduct a recovery procedure.

    Error with the text "Disk Boot Failure"

    That is why the first thing to be done when such an error occurs, it is disconnected from PC all drives and check the drives for the presence of disks in them.

    The list of the following actions depends on what causes the cause of the error occurrence, so it is worth checking:

    1. The order of devices in the BIOS. It is recommended to install HDD as "First Device" so that the PC is looking for boot files on the main hard disk, and then used other equipment.
    2. Check if HDD is displayed in the list of devices on the first PC screen. If not, this is the reason to disassemble the device and check the correctness of the hard disk connection to the Mother Board, or check the performance of the equipment on another PC.
    3. Check if the battery did not discharge motherboard. This battery is responsible for storing the BIOS settings when the computer is disconnected: each time the power disappears, the parameters are returned to the factory value, and the computer is looking for boot records not where necessary, with the result that Windows does not start.

    Boot "BootMGR Is Missing"

    The second common error in which Windows 7 does not start meets the user with the text "BootMGR IS Missing"

    The essence of this error is that the system disk does not have or damaged the program that is responsible for loading the OS.

    Tip: as in the case of the "Disk Boot Failure" problem, it is recommended to first disable all unnecessary information media from the PC and check the device reading order. Only if this does not help, go to further manipulations.

    Especially to solve problems with the boot firmware in Microsoft developed a startup recovery tool. To use them, you need to:

    • Run a computer.
    • In a second before the OS boot screen appears with the Windows logo, press the F8 key.
    • Among the download options list, click on the "Troubleshooting" line, after which the Windows 7 startup recovery wizard starts.
    • Select in the system recovery system that appears.

    At first, the system will offer the user to specify the OS in need of diagnostics, and then will ask the tool to be eliminated.

    You should specify your Win7 at the first stage, and on the second to select "Start Restore"

    In most cases, the described manipulations must solve problems with the launch of Windows 7.

    In a situation where the system recovery does not work on Windows 7, it is recommended to insert the installation disk into the drive, since it also has a tool for restoring the operability of the OS.

    Error "NTLDR IS Missing"

    But the appearance of this problem most often speaks either HDD hardware malfunction, or damage to the NTLDR system file. The best way Diagnose the problem - remove the disk and use another computer to check the performance of the equipment.

    However, before turning off the HDD and check its performance, it is advisable to make sure that the computer is not connected to the computer currently other hDDand that it is not set first in the list of boot devices. As a rule, after changing the order of downloading or disabling the conflicting equipment, you can turn on Windows 7 yet.

    Text notification "NTLDR IS Missing", in which the Windows system is also not loaded, is somewhat less common than the two problems described above.

    The problem with NTLDR can appear in the scenario when the user installed several OS on one HDD. In this case, a way to restore the launch of Windows 7, described in the BootMGR IS Missing error, will help.

    If, after executing the actions described above, you still failed to start the computer, you should check the HDD for viruses using another device or special disk from Dr.Web or Kaspersky. Also from the second computer, you should copy the file and the NTLDR itself, which is in the root of the section. Important condition - OS on both computers should be identical.

    Black screen

    Another well-known problem is a black screen after downloading Windows 7. The OS passes all steps on, successfully loaded, but at the moment when the login screen should already appear, nothing happens at all. At first it may seem that the computer is loaded for a long time, but the active mouse cursor gives another problem here - the blocked Explorer.exe file. It - windows Explorerresponsible for displaying the desktop, folders and most of the graphical interface OS.

    The black screen after starting Windows 7 is treated with manual opening of the conductor. To do this, click on the keyboard at the same time "Ctrl" + "Alt" + "Del", check that there is no explorer.exe in the list of processes, and then through the function "File" -\u003e "Run a new task" try to start it yourself, scorching In the text field the name of the process.

    If a this solution It will not help, run Windows startup in safe mode and check the performance of the conductor there.

    To turn on the PC, this method requires to press F8 before the OS boot screen, and then select "Safe Mode with Command Line Support" among the list of options

    After downloading the OS, the user will see the command line in which you want to enter "explorer.exe". In the event that the contents of the desktop content is displayed in the safe mode, and the folders are open, the root of the problem lies in one of the programs installed on the computer. In some cases, Windows 7 is not loaded as usual due to anti-virus software, and in the other due to incorrect installed updates. Should be remembered which actions were made with the device lately and cancel them by deleting a new software or windows rollback To the recovery point.

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    Now you know what to do if Windows 7 is not loading.

    Before you understand how to restore the launch of Windows 7, you need to understand what causes the cause of the problem. To do this, it will be useful to learn a little general information about how the download is loaded, and what stages it turns on.

    Loading General Information

    Conditionally launching Windows 7 can be divided into three stages, which, in turn, are divided into several phases.


    This is the first stage of the system startup, which starts immediately after the BIOS code is executed. First, a small group of drivers starts to work, allowing you to read the data from the hard disk. Then Windows loader 7 (WinLoad.exe) begins initialization and loading kernel. In the RAM, the System registry bush is loaded and another group of drivers. The first stage lasts about 2 seconds and is completed by the appearance of the operating system logo on the screen.


    The main and longest stage of the system startup. Visually, it continues from the appearance of the logo before starting the desktop boot. Consists of several phases, the duration of which can be different - from a few seconds, to a pair of minutes.


    During this phase, initialization occurs windows kernels, The Plug and Play Device Manager starts to work, the remaining drivers are launched. The errors that occur at this point are usually associated with the problems of the main components of the computer or the incorrect operation of their software.


    The visual beginning of this phase is difficult to determine, but its part is already an empty field arising between the screensaver and the appearance of the welcome screen. The system at this point performs the following actions:

    • Initializes the registry.
    • Launches the next wave of drivers that do not have a "boot_start" mark.
    • Runs subsystem processes.

    Most often, the problem when performing this download phase is associated with video card drivers.


    WinLogon.exe is a file that runs the welcome screen, so the "WinLogonIt" phase begins with this moment. During this stage, scripts are executed group PolicyServices are launched. The duration of the phase will seriously varies depending on the power of the processor.

    Failures at this stage are often caused by incorrect work. third-party applications, including antivirus.


    Starts with the start of the shell and ends the beginning of the windows dispatcher. During this phase, program icons appear on the desktop, the services continue to run. These processes are accompanied by an increase in the load on the hardware of the computer - the processor, RAM, hard disk.

    Problems at this stage are usually associated with insufficient capacity of equipment or a malfunction.


    The last stage, which begins with the advent of the desktop and is completed after loading all autorun components. At this stage, all applications started with Windows begin to work. After completing the "PastBoot" stage, the system switches to inactivity mode.

    The problems arising at this stage are usually associated with viral activity or incorrect operation of automatically downloadable programs.

    Failures at different stages of download

    Problems at different stages of Windows startup are manifested by unequal: Some are associated with equipment, others with the registry, third with drivers or important system files. Therefore, it is so important to understand which processes occur when the system starts, so that it is possible to quickly determine the cause of the problem.

    Hardware problems

    It is often difficult to determine what does not work - some particular equipment or operating system. However, some signs can make certain assumptions about which the device failed:

    All errors described are usually associated with a computer hardware, however, there may be exceptions.

    Boot files are damaged

    The appearance at the early stage of the "BootMGR IS Missing" message type system indicates the absence of critical files, without which Windows load is not possible.
    However, sometimes no notifications appear - the cursor is simply blinking on the screen, but no promotion occurs.

    BootMGR is a standard Windows bootloader that is not available to the user, as stored on a separate hidden section. It is impossible to remove it by chance, but you can format tomUsing external media.

    When loading from an external medium, the hidden volume with the loader looks like this:

    Other important files are stored on the system disk in the Windows directory. It also stores data system registry.

    Damaged registry

    If the registry is damaged or inaccessibility, the Windows boot may not even start. In this case, the system usually diagnoses the error independently and proposes to start the recovery tool.

    Often the built-in system recovery tool helps to eliminate the registry problem by copying the files of its configuration from backup storage. However, there are situations where there are no registry files on the hard disk or they are in non-working condition. In this case, the user needs to manually produce a system registry recovery procedure.

    Launch Recovery Tools

    The easiest way to restore the launch is to use the built-in Windows tools:

    A list of means of returning the system of system performance, in which you want to select "Run Repair".
    There will be scanning and automatic correction of the detected errors, if possible.

    If nothing happened with the launch, you can try to restore the system, turning it out to the previous state. Here everything is standard: select a control point with a working configuration and return the system at that time.

    Another way that often helps is to restore Windows bootloader via the command line. You can also run it through the Recovery Settings menu. At the command prompt, you need to enter multiple requests (all commands are entered without quotes):

    After successfully executing all the commands and the appearance of the Windows 7 report, it should start normally start.

    A collision with an error of the type "Operating system is not found" during the download of the computer can cause a nervous shock. But, if you have 7 installed, you have nothing to be afraid. After all, such download errors often can be solved with just a few simple actions.

    In many cases, the inability to download Windows 7 can be associated simply with incorrectly installed boot order in the BIOS. This can happen if more than one hard disk is installed in your computer. Usually, the input to the BIOS is carried out after a few seconds after turning on the computer using the button press Delete. Or by pressing the special function key. Entering the BIOS, make sure your hard disk with Windows 7 is on the right place in the download queue. If you do not know where to watch, read the instructions for your motherboard.

    Other possible cause Not a Windows computer detection during the download is a hardware problem. If the BIOS cannot detect your system disk, make sure that all cables are connected to it normally. If your hard disk makes a strange sound, like clicks and tapping, then it may be broken. And, finally, it is possible that your hard disk has problems damaged data, which affected important system data, such as the main boot record - Master Boot Record (MBR).

    If you suspect a breakdown of your disc, it would be nice to make a backup copy of important data, scan it on errors from another computer and even consider the possibility of purchasing a disk replacement. Attempts to correct the download problem on the damaged disk can lead to data loss, so reserve your data before you start to take something.

    MBR and other important boot data may also be damaged by attempts to install earlier versions of Windows in addition to Windows 7 (like Windows XP) or third programs, like viruses. In the case of a virus, to any "corrective" actions, it is recommended to check the disk using the antivirus program. Otherwise, attempts to correct the disc with the virus can lead to data loss.

    Also, the appearance of reference data damage messages can be caused by the incorrect job of the active partition of the disk, which can come from an overly inquisitive Windows user with administrative rights.

    Correcting MBR and other download problems Windows 7 is most quickly carried out using the installation DVD with Windows 7. But if you do not have such a disk, then you can use the Windows 7 system recovery disk as an alternative, whose creation process we will show you below.

    If you do not have a fixed DVD, nor the recovery disk, then bring yourself much benefit by creating a recovery disk right now, in order to avoid excess headaches in the future.

    Master Boot Record Correction (MBR)

    Step one: Turn on your computer by booting either from the Windows 7 installation DVD, or from the Windows 7 system recovery disk. Remember how you may have to change the load order to the BIOS.

    Step two: When booting from your installation disk or from the recovery disk you may be asked to choose a language. Select it and then continue the download. When using the installation DVD when the query below appears (or similar to another), select Repair Your Computer Repair Your Computer.

    Step Three: For some time, the computer will go to search on installed Windows, after which you will be provided with a list of possible Windows recoverable. Select the appropriate installation and continue. If the case of the case will be detected in one of your Windows installations at this initial stage, then the system can ask you if you want it automatically corrected it. Here you can decide yourself - will the system fix yourself or not? If you do not want an automatic fix, then just select "No" (NO).

    Step four: Reaching the settings screen system recovery (System Recovery Options) what is shown below, you will encounter a selection list that can help you in restoring your damaged Windows 7

    If you wish, you may first try the startup repair option (Startup Repair), which in automatic mode often solves many download problems. However, in this article we will use the Command Prompt Prompt option to solve your problems manually. Therefore, to continue click on Command Prompt.

    Pitch Fifth: Being on the command prompt, enter the following command and press ENTER:

    In the case of its successful execution, you will see the appropriate welcoming message, the "Operation Completed SuccessFully" type. This is what you need! Your MBR has been restored!

    Despite the fact that the above team corrects the MBR (and sometimes enough of this), an error with the boot sector can still remain system partition And with download configuration data - Boot Configuration Data (BCD). This may occur if you tried to install in addition to Windows 7, another operating system, like Windows XP. To write a new boot sector, try the following command:

    If your Windows 7 is still not yet detected when the computer is loaded, or you want to include a more than one operating system in the system loading list, try the following command to restructure your BCD:

    bootRec.exe / RebuildBCD.

    The above command scan all your discs for other operating systems compatible with Windows 7 and allow you to add them to the system load list. If it does not work, you may need to reserve your old folder BCD and creating a new command using the following commands:

    CD Boot
    BootRec / RebuildBCD.

    Some users simply delete the old boot folder and try using the above steps to solve their download problems. But it is not recommended to do so.

    How to change active sections

    After the intentional changing of the active partition on our system disk during system boot, we encountered BootMGR Loss Error (Bootmgr Is Missing), which did not allow us to download Windows. This is a normal error that occurs when you start to "play" with partitions on the system disk. And its decision can cause a serious headache if it is not prepared in advance.

    Use your disk to change active partition windows restoration 7 or installation DVD and follow the steps below.

    Step one: Follow the steps of the above description (from the first to the fourth). This should lead you to the command line of the Windows Recovery Environment.

    Step two: Enter diskpart and then press ENTER.

    Step Three: Enter List DISK and press ENTER. This command will display a list of all discs connected to your computer and assign them the numbers.

    Step four: Enter the SELECT DISK X, where X is the disk number containing the partition you want to make active. Press ENTER.

    Pitch Fifth: Enter List Partition and press ENTER. This will allow you to see a list of sections on the selected disk. Determine what section you want to make active.

    Step Six: Enter Select Partition X, where X is the section number that you want to make active. Press ENTER.

    Step seventh: Now simply enter Active and press ENTER. This command will make the selected section you selected.

    How to create Windows 7 system recovery disk

    Windows 7 allows you to easily create your own system recovery disk, unless, of course, the operating system is already installed and running.

    Step one: Click on the Start button -\u003e Programs-\u003e Maintenance -\u003e Create a system recovery disk.

    Step two: Insert the clean CD or DVD into your optical drive.

    Step Three: Click on the disk button and allow the program to make your job.

    What you need! The program must be recorded on the disk only 140-160MB data (depending on the type of operating system), which should take only a few minutes. If you do not have a CD / DVD-R optical drive that you could use to create a recovery disk (and for later use), you can download yourself an ISO image with a Windows 7 system recovery disk and then use it to create it. Boot USB flash drive.

    How to create a bootable USB flash drive with Windows 7 system recovery disk

    Step one: Download the Windows 7 system recovery disk image ().

    To download, you will need a client for torrents, such as. Alternatively (if you have a DVD drive), you can use the Windows 7 installation disk or Windows 7 system recovery disk. In this case, you should go immediately to the seventh step.

    By the way, using the installation disk with Windows 7 at the seventh step you can not only restore the system, but also install Windows 7 from a USB drive, which is very useful if you are a user of a netbook.

    Step two: Open the command prompt with administrator rights. To do this click on the Start button -\u003e Programs -\u003e Standard -\u003e Right click on the command line and select Start on behalf of the administrator.

    Step Three: Confirming all UAC requests, you must be on the command line. Make sure your USB flash drive is connected to a computer, then type DiskPart and press ENTER.

    Step four: Enter List DISK and press ENTER. Determine which number matches your USB flash drive. In our case, the USB flash drive corresponds to Disk 1. We defined it on the container of the flash drive, which we have 2GB.

    Pitch Fifth: Enter the commands below by changing the disk number on your own. Warning - executing the commands below to erase all data on your USB flash drive or on your chosen disk.

    Format FS \u003d NTFS

    Step Six: After DiskPart successfully format your USB flash drive (which can take a few minutes), you need to enter the following commands:

    Step seventh: Now you need to copy the contents of the ISO image downloaded (or DVD) to your USB flash drive. This is just a pair of folders and file. To extract files from the ISO image, you need some program, like.

    Step eighth: Now that the files are copied, you need to make your USB flash drive boot. To do this, you need to download a small file. This file can also be found in the Windows 7 installation disk boot directory. After downloading, place the bootsect.exe in the root folder of your USB flash drive.

    Step ninth: Returning to the command line, you need to change the current directory on the root directory of the USB flash drive. In our case, Flashke corresponds to the letter E, so we will use the following commands:

    BootSect / NT60 E:

    The BootSect command will add a compatible boot code to the specified volume. If everything goes well, then you will get a bootable, restoring USB flash drive. True, when used it is not necessary to forget that it must be specified in the BIOS download list.

    Many users of computers and laptops probably faced problems when loading Windows 7.. The operating system tritely refused to load and issued an error. In such cases, it is impossible to even enter Safe mode by F8..

    The first thing that comes to mind in such situations is to reinstall the Windows itself. The procedure is simple and well described in the manuals: Installing Windows. 7 and many others.

    The problem with the loading system will decide, but I don't want to lose documents, programs, I don't want to configure everything again, installing drivers and applications, as well as their setting can take a long time.

    Comment:this manual does not consider hardware problems such as problems with the inclusion of the laptop itself, the problems with the image and so on.

    Fortunately, the problem with the loading system can be solved easier. Usually, the causes of the system loading are damaged damage WindowsViolation of work MBR. To restore the system, you need to restore this most bootloader and MBR. How to do it will be described below.

    Restore normal Windows loading

    MBR and boot recovery process Windows 7. almost completely identical to Windows Vista.. This means that the recommendations described below can be safely applied to restore Windows Vista. .

    Let's start. First of all, we need a boot disk or flash drive with a distribution Windows 7.. How to prepare them in detail described in the manuals: installing Windows 7 with USB flash drives on a laptop, netbook or regular PC

    Now it is worth choosing the item System Restore down below:

    You will then start searching for installed Windows copies on hard disk:

    As a result, the master must find the installed Windows 7.. Choose it and click Further:

    The Windows Recovery menu should appear:

    Consider for what each item:

    • Launch restoration - Restoring Windows bootloader and system files
    • System Restore - Restoring the system from recovery points. Recovery points are created automatically with important, installation of system updates, and can be manually created by the user.
    • Restoring the image image - Windows restoration from disk image
    • Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool - Check RAM for errors. Pretty useful thing.
    • Command line - Command line for manual recovery

    Interest for us is the first two points, as well as the last. First consider Launch restoration. This is the easiest way to restore the normal system load. Run it. Diagnostics should be launched:

    After some time, the problem will (or not) fixed:

    Consider now the second menu item - System Restore. Let's try to restore the system from recovery points. For this, launch System Restore:

    Now choose the last point of recovery and click Further:

    Click on Ready With Agree with warnings:

    Restart a laptop or computer.

  • Turning off the PC from the mains for 5-10 seconds: Disable the power supply and pull out network cableAlso de-energize the uninterruptible power supply, if connected, and in the case of a laptop - remove the battery.
  • Disconnect external equipment: mouse, keyboard, printer, removable discs, modules wireless communication etc. If the cause of the operation failure lies in external devices, the alternate connection of each of them will help calculate the culprit.
  • P.S. Not always, the problem can be solved in the ways described above, therefore, you will have to start an error message to analyze the error message that appears during the PC start and search for alternative options.

    Windows 7 does not upload

    The message with the text "Bootmgr Is Missing" suggests that the Windows 7 operating system loader is damaged or missing. To solve this problem, you will need a Windows 7 installation disk or a disk with ERD Commander (32bit or 64bit, corresponding to your OS), which can be found in. In chapter " Boot Device. Priority »VIOS settings Assign the first CD / DVD drive device. Then boot from the Windows installation disk and select the "System Restore" menu. From the list of installed operating systems (if you have several of them), you should select the desired and click the "Next" button. In the "System Recovery Settings" window that appears, there are two items - "Restore System Start" and "Command Line", they will need you. The first option will automatically eliminate the problem with the start of the operating system, and in the case of its failure will have to contact the second. In the command prompt, type "bootrec / rebuildbcd", press "ENTER" and agree to make changes to the download configuration data, alternately by pressing the "Y" and "Enter" keys. After that, it remains only to create a new boot sector using the BootRec / FixVoot console command and restart the computer.

    Compressed sections

    As a result of the erroneous compression of the section with Windows 7 boot files, the message "BootMGR IS Compressed" may appear. The driver of the NTFS.SYS file system, which is responsible for working with compressed disk partitions, begins to act much later bootmgr.exe bootloader. In this case, you will have to refer to the help of the Windows 7 installation disk, at the command line of which you need to successively run a number of commands:

    • del Bootmgr.
    • ren Temp Bootmgr.
    • aTTRIB BOOTMGR -A + S + R + H
    • bootRec / FixBoot

    Windows XP is not loaded

    The NTLDR IS Missing Error speaks of damage or absence of the NTLDR file, which is the Windows XP bootloader. Unlike BootMGR in Windows 7, stored in a separate hidden section, the NTLDR file is on a single disk with the operating system. It happens that inexperienced users make mistaken system files with unknown names for malicious programs And without a doubt remove them. Such a fate often comprehends anything that is not the obedient NTLDR, as well as one more critically important for the successful OS file - To solve the problem, the Windows XP installation disk will be required. At the very beginning of the process of its download, you must press the "F10" key to get into the recovery console. With it, you need to go to the Windows installation disk, using the "X:" command, where the x-letter of the corresponding optical drive. Then it remains only to be copied to the Winchester section with two missing files by following commands:

    • sulat i386 \\ Ntldr with:
    • i386 \\ Ntdetectcom C:

    This method is also effective in the case of loss of any other system files, copies of which can be found on Windows 7 installations and XP, respectively. An error "NTLDR IS Compressed" rarely appears, since it is simply subject to computers with Windows XP without SP2 update package. It may arise in those cases when at the root of the disk with: too many files are stored. A similar problem with the compression of the NTLDR loader is solved in the same way as if it is damaged or deleted - by copying original file. From the installation disk Windows XP.

    No boot device found

    Error message that appeared "No BooTable Device" and its numerous vaitations ("Boot Device nOT FOUND.", INVALID BOOT DEVICE," NON SYSTEM DISK OR DISK EGGR ", etc.) indicate that the computer did not even start running the operating system, since it does not see the boot sector or even a hard disk. To understand where the problem lies - on a software or hardware level, it is enough to go to the already familiar section "BOOT DEVICE PRIORITY" of the BIOS settings. If the hard disk does not prove among the proposed options, it means that the problem is related to the equipment. Perhaps the SATA or IDE cable or cable food hard Disc, or HDD failed. If the computer normally recognizes the hard disk, the reason is programmed and lies in the main boot record (MBR) - either damaged or absent. Unlike the above-mentioned corrections, this situation is relevant simultaneously for Windows 7 and XP. After booting from the installation disk, run in the recovery console command: "BOOTHES / FIXMBR" (for Windows 7) or "FixMBr" (for Windows XP).

    Driver error

    Windows critical error messages that are called "blue death screens" (clue screen of death), are quite common problems in Windows XP, but in Windows 7 tried to make a system more reliable in this regard. Cause Bsod. There may be incorrectly working equipment, for example, RAM. Most often, the VSD messages at the early stages of the download appear after updating the device drivers and contain the text "driyer_irql_not_ less_or_equal" along with the file name with the SYS extension. To delete problem driver via "Device Manager", you can try to start Windows in safe modeSince it uses a minimum set of drivers. To do this, you need to press the "F8" key during the boot and select the "Safe Mode" item. If when loading in safe mode " blue screen Death "still appears, it is necessary to return to the last version of the driver with which there were no problems. You can do this using the recovery point if it was created earlier. In Windows 7, it is necessary to press the "F8" key during the boot of the OS and select "Troubleshooting a computer" in the menu that appears. After that, you will get into exactly the same menu of "Recovery Settings", as well as when using the Windows installation disk. Next, the "Restore System" item in which you can choose one of the available points to roll back.

    Damaged loader file

    Error type "Windows Could Not Start Because The Following File Is Missing Or Corrupt: Windows \\ System32 \\ file name.dll" is characterized only by the Windows CP operating system. It can be caused by damage or absence configuration file booting boot.ini, which does not apply in the new version of the OS. You can solve the problem with the BootCFG / Rebuild command in the Windows XP Recovery Console, which will adjust existing or create new file. Boot.ini. The absence of other files in the system, primarily drivers with the SYS extension, and in Windows 7, and in XP. Most effective method Solve the problem - return the file to the place, searching for its copy on the Windows installation disk by borrowing it on another computer with the same version of the OS or search the file by typing his name in any online search engine. If there is no second PC at hand, then the search, download and copy files will require a LiveCD with an OS that does not require installation. One of the most convenient options is. The exceptions are the System, Software, SAM, Security and Default system registry files, which are stored in the C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ Config folder. Replace them with copies from another computer will not work, so the only option remains a rollback to the recovery point. In Windows XP, for this you need to first download the operating system at least with standard registry branches, and after that, start the OS regeneration process. To do this, go to Windows XP Recovery Console, as described above, and run a number of commands (take the System registry file as an example):

    • mD TMP.
    • spau C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ Config \\ System C: \\
    • windows \\ TMP \\ System.bak
    • dELETE C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ Config \\ System
    • shed C: \\ Windows \\ Repair \\ System C: \\ Windows \\
    • system32 \\ Config \\ System

    Utilities for diagnosis and repair

    The cause of many problems with downloading Windows may be damaged hard disk sectors (Badblocks). Check the hard disk will help the MHDD program, which runs from the disk (image can be downloaded by reference). In the program menu, you must select the hard disk number from the list and start the scanning of the sectors for errors and correctly - "Remap | ON. " Badblocks (broken blocks) are usually concentrated at the beginning of a hard disk, so it is necessary to move the partition from the space area away from the problem zone. This will suit the boot disk with the editor of the sections of the Minitool Partition Wizard not. (Select "Partition 1 Move / Resize" in the program menu). BSOD may be associated with RAM. RAM module test allows free app

    There are at least three common mistakes that lead to problems with boot windows 7. Systems If errors occur on the monitor screen displays a short message in which it indicates a problem. It is these small instructions that we will be guided by solving problems that have arisen.

    Perhaps the most popular error - Disk Boot Failure, Insert System disk and. Press Enter.

    It is characterized by the following situation: you turn on the computer, but instead of the usual loading of the operating room windows systems 7, this inscription is displayed. It means that the system recognized the disk from which it starts not systemic, that is, according to Windows, there are 7 system files needed to start it on this disk. It is caused by this may be different reasons. We will analyze the most common.

    Possible variant. The DVD-ROM inserted a disk or a flash drive and a flash drive and your BIOS is configured so that by default sets the launch of one of these media. As a result, the system cannot find the files you need to run on the flash drive or DVD disk and reports an error.

    Elimination. You should try to disable absolutely all external drives: phones, memory cards, flash drives and external discs. After that, there is a computer to turn on again. Most likely that the system is started this time correctly.

    It may be that the recommendations provided above will not help. In this case, you need, firstly, in the BIOS settings, set your system disk to the default launch device. And secondly, you should make sure whether your system disk determines the BIOS in general. It may be that he failed.

    If the system correctly displays the system disk, in your power to use. This we will touch on a little later, at the end of the article.

    If the system does not display your main hard drive, you can try to disconnect it and connect back, or into the nest next door if it is present.

    Also lead to this error can also have other problems, for example, viruses, etc. In any case, it is best to begin to check those methods that we mentioned. Most likely they will work. If not, I feel boldly asking the end of the article in which we indicated step-by-step troubleshooting of Windows 7 with the utility.

    Boot Bootmgrr is Missing

    In connection with this error, you will also not be able to correctly run Windows 7 - a message on the black screen - bootmgr is missing. Calls can also cause different reasons, including all sorts of viruses. It can be caused by erroneous actions of an inexperienced user who accidentally changed the hard disk boot record. Also, the physical problems of HDD are often the cause of this error.

    Elimination. Check if the hard disk itself is working on which the system is installed. To contact your Windows 7 recovery environment, which is slightly lower.

    NTLDR IS Missing Error. Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to Restart

    This problem is manifested almost as the previous one. To solve it, it is also worth using the problem of troubleshooting.

    When you start Windows 7, the user observes only the black screen and mouse pointer

    If you do not load the familiar desktop with the Start menu during the system, and all that we can see the mouse pointer, it's not so difficult to mean and in most cases it is easy to eliminate. This error occurs very often. If you, with the help of the antivirus program, got rid of some serious virus, which has already managed to do the troubles and these stars were fixed by antivirus not to fully.

    Elimination. Restart the computer and as soon as the mouse pointer appears, press Ctrl + Alt + Del. Immediately appear the task manager.

    In it, you need to select the "File" menu in which to create a new task (execute). A dialog box appears, you should enter the regedit command and press ENTER. This will launch the Windows 7 registry editor.

    We will need to look at the sections in the Editor:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows NT / Current Version / WinLogon /
    - HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows NT / CURRENT VERSION / WINLOGON /

    Now you need to edit the value Shell..

    With the first section we are convinced that the Shell parameter is installed in Explorer.exe.If it is not so, we install yourself. In the second case, in the section you need to go and see: if it has a shell entry, it must be removed from there. Now it remains to close the registry window and simply restart the computer. Everything should be in place.

    And so, all that we could not eliminate independently, eliminate with the help of standard system utilities

    In most cases, when you have encountered problems, when you start the operating system, we can see the Windows 7 Recovery Screen. It is for us to help us in restoring the system startup. If the recovery screen itself is not highlighted, then with the next reboot of the system, we can call it yourself. Pressing the key F8.. Select on the "Troubleshooting" menu

    You will highlight a message that will contain information that the system files is loaded, you will also be asked to choose a language.